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NOTE: Here’s the next chapter in the ongoing saga (ha!) of Susan’s blossoming exhibitionism. I enjoy the feedback (good and bad)and really appreciate the suggestions and ideas. I’ve received some good ones that I’m planning to incorporate into the story down the road.
I didn’t really sleep that night. I was so excited thinking about the night; I was even more excited thinking about the morning and just how far I’d be able to take things.
I set my watch to beep at 5am, which was only a few hours away. I was already awake when it went off. The house was silent, but for the light sound of snoring coming from Kristi’s room when I walked past. OK, I did actually stop and listen. And maybe look through the open crack in the door at Kristi and Rob as they lay there.
Rob was on his back, the covers thrown aside. Kristi’s right leg and arm were thrown across him, blocking, alas, my view of his cock. Last night was, really, the first I’d ever seen live, though he didn’t know I’d watched him after he passed out. With Kristi holding my hand, practically. Kristi, though, was much more exposed, no longer wearing her pajama pants. She, like me, it looked like, was shaved, and her ass and puss were glorious, though pale, to observe. I watched, for over five minutes, before I remembered the need for me to prepare.
I walked down the hall, pausing to pee in the bathroom, before going downstairs to the kitchen. I was still wearing my tight camisole and the loose matching booty shorts I’d inherited from my sister (who’s bottom was larger than mine, but chest wasn’t, much to her chagrin). Out the window, I could see that it was still raining in the darkness, and paused to try to calm down. I was breathing a bit hot and a bit bothered, so to speak.
Kristi and I had worked out a agreement on a rough script to play out for Rob; he’d gone to bed before we had and things revolved around Kristi telling him I’d kept drinking much later into the night. That was my excuse for what I was going to do.
The first thing I did, realizing the house was chilly, was turn on the gas fireplace in the middle of the living room. I stood there, warming myself for a moment as the heat started to radiate. I knew that Rob would be asleep for several more hours, and Kristi for at least a couple. I’d set my alarm early because I wanted to both work up my nerve, and also enjoy the experience as it drew itself out. Anticipation is big for me.
I quietly pulled the cushions from the crouch and lay them on the floor in a rough mattress-like arrangement. I walked into the attached dining room, and pulled the white table cloth off of the table. It would be my blanket.
I then went into the kitchen and looked under the kitchen sink. As Kristi has told me, there were several empty wine bottles. I pulled on out and put it on the ground beside my “bed”.
This is where I hesitated, because there was, well, no going back. I mean, I could, but I knew I’d regret it. Here was a safe way for me to totally, well, I’ll start describing what happened a few hours later.
I’d lain there for hours, but it passed in minutes. I had never felt nor been so exposed in my life. I finally heard movement upstairs. The creaking of the floor. Then feet on the steps. Then nothing.
I knew that someone was in the room with me. I didn’t know who it was, though I suspected Kristi. She’d not had near as much to drink as Rob, and had told me she would be up much earlier.
I tried to breath normally, knowing that from his or her position, I was exposed.
I lay across my improvised mattress, with one knee pulled up, and the lower leg resting on the ground. My “blanket” covered me. Well, part of me. I’d positioned it to cover my head, my upper right shoulder, most of my ass, and part of my right thigh. The rest of my was exposed. Right then, I though my pussy was covered, though I wasn’t sure. I knew that depending on how I shifted and what I pulled I could reveal more of my ass, my leg, my back, and my very wet pussy. I couldn’t believe that I’d held, more or less, this same position for a few hours. It didn’t feel that way though. All it felt like was awesomesauce.
I felt someone near my, and heard rapid breathing through the table cloth over my head.
“Perfect,” whispered my co-conspirator, Kristi. “You look unbelievably sexy. I love your curves. FUCK. I am tempted to ravage you right now, and I never thought I’d say that. Are you still wanting to go through with it?”
I whispered back, “Please.”
I heard a light laugh, and relaxed, knowing that things were going ahead. Now don’t think my relaxing about that lessened my anticipatory lust one iota. It just started ramping it up. Especially knowing that Kristi was enjoying seeing me.
“Let me position this a bit better.” Kristi’s hands touched my skin as they slid the table cloth around a bit. She covered a bit more of my waist, and a gaziantep escort bit less of my leg. “Remember, when he’s in here, to pretend to be asleep at first.”
I heard her move away, then heard a sound I’d not expected, that of her cell phone taking a photo.
I had my first orgasm, a small one, then.
Fortunately Kristi didn’t say anything, even if she did notice.
And then I waited some more.
Another unknown amount of time passed, and I could see that the sun was up and it was to be a bright winter’s day. The light filtering through my “blanket” told me that much. It didn’t tell me who came downstairs a few minutes later. I’d heard a toilet flush, feet on the stairs, and then silence again.
“Holy shit.”
It was Rob…and it took all my willpower to not cover up or strip it off right then and there. I tried to breath normally.
Minutes passed, I think, without me hearing another sound. Then I heard more footsteps on the stairs, and I knew that Kristi had joined him.
“I didn’t know, I mean.” Rob mumbled with a slightly worried tone, “It’s not my fault.”
“I know. It’s hers silly. Last night I came down for some water and ran into Susan who’d also woken up. We ended up talking for another hour about guys and how shy she is. She asked for something more to drink and I let her open a bottle of wine, expecting her to only have a glass.”
Rob didn’t reply.
“Rob…over here.” Kristi said it, though, with a laugh in her voice. “It serves her right. She kept drinking and before I knew it was asking me what to do about it.”
“I don’t get it. About what?”
“She’s shy silly. She’s never even kissed a guy, let alone done anything else. And last night was her first time drunk. I told her to lighten up, dress sexier, show more skin. Guys would come to her.”
“Well, yeah. But she’s hot even well, she’s attractive you know.”
“It’s ok. And yes, you can look. She kept giving me reasons she couldn’t do this or that or open up to guys at school. I finally called her a prude.” Kristi was following our script so far, more or less. “There’s the bottle. I can’t believe she finished it after I left.”
“But why is she naked? And down here?”
“When I first came down, she was wearing a camisole and shorts.”
“And?” I could hear anticipation in Rob’s voice.
“She asked what she could do to prove to me that she wasn’t really a prude.”
“I told her that I didn’t think she had a hope. I was teasing, but she got a bit upset about it,” Kristi continued, “but I told her that she had trouble even getting naked in front of me.”
Kristi continued, telling Rob how I’d gotten obnoxious then, and swore, “I can and I will get naked in front of you.”
“And did she?”
“Not then..she was having trouble sitting up at that stage, so I setup a bed down here and put the table cloth over her as a blanket.”
“So she got naked after you left?”
“I guess….god she’s beautiful. Do you like looking at her?”
Rob’s response sent a shiver through my body, “Well, yeah, I do. I don’t want to be with her or anything, you know that, but I do like to look.”
“I’ll tell you what, lover, until she wakes up, you can look all you want. Here, you can even take some photos on my cell. I want to tease her with them later. But no touching.”
“Um.” Rob hesitated. And then I though. photos? This was beyond what we’d talked about. But I trusted Kristi. I thought I could anyway.
“It’s OK. After you watched her through my telescope – and don’t ever tell her you did – and saw her ass outside the pool – you fucked me longer and harder than you ever have before. Three times that first night.”
I heard the sounds of kissing. “Shh…take advantage of her being passed out. God you’re hard already. I might have to come get you in a minute. I’m just going to sit here and watch.”
Oh God. This wasn’t what I expected. I thought, I quick flash, maybe a bit more than I was currently showing, but not that they’d both be there for a prolonged period of time and with a camera.
I heard light footsteps near me and heard the camera going off from several angles. Thank goodness my face was covered. I was dripping between my legs, and desperate to finger myself. I couldn’t though. I just concentrated on trying to breath slowly.
“Here, let me help you.” Kristi’s voice was surprisingly near, and I was shocked as I felt her finger tips. The camera went off again. She drew her fingers up my leg, took hold of the blanked, and pulled it an inch or so to the side, revealing my ass crack, most of my thigh, and to my shameful pleasure, my wet, shaved puss.
“Oh my God.” Rob was sounding out of breath himself, and suddenly whispered quietly, “Sorry…I’m trying to be quiet. What if she wakes up?”
“The amount she had to drink.” Kristi poked my left ass cheek roughly and I managed not to move; I really managed, though, I think, to not move my ass back over her finger to impale my cunt on her digit. “She’s not waking up for a bit.” escort gaziantep
Another click from a different angle. “Thank you so much Kristi – God I love you.”
“God – I love that bulge in your boxers. I’m glad you’re enjoying this. You know I like watching you like this.”
I felt fingers again, this time at my ribs. Kristi was lightly tickling me on my left side and I couldn’t help but squirm a bit. “I bet if I tickle her a bit here, I can get her to shift a bit. Maybe you can see those nipples you were staring at through her wet shirt.”
Click. Tickle. Click. Tickle.
I gave in then, trying to act restless and rolled away from her fingers onto my side. I thought that showing more of my breast would be enough for her, but she kept tickling, and I again caved into my own desires by rolling onto my back. I hugged the table cloth between my arms and acted like the light was bothering me, letting out a moan of pleasure I hoped sounded like the groan of a hangover.
Click. Click. Click.
I was now on my back, my legs bared to the world and my right breast completely uncovered. I held my improvised blanket over my face, and continued to feign sleep as best I could. My pussy was completely bared – it visible completely to Rob.
Click. Click. Click.
“OK, I think that’s enough, now give me my camera. I won’t risk – no matter how much I trust you – these photos getting out to your buddies!”
I breathed a sign of relief at that – for my face wasn’t exposed in any of the shots.
“Let’s go back upstairs now Rob – I don’t think I can wait, and by the looks of that wet spot on the front of your tent, neither can you.”
I heard them creep quietly away, hearing Kristi’s last words, “I bet she’s still like that when we finish. I’ve got an idea if she is.”
I listened to them fucking for the next hour. And I did something similar to myself.
I wasn’t sure how I should be positioned at first. I mean, should I be laying on my back, my side or my stomach. Should I be covered more, less, or at all with my improvised blanket (a table cloth)?
I finally settled on a bit of a fetal position, covering my “hung-over” head to block out light, and hugging the rest of it between my arms and legs. I was on my side, my legs pulled up to my chest. My left breast was mostly visible between my folder arm, and my ass and likely my pussy were sticking out behind me as I lay on the couch-cushions I’d moved to the floor.
I finally heard footsteps coming back downstairs. Was it Kristi or Rob? Or both of them?
I didn’t have to wait long, “See Rob, she’s still out like a light. I bet she’s going to have a horrible headache.”
“Um…shouldn’t we cover her up now?”
“Give it up – you know you’re loving looking, and it serves her right.”
Kristi and I had planned things out, though she’d already gone “off-script” as it were. I didn’t really mind though as I was living out one of my fantasies; the fact that it was out of my control was even more exciting.
“Um.” Rob was a bit distracted still, it would seem.
“Well. Um.”
Kristi laughed a wonderfully gorgeous laugh, crystal clear in the living room. My senses were all highly enhanced for some reason. I was sure I could hear them breathing.
I heard movement around me, “Shhhh,” whispered Kristi, and I sensed someone moving closer to me.
Suddenly, loud in my ear, “Good morning, good morning! Time to get out of bed! Good morning, Good morning! Get up you sleepy head!” This was our signal for me to slowly awaken in a hung-over stupor. “GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!” She was singing now loudly and I started to moan.
“Ohh….stop it….ouch…..stop please.”
“Awe, does your head hurt a little?”
“Where’s the cat?” I asked.
“What cat,” asked Kristi, genuinely curious.
“The one that shit in my mouth!” I let out a moan, but was delighted to finally use that line I’d heard in a movie once.
Rob and Kristi both laughed.
“Was that Rob?”
“Why is Rob in my room?”
“Susan, you’re not in you’re room. You passed out down in the living room.”
“Oh God.”
“So, are you going to survive?” Kristi was whispering now.
“I think so. Is this what it’s always like when you drink?”
“When you drink another bottle of wine like you did. Yes.”
“I did?”
“You don’t remember?”
I started to uncover my face with the blanked, “Owwwwch….my head. It’s so bright.”
“What else do you remember from last night?”
I buried my face back under my sheet.
“I remember us in the hot tub, and I though going to bed…but …wait. I’m in the living room?”
Kristi and Rob both chuckled as she replied, “You’re in the living room. I don’t know why.”
“Um. What am I…” I reached out to feel my body, “…naked?” I shifted rapidly to cover myself with the table cloth and peeked my eyes out.
“Oh my God. What happened? How embarrassing. And Rob is ….I’m so sorry.”
Kristi laughed gaziantep escort bayan lightly, “It’s OK. It was a nice view while it lasted, right Rob?”
“Um. Yeah. While it lasted?”
I could hear the question in Rob’s tone. He seemed to realize that Kristi wasn’t going to tell me about what had already happened this morning.
“So where are my clothes?”
“I guess up in your room. You really don’t remember last night?” Kristi confirmed my lack of memory once again.
“No…oh no. What did I do? God. I’m never drinking again!”
“Don’t worry, but shall I bring you up to speed on what I know?”
“Please…and I’m so sorry that Rob saw me like that. Can you forgive me?”
Rob was quick to speak up, “I didn’t really see anything Susan – it’s OK.”
“Yeah, we were only down here a minute and the table cloth covered most of you. Well, except your ass.” I could hear the smile in her voice.
“So what did I do?”
Kristi began a fabricated explanation of what had transpired. I saw the look of confusion on Rob’s face, and witnessed her wink at him telling him to go with it. By now I knew that Rob would do anything Kristi told him to. She took care of him well.
“Well, after we went to bed, I came back downstairs to find you in the kitchen getting some water. You were pretty tipsy then, and suggested we have some wine and talk more. Well, you had some wine and we talked – I didn’t drink a thing. Half an hour later, we had a bit of a fight; the booze was getting to you, and, well, you were a bit of a bitch.”
“I’m so sorry – I hope I wasn’t horrible!”
“Well, not that bad, I was mostly laughing, but you were really obnoxious.”
“What did I do? Please tell me!”
“Well, the fight was about guys and clothes, and you said I was easy and I called you a prude. And you really got upset at that. I mean, you have to admit, you’re pretty reserved around men and don’t do much to attract them.”
“Yes.” I hung my head, realizing that this was close to the truth with regard to how I lived my life up until a few months ago.
“You said you’d prove to me you were no prude and started taking off your camisole. I said that I didn’t think you could spend an hour naked alone, let alone with someone around.”
“I did? Oh god. I’m so embarrassed.”
“You did. And, by the way, you have great breasts. You also said that you would prove you weren’t a prude and stay naked as long as I wanted you to. I laughed, but you took off your panties and tossed them aside. In fact, there they are on the other side of the couch.”
“Oh. Can you pass them to me…please?”
“In a minute. Maybe. Now at that point I laughed, and you said, “I’m serious! I bet you I can do it, and if I do, you can never call me a prude again!’ I tried to convince you to get dressed, but you wouldn’t until I agreed to the bet.”
“So. Um. Did I win?”
“Well, you’ve not actually completed the bet. I told you to stay naked until noon, and you’d win. You agreed last night, but obviously won’t go through with it. So I can still call you a prude!” She laughed as I buried my head in my hands.
“It’s only 15 minutes to noon if you want to take the bet up again, prude!”
“It’s up to you, and I’m sure Rob won’t object.”
“But I am naked, I’ll just stay like this then.”
“Naked means uncovered. Admit it, you don’t have the guts.”
I looked at Rob, who’s eyes were wide as he looked back and forth between me and Kristi.
“If you can do it, I’ll buy you a new bikini from that shop in the mall.”
“But I don’t wear bikini’s they…”
“Fine. But can Rob maybe read in your room or something?”
“No. That was part of the bet.”
“But…I can’t just stand here naked.”
She looked at me and I looked back. She gave me a wink, knowing I’d go along with whatever she told me. “You won’t.”
“But Rob will just stare at me.”
“Oh, a non-prude wouldn’t worry about that!”
“Are you going to do it? 15 minutes naked in front of Rob and I. Your bathing suit last night was pretty tight anyway.”
“Can I have some water Kristi? Please? My head hurts so much.”
“After you decide.”
I wasn’t sure I was ready to strip down with Rob knowing I was making that conscious choice. I’d told Kristi I might not be able to go through with it.
I realized that this was going a bit fast for me, and feeling like I was letting Kristi down, told her, “I’m sorry, I guess I am a prude. I just can’t do it in front of Rob. No offence Rob”
She took it well, “That’s OK, why don’t you go upstairs and get dressed then.”
Rob looked disappointed, but didn’t say anything.
I started moving from the room, awkward in the table cloth, but knowing I’d made the right choice for me right now.
And then I tripped, stepping on the bottom of the fabric, and fell down. The table cloth pulled away as I went forward, trapped under my clumsy foot, and I found myself lying on my stomach on the floor, buck naked.
I could feel every part of me turning bright red as I got onto all fours and started to get up. “Nice view, Susan,” said Kristi from behind as she let out a whistle. I realized that, on all fours, I was aiming my ass and nether regions right at them. If possible, I think I turned even more red.
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