A Formerly Shy Person Ch. 04

A Formerly Shy Person Ch. 04

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NOTE: Here’s the next chapter in the ongoing saga (ha!) of Susan’s blossoming exhibitionism. I enjoy the feedback (good and bad)and really appreciate the suggestions and ideas. I’ve received some good ones that I’m planning to incorporate into the story down the road.


I didn’t really sleep that night. I was so excited thinking about the night; I was even more excited thinking about the morning and just how far I’d be able to take things.

I set my watch to beep at 5am, which was only a few hours away. I was already awake when it went off. The house was silent, but for the light sound of snoring coming from Kristi’s room when I walked past. OK, I did actually stop and listen. And maybe look through the open crack in the door at Kristi and Rob as they lay there.

Rob was on his back, the covers thrown aside. Kristi’s right leg and arm were thrown across him, blocking, alas, my view of his cock. Last night was, really, the first I’d ever seen live, though he didn’t know I’d watched him after he passed out. With Kristi holding my hand, practically. Kristi, though, was much more exposed, no longer wearing her pajama pants. She, like me, it looked like, was shaved, and her ass and puss were glorious, though pale, to observe. I watched, for over five minutes, before I remembered the need for me to prepare.

I walked down the hall, pausing to pee in the bathroom, before going downstairs to the kitchen. I was still wearing my tight camisole and the loose matching booty shorts I’d inherited from my sister (who’s bottom was larger than mine, but chest wasn’t, much to her chagrin). Out the window, I could see that it was still raining in the darkness, and paused to try to calm down. I was breathing a bit hot and a bit bothered, so to speak.

Kristi and I had worked out a agreement on a rough script to play out for Rob; he’d gone to bed before we had and things revolved around Kristi telling him I’d kept drinking much later into the night. That was my excuse for what I was going to do.

The first thing I did, realizing the house was chilly, was turn on the gas fireplace in the middle of the living room. I stood there, warming myself for a moment as the heat started to radiate. I knew that Rob would be asleep for several more hours, and Kristi for at least a couple. I’d set my alarm early because I wanted to both work up my nerve, and also enjoy the experience as it drew itself out. Anticipation is big for me.

I quietly pulled the cushions from the crouch and lay them on the floor in a rough mattress-like arrangement. I walked into the attached dining room, and pulled the white table cloth off of the table. It would be my blanket.

I then went into the kitchen and looked under the kitchen sink. As Kristi has told me, there were several empty wine bottles. I pulled on out and put it on the ground beside my “bed”.

This is where I hesitated, because there was, well, no going back. I mean, I could, but I knew I’d regret it. Here was a safe way for me to totally, well, I’ll start describing what happened a few hours later.


I’d lain there for hours, but it passed in minutes. I had never felt nor been so exposed in my life. I finally heard movement upstairs. The creaking of the floor. Then feet on the steps. Then nothing.

I knew that someone was in the room with me. I didn’t know who it was, though I suspected Kristi. She’d not had near as much to drink as Rob, and had told me she would be up much earlier.

I tried to breath normally, knowing that from his or her position, I was exposed.

I lay across my improvised mattress, with one knee pulled up, and the lower leg resting on the ground. My “blanket” covered me. Well, part of me. I’d positioned it to cover my head, my upper right shoulder, most of my ass, and part of my right thigh. The rest of my was exposed. Right then, I though my pussy was covered, though I wasn’t sure. I knew that depending on how I shifted and what I pulled I could reveal more of my ass, my leg, my back, and my very wet pussy. I couldn’t believe that I’d held, more or less, this same position for a few hours. It didn’t feel that way though. All it felt like was awesomesauce.

I felt someone near my, and heard rapid breathing through the table cloth over my head.

“Perfect,” whispered my co-conspirator, Kristi. “You look unbelievably sexy. I love your curves. FUCK. I am tempted to ravage you right now, and I never thought I’d say that. Are you still wanting to go through with it?”

I whispered back, “Please.”

I heard a light laugh, and relaxed, knowing that things were going ahead. Now don’t think my relaxing about that lessened my anticipatory lust one iota. It just started ramping it up. Especially knowing that Kristi was enjoying seeing me.

“Let me position this a bit better.” Kristi’s hands touched my skin as they slid the table cloth around a bit. She covered a bit more of my waist, and a gaziantep escort bit less of my leg. “Remember, when he’s in here, to pretend to be asleep at first.”

I heard her move away, then heard a sound I’d not expected, that of her cell phone taking a photo.

I had my first orgasm, a small one, then.

Fortunately Kristi didn’t say anything, even if she did notice.

And then I waited some more.


Another unknown amount of time passed, and I could see that the sun was up and it was to be a bright winter’s day. The light filtering through my “blanket” told me that much. It didn’t tell me who came downstairs a few minutes later. I’d heard a toilet flush, feet on the stairs, and then silence again.

“Holy shit.”

It was Rob…and it took all my willpower to not cover up or strip it off right then and there. I tried to breath normally.

Minutes passed, I think, without me hearing another sound. Then I heard more footsteps on the stairs, and I knew that Kristi had joined him.

“I didn’t know, I mean.” Rob mumbled with a slightly worried tone, “It’s not my fault.”

“I know. It’s hers silly. Last night I came down for some water and ran into Susan who’d also woken up. We ended up talking for another hour about guys and how shy she is. She asked for something more to drink and I let her open a bottle of wine, expecting her to only have a glass.”

Rob didn’t reply.

“Rob…over here.” Kristi said it, though, with a laugh in her voice. “It serves her right. She kept drinking and before I knew it was asking me what to do about it.”

“I don’t get it. About what?”

“She’s shy silly. She’s never even kissed a guy, let alone done anything else. And last night was her first time drunk. I told her to lighten up, dress sexier, show more skin. Guys would come to her.”

“Well, yeah. But she’s hot even ..um well, she’s attractive you know.”

“It’s ok. And yes, you can look. She kept giving me reasons she couldn’t do this or that or open up to guys at school. I finally called her a prude.” Kristi was following our script so far, more or less. “There’s the bottle. I can’t believe she finished it after I left.”

“But why is she naked? And down here?”

“When I first came down, she was wearing a camisole and shorts.”

“And?” I could hear anticipation in Rob’s voice.

“She asked what she could do to prove to me that she wasn’t really a prude.”

“I told her that I didn’t think she had a hope. I was teasing, but she got a bit upset about it,” Kristi continued, “but I told her that she had trouble even getting naked in front of me.”

Kristi continued, telling Rob how I’d gotten obnoxious then, and swore, “I can and I will get naked in front of you.”

“And did she?”

“Not then..she was having trouble sitting up at that stage, so I setup a bed down here and put the table cloth over her as a blanket.”

“So she got naked after you left?”

“I guess….god she’s beautiful. Do you like looking at her?”

Rob’s response sent a shiver through my body, “Well, yeah, I do. I don’t want to be with her or anything, you know that, but I do like to look.”

“I’ll tell you what, lover, until she wakes up, you can look all you want. Here, you can even take some photos on my cell. I want to tease her with them later. But no touching.”

“Um.” Rob hesitated. And then I though. photos? This was beyond what we’d talked about. But I trusted Kristi. I thought I could anyway.

“It’s OK. After you watched her through my telescope – and don’t ever tell her you did – and saw her ass outside the pool – you fucked me longer and harder than you ever have before. Three times that first night.”

I heard the sounds of kissing. “Shh…take advantage of her being passed out. God you’re hard already. I might have to come get you in a minute. I’m just going to sit here and watch.”

Oh God. This wasn’t what I expected. I thought, I quick flash, maybe a bit more than I was currently showing, but not that they’d both be there for a prolonged period of time and with a camera.

I heard light footsteps near me and heard the camera going off from several angles. Thank goodness my face was covered. I was dripping between my legs, and desperate to finger myself. I couldn’t though. I just concentrated on trying to breath slowly.

“Here, let me help you.” Kristi’s voice was surprisingly near, and I was shocked as I felt her finger tips. The camera went off again. She drew her fingers up my leg, took hold of the blanked, and pulled it an inch or so to the side, revealing my ass crack, most of my thigh, and to my shameful pleasure, my wet, shaved puss.


“Oh my God.” Rob was sounding out of breath himself, and suddenly whispered quietly, “Sorry…I’m trying to be quiet. What if she wakes up?”

“The amount she had to drink.” Kristi poked my left ass cheek roughly and I managed not to move; I really managed, though, I think, to not move my ass back over her finger to impale my cunt on her digit. “She’s not waking up for a bit.” escort gaziantep

Another click from a different angle. “Thank you so much Kristi – God I love you.”

“God – I love that bulge in your boxers. I’m glad you’re enjoying this. You know I like watching you like this.”


I felt fingers again, this time at my ribs. Kristi was lightly tickling me on my left side and I couldn’t help but squirm a bit. “I bet if I tickle her a bit here, I can get her to shift a bit. Maybe you can see those nipples you were staring at through her wet shirt.”

Click. Tickle. Click. Tickle.

I gave in then, trying to act restless and rolled away from her fingers onto my side. I thought that showing more of my breast would be enough for her, but she kept tickling, and I again caved into my own desires by rolling onto my back. I hugged the table cloth between my arms and acted like the light was bothering me, letting out a moan of pleasure I hoped sounded like the groan of a hangover.

Click. Click. Click.

I was now on my back, my legs bared to the world and my right breast completely uncovered. I held my improvised blanket over my face, and continued to feign sleep as best I could. My pussy was completely bared – it visible completely to Rob.

Click. Click. Click.

“OK, I think that’s enough, now give me my camera. I won’t risk – no matter how much I trust you – these photos getting out to your buddies!”

I breathed a sign of relief at that – for my face wasn’t exposed in any of the shots.

“Let’s go back upstairs now Rob – I don’t think I can wait, and by the looks of that wet spot on the front of your tent, neither can you.”

I heard them creep quietly away, hearing Kristi’s last words, “I bet she’s still like that when we finish. I’ve got an idea if she is.”

I listened to them fucking for the next hour. And I did something similar to myself.


I wasn’t sure how I should be positioned at first. I mean, should I be laying on my back, my side or my stomach. Should I be covered more, less, or at all with my improvised blanket (a table cloth)?

I finally settled on a bit of a fetal position, covering my “hung-over” head to block out light, and hugging the rest of it between my arms and legs. I was on my side, my legs pulled up to my chest. My left breast was mostly visible between my folder arm, and my ass and likely my pussy were sticking out behind me as I lay on the couch-cushions I’d moved to the floor.

I finally heard footsteps coming back downstairs. Was it Kristi or Rob? Or both of them?

I didn’t have to wait long, “See Rob, she’s still out like a light. I bet she’s going to have a horrible headache.”

“Um…shouldn’t we cover her up now?”

“Give it up – you know you’re loving looking, and it serves her right.”

Kristi and I had planned things out, though she’d already gone “off-script” as it were. I didn’t really mind though as I was living out one of my fantasies; the fact that it was out of my control was even more exciting.

“Um.” Rob was a bit distracted still, it would seem.


“Well. Um.”

Kristi laughed a wonderfully gorgeous laugh, crystal clear in the living room. My senses were all highly enhanced for some reason. I was sure I could hear them breathing.

I heard movement around me, “Shhhh,” whispered Kristi, and I sensed someone moving closer to me.

Suddenly, loud in my ear, “Good morning, good morning! Time to get out of bed! Good morning, Good morning! Get up you sleepy head!” This was our signal for me to slowly awaken in a hung-over stupor. “GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!” She was singing now loudly and I started to moan.

“Ohh….stop it….ouch…..stop please.”

“Awe, does your head hurt a little?”

“Where’s the cat?” I asked.

“What cat,” asked Kristi, genuinely curious.

“The one that shit in my mouth!” I let out a moan, but was delighted to finally use that line I’d heard in a movie once.

Rob and Kristi both laughed.

“Was that Rob?”


“Why is Rob in my room?”

“Susan, you’re not in you’re room. You passed out down in the living room.”

“Oh God.”

“So, are you going to survive?” Kristi was whispering now.

“I think so. Is this what it’s always like when you drink?”

“When you drink another bottle of wine like you did. Yes.”

“I did?”

“You don’t remember?”

I started to uncover my face with the blanked, “Owwwwch….my head. It’s so bright.”

“What else do you remember from last night?”

I buried my face back under my sheet.

“I remember us in the hot tub, and I though going to bed…but …wait. I’m in the living room?”

Kristi and Rob both chuckled as she replied, “You’re in the living room. I don’t know why.”

“Um. What am I…” I reached out to feel my body, “…naked?” I shifted rapidly to cover myself with the table cloth and peeked my eyes out.

“Oh my God. What happened? How embarrassing. And Rob is ….I’m so sorry.”

Kristi laughed gaziantep escort bayan lightly, “It’s OK. It was a nice view while it lasted, right Rob?”

“Um. Yeah. While it lasted?”

I could hear the question in Rob’s tone. He seemed to realize that Kristi wasn’t going to tell me about what had already happened this morning.

“So where are my clothes?”

“I guess up in your room. You really don’t remember last night?” Kristi confirmed my lack of memory once again.

“No…oh no. What did I do? God. I’m never drinking again!”

“Don’t worry, but shall I bring you up to speed on what I know?”

“Please…and I’m so sorry that Rob saw me like that. Can you forgive me?”

Rob was quick to speak up, “I didn’t really see anything Susan – it’s OK.”

“Yeah, we were only down here a minute and the table cloth covered most of you. Well, except your ass.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

“So what did I do?”

Kristi began a fabricated explanation of what had transpired. I saw the look of confusion on Rob’s face, and witnessed her wink at him telling him to go with it. By now I knew that Rob would do anything Kristi told him to. She took care of him well.

“Well, after we went to bed, I came back downstairs to find you in the kitchen getting some water. You were pretty tipsy then, and suggested we have some wine and talk more. Well, you had some wine and we talked – I didn’t drink a thing. Half an hour later, we had a bit of a fight; the booze was getting to you, and, well, you were a bit of a bitch.”

“I’m so sorry – I hope I wasn’t horrible!”

“Well, not that bad, I was mostly laughing, but you were really obnoxious.”

“What did I do? Please tell me!”

“Well, the fight was about guys and clothes, and you said I was easy and I called you a prude. And you really got upset at that. I mean, you have to admit, you’re pretty reserved around men and don’t do much to attract them.”

“Yes.” I hung my head, realizing that this was close to the truth with regard to how I lived my life up until a few months ago.

“You said you’d prove to me you were no prude and started taking off your camisole. I said that I didn’t think you could spend an hour naked alone, let alone with someone around.”

“I did? Oh god. I’m so embarrassed.”

“You did. And, by the way, you have great breasts. You also said that you would prove you weren’t a prude and stay naked as long as I wanted you to. I laughed, but you took off your panties and tossed them aside. In fact, there they are on the other side of the couch.”

“Oh. Can you pass them to me…please?”

“In a minute. Maybe. Now at that point I laughed, and you said, “I’m serious! I bet you I can do it, and if I do, you can never call me a prude again!’ I tried to convince you to get dressed, but you wouldn’t until I agreed to the bet.”

“So. Um. Did I win?”

“Well, you’ve not actually completed the bet. I told you to stay naked until noon, and you’d win. You agreed last night, but obviously won’t go through with it. So I can still call you a prude!” She laughed as I buried my head in my hands.

“It’s only 15 minutes to noon if you want to take the bet up again, prude!”


“It’s up to you, and I’m sure Rob won’t object.”

“But I am naked, I’ll just stay like this then.”

“Naked means uncovered. Admit it, you don’t have the guts.”

I looked at Rob, who’s eyes were wide as he looked back and forth between me and Kristi.

“If you can do it, I’ll buy you a new bikini from that shop in the mall.”

“But I don’t wear bikini’s they…”


“Fine. But can Rob maybe read in your room or something?”

“No. That was part of the bet.”

“But…I can’t just stand here naked.”

She looked at me and I looked back. She gave me a wink, knowing I’d go along with whatever she told me. “You won’t.”

“But Rob will just stare at me.”

“Oh, a non-prude wouldn’t worry about that!”


“Are you going to do it? 15 minutes naked in front of Rob and I. Your bathing suit last night was pretty tight anyway.”

“Can I have some water Kristi? Please? My head hurts so much.”

“After you decide.”

I wasn’t sure I was ready to strip down with Rob knowing I was making that conscious choice. I’d told Kristi I might not be able to go through with it.

I realized that this was going a bit fast for me, and feeling like I was letting Kristi down, told her, “I’m sorry, I guess I am a prude. I just can’t do it in front of Rob. No offence Rob”

She took it well, “That’s OK, why don’t you go upstairs and get dressed then.”

Rob looked disappointed, but didn’t say anything.

I started moving from the room, awkward in the table cloth, but knowing I’d made the right choice for me right now.

And then I tripped, stepping on the bottom of the fabric, and fell down. The table cloth pulled away as I went forward, trapped under my clumsy foot, and I found myself lying on my stomach on the floor, buck naked.

I could feel every part of me turning bright red as I got onto all fours and started to get up. “Nice view, Susan,” said Kristi from behind as she let out a whistle. I realized that, on all fours, I was aiming my ass and nether regions right at them. If possible, I think I turned even more red.

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A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 03 Ch. 21

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Standard disclaimers.

This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time reading this. . Also, this story takes place in a world where STDs don’t exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


The restaurant was nice enough, neither too boisterous or too elegant. The bottle of wine Gwen had chosen helped prolong the glow of contentment the Nelsons had started in their hotel room and they sat quietly, just enjoying each other’s company.

Tim finally broke the silence. “I guess this is as good a time as any for a Nelson Plumbing partners meeting,” he announced, gently smiling across the table at Gwen.

She smiled back at him, confused. “Partners meeting? What are you talking about?”

“Well, uhh…I’ve been thinking…”

Her smile faded at the thoughtful tone of his voice. “Thinking about what?”

“About retirement…”

“Retirement? I thought we still had a ways to go before that?”

“Yeah, yeah I guess we do,” he hurriedly agreed, “but what happens when we’re at that point? To the business, I mean? It’s pretty clear the girls won’t be taking over.”

The uncertainty made Gwen stop and consider the fact for the first time. “I just thought we’d sell it, I guess?”

“We both worked our asses off to make it what it is now, Gwen, and we still do,” Tim said with a shake of his head. “I’d hate like hell for someone else to screw up all that hard work.”

“So we make sure we’re very careful about who we sell to,” Gwen said slowly. “Is there something I don’t know about that makes this important right now?”

“Just been thinking, that’s all.”

“So, if you’ve been thinking, I’m going to guess you’ve been thinking of a solution?”

Tim smiled. “Uhh, maybe, yeah.” He paused, then looked up and smiled. “I think we should expand.”

“Expand? How does that—”

Tim already had his hand up to interrupt the expected rapid-fire questioning. “I was talking to Bob about it that night at their house, when we were on the deck at the grill? He suggested we sell a third of the business to a partner now and we keep the other two-thirds and the controlling interest. We use the partner’s buy-in money to expand so we can keep it profitable for all of us, and then when we get ready to retire, sell our shares to him. If the new guy doesn’t cut it, we’ll probably know pretty quick so we buy him out and we’re no worse off than before.”

Gwen desperately tried to sort the flood of questions running through her brain. “But we’d have to do a lot more business than what we do now—”

“Uh-huh, and I think the business is there–you know how busy we are already. We just don’t have the manpower to handle it all. So we add more crews and equipment, and we’d probably need to expand the shop to handle that, but we’ve got plenty of room for a bigger building…”

“How many more crews?”

“Another three-four, maybe, get more serious about our HVAC work…”

“And how do we go about finding a partner?” Tim smiled again. “I think we already did. Eric.”

“Eric? Our Eric?”

“Him. I know he’s happy workin’ for us, but he still wants his own shop, and he’s still putting all his money away for that. He’s good, real good, and I don’t want to lose him.”

“I don’t either, but he’s so young…and besides, shouldn’t we offer it to Cliff first? He’s been with us for so long…”

“We were young when we started, and we did it without any help. We’d be giving Eric a head-start. As for Cliff, I already kinda talked to him—he’s thinking about retiring too, right after the boys get done college, and then he and Cheryl are going to go somewhere along the coast. He’s not looking for new adventures at this point in his life. I thought we’d give him a fancy title—Director of Operations, something like that, and let him keep hammering the apprentices into shape. So, what do you think?”

Gwen thought, trying to make sense of it all. “But like you said, we’re already so busy and I’m barely keeping up with everything in the office right now…”

Tim nodded. “I know. So we get you an admin, someone who can answer the phone, do the billing and ordering, maybe run the homeshow booths.”

“I don’t know…I’m going to have to think about this, Tim. It’s a huge leap.”

He smiled and nodded. It was exactly what he had hoped and expected to hear and was better than a flat out no; Gwen Nelson did not jump into any decision of importance. She would definitely take her time with something this big. “I know you do. Take some time and think about it. We’re not retiring tomorrow.”

They sat in silence, both lost in their thoughts. Gwen finally looked gaziantep escort up. “Let’s do it.”

“Do…this?” Tim replied cautiously, what he was hearing not on his mental timetable.

“Yes. We make an offer to Eric and expand. It sounds really scary, but I know you must have thought this through, and I trust you. The business means a lot to me, too, and now that you’ve brought it up, I want to see that it gets taken care of. So, what do we do next?”

Dinner flew by, the Nelsons eating distractedly while they listed out all the things that had to be done, and Gwen found herself being infected by Tim’s obvious enthusiasm for the venture. Eric’s acceptance of their offer was their highest priority, and plans were made for a dinner at the house to discuss it with him.

They left the restaurant hand in hand, Tim graciously opening the truck door for her. He made a right into a liquor store parking lot two blocks from the hotel . “I think we should get some champagne to celebrate,” he said with a mischievous grin.

“I’ve already had two glasses of wine,” Gwen protested as he hopped out, returning moments later with a brown bag. The celebration started in the hotel elevator, Tim kissing her deeply as they rode up to the sixth floor, daring to slide his hand up beneath her dress and playfully squeeze her ass.

He only took his hand away to open the door to their room, then hurried to uncork the bottle and pour the contents into little plastic cups. Gwen took her drink from him and lifted it as he toasted. “To our retirement plan.”

She sipped and smiled. “I shouldn’t be drinking this. Champagne always hits me so hard.”

“Huh. Whaddya know.” Tim gently took the cup from her hands and set it down, then took her in his arms. “Guess I’ll have to cut you off when you’ve had too much.” They kissed, savoring their growing arousal, letting it build with long slow kisses, touches and caresses. Still, Gwen was happy to feel strong fingers looking for the zipper on the back of her dress. They found it and pulled, the long, slow buzz loud in the quiet room until it could go no further down into the small of her back. She smiled and broke their embrace to step back and shrug the garment off her shoulders, letting it fall past her hips before again wrapping her arms around her husband’s neck. Strong hands again firmly cupped her rear, at first over her sensible panties, then pushing down beneath the waistband to rasp against bare skin.

The fingers had more difficulty with the clasp of her bra but persistence paid off and the erect nipples topping pert breasts were his reward. Her panties were next, and she stood naked, feeling very safe and secure in her man’s embrace. He released her and retrieved her champagne.

“Aren’t you going to get undressed, too?” she asked, taking the cup from him.

“Yup,” he answered distractedly, taking a sip of his drink. “Champagne’s getting warm…we should probably get a bucket of ice to put it in.”

“We’ve got a refrigerator, we can put it in there,” Gwen suggested as she reached for the bottle.

“Takes too long to get cold again,” Tim said with a smile. “I think I saw an ice machine across from the elevator.” He reached for the bucket and handed it to Gwen. “Maybe you can go get it?”

She took the bucket and gave him a suspicious half-smile. “You just got me out of my clothes. You sure you want me to put them back on?”

“Nope. I like you the way you are. Maybe you could just go like that…”

Gwen laughed, sure he was joking. “And while I’m at it I could go down to the lobby and leave a wake-up call!”

“I was thinking we could sleep in tomorrow, so we don’t need a wake up call. We do need ice, though, and there’s some right there by the elevator…why waste time getting dressed? You could be there and back in the time it’ll take you to put your clothes on.”

“You’re not kidding, are you? You really want me to go like this?”

“Yeah, I do…you look so good naked.”

“You’re crazy! What if someone sees me?”

“Sounds pretty quiet out there. And even if someone does see you, they’re going to think you look good naked, too.” Tim smiled. “Do it. I dare you.”

The alcohol had effectively muted the Lady’s protests while giving the Slut a loud and persuasive voice. Gwen looked back at her husband. “If you want me to…you’ll leave the door open, right? You’re not going to shut it when I go out?”

“I’ll leave the door open, I promise. Do it.”

Gwen continued to look at him, waiting for him to call a halt to the prank, getting a commanding stare in return. “You really want me to?”

“Uh huh.”

She gulped the remainder of her champagne. Crazy, she grumbled to herself. This is just crazy. Bucket in one hand, Gwen cautiously opened the door just enough to keep her nakedness behind it while checking for an excuse to step away from this foolishness.

The hallway was empty. Gwen glanced back at Tim, getting an expectant escort gaziantep smile in return, and she again looked out, this time to plot the most direct route to her destination. There was a wide opening in the wall about halfway down the corridor; she had been more concerned with the back her dress riding up over Tim’s hand when they had stepped off the elevator than taking note of her surroundings, and hoped the ice machine really was there. She shook her head in disbelief at what she was about to do, took a deep breath, then flung the door open and hurried into the hall at a quick trot. Gwen was halfway to her target before suddenly remembering that hotel doors shut themselves and pulled up short, decision-making made difficult by panic as she debated the value of going back to prop it open and whether she could make it in time. Her heart sank as she saw her refuge disappear behind the swinging door with an ominous thud and click. Only one way to go now, the Slut advised, and the sound of another door opening spurred her into a run.

Gwen reached the relative safety of the vending area and frantically looked about for someplace, anyplace to hide. The machines were to her right against the wall, the opposite wall bare, but there was a space between the ice machine and back wall that might offer just a little more protection than nothing…she tried to control both her breathing and pounding heart, afraid both might be heard, and began to formulate an excuse for when they found her trapped in here even as she castigated herself for taking such a stupid chance. She listened intently for the sound of whoever had opened their door coming to investigate why a naked woman had been running down the hall.

A couple moments passed, hours to the trapped woman, and no one came. Gwen cautiously crept out and peeked around the corner, quickly recoiling when she glimpsed someone standing in an open doorway, a fresh surge of adrenaline coursing through her before realizing it was the door to her room and the onlooker was Tim. She peeked again to confirm, feeling foolish, and he smiled, waving with one hand while the other held his phone, apparently taking pictures. She felt some small amount of relief that it was him, mixed with annoyance that he was filming her discomfort, but common sense told her that she was far from out of the woods and that being discovered was still likely, if not inevitable. Gwen shoved the bucket under the machine’s spout, silently cursing the thunder of the cubes rattling through the funnel and into the plastic as well as the time it was taking.

It was almost full when she heard the hum of the elevator rumbling to a stop across the hallway. Gwen froze, again calculating her chances of a frantic sprint getting her back to the room before the door opened, the ding of the bell signaling it was too late. She again retreated into her cubbyhole and crouched down to both hide from the elevator’s passengers and at least cover her most private parts from their view.

Gwen fervently hoped whoever was on the elevator would look across the hall as they exited. That they might stop for something out of the machines was too horrifying to contemplate. She heard the doors slide open and held her breath as an elderly couple shuffled off. Don’t look here, don’t look here, she begged, knowing that if she could see them they would see her. To her relief, their focus was on their footing and a moment later there came the sound of what she hoped was the door to their room opening, then closing with an echoing thud.

For the second time Gwen felt the thrill of escape and grabbed for the full bucket, almost rushing out into the hall before reminding herself to stop and check if the way was clear. It was, and she raced down to where Tim was still standing half in and half out of the room, still taking pictures. He moved to the side to allow her to dash through the open door and triumphantly slam the bucket on the desk.

Tim closed the door behind her and grinned. “Goddamn! I can’t believe you really did it!”

“You wanted me to,” Gwen replied smoothly, trying to appear nonchalant while controlling her adrenaline-fueled exhilaration. There was arousal too, even more pronounced than before she had stepped into the hallway…”I thought you were going to get undressed while I went to get the ice?”

“Oh yeah–kinda forgot in all the excitement.” He hurried to strip, quickly revealing a potent erection that needed no more encouragement. She lay on the bed and smiled in invitation as her breathing gradually slowed, Tim quick to join her and take her in his arms. He was moving faster than usual, his hand already between her legs, but Gwen’s impatience matched his and opened herself to give him access while she reached for his length.

Tim slid his finger between slick lips and pushed into her opening, pleased to find her very wet. “I guess your ice run wasn’t so bad?”

“No, it wasn’t,” she admitted, firmly stroking his staff, correctly guessing gaziantep escort bayan it to be the result of her dash. “It was a little exciting knowing you wanted me to. Were you taking pictures of me?”

“A video. I’m gonna watch it over and over. I thought that was sexy as hell.” Tim nuzzled the exposed skin of her neck and thrust himself through her fist to emphasize his appreciation for the show. She allowed his cock to slide from her grasp a moment later as he rose and hovered over her, kissing his way down her body and teasing her nipples with his tongue while he stroked her clit with a callused finger. She would have been ready for him right then, but he had other ideas, and eventually kissed his way lower, down over her stomach and mound before settling between her legs to taste her wetness.

Gwen shivered at the first touch of his tongue against her lips, feeling it push between them and slowly drag up her slit and across her button. She sighed as it withdrew, missing the contact, and firm hands gripped the back of Tim’s head to hold him fast when he returned, determined not to let his tongue leave again while her sex rocked against his face. The soft moan announcing the start of her orgasm was cut short when it hit full-force, and he dutifully held his position while Gwen purposefully ground her pussy against anything solid she could find. Her body stiffened in time to a final high-pitched squeak, then went limp.

She twitched spasmodically for a moment more before releasing her hold on his head, idly stroking his hair, the feel of her husband’s breath hot against her wet skin reminding her of his patience while he allowed her to enjoy the afterglow of her climax.

Gwen abruptly moved away and rolled over, getting up on all fours and presenting herself to him. “Do you want me?” she asked over her shoulder, further walking her knees apart in expectation of him accepting her invitation.

“If you mean do I want to fuck you,” Tim replied slowly, getting to his knees and shuffling towards the offered target, “yeah, I do. Hard.”

“As hard as you want. I can take it,” she confidently assured him before turning back to look at the headboard, resolutely waiting for him to make good on his desire. Gwen felt the tip of his cock press against her lips as he lined himself up with one hand while steadying himself on her hip with the other. She braced for the impact but was instead surprised to be split with a single smooth thrust that stopped well short of its limit. “I thought you wanted it hard?” she challenged, looking back.

Tim chuckled and shrugged. “Habit, I guess. Wanted to make sure you were ready for me. How’s this?” He didn’t wait for an answer as he pulled back then slammed forward.

Gwen exhaled sharply as her head swiveled back to stare at the headboard in surprise. “That’s good,” she gasped, “but you can go harder, if you want.”

“Oh yeah?” Tim withdrew again, and she was more prepared this time for the thrust that ended with an audible slap of his midsection against her ass. “Too hard?”

“No, I like that…” Gwen looked back at him and smiled. “Is this what you wanted to do to me in front of everybody on the beach?”

Tim didn’t return the smile, is expression stern as he looked down at the body impaled on his cock. “Uh-huh,” he grunted before withdrawing and slamming into her again.

Gwen did her best to absorb the shock of the impact. “Maybe you can next time—uh!—maybe you should—uh!—make me show them.”

“Oh, yeah,” Tim groaned, imagining what the show they might have put on if they hadn’t gone up into the woods. “Maybe I’d let them see what a great fuck you are…how hard you make me come.” The force of his thrusts decreased as his pace increased, the rapidity of his strokes becoming more important than how hard he delivered them. “Coming—” he announced as he arched his back to get that last fraction of an inch of penetration, pulling Gwen’s body tight to him as he filled her. Spent, Tim collapsed backwards, breathing heavily. No longer encumbered by the body on top of her or the cock inside, Gwen gently lowered herself to lie on a hip and look back at her husband lying spread-eagle at the end of the bed. She crawled towards the recovering man, up between his legs, kissing her way up his softening cock and over his stomach until she was able to lie next to him.

“That was fun,” Tim chuckled, bringing her to him with a strong arm about her shoulder.

“Uh huh.”

“Think we need some more ice?”

“I think we both need some sleep,” Gwen said with a gentle laugh, and Tim was happy to agree.

Old habits do die hard, and their customary wake-up times did not work well with their plan to sleep in. Gwen was up first, feeling the need for a shower before they made their way downstairs for breakfast. Tim arose with the idea of joining her, but the hotel room’s combination bathtub and shower was not really built for two people with ideas of anything other than a quick wash, and he mumbled something about “going downstairs to get some coffee and bring back to the room,” then left Gwen to soak under the hot spray.

Tim was already back by the time she emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped about her head and another about her body. Gwen looked about expectantly. “Coffee?”

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A Creative Challenge Ch. 21

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By the time we arrived at the Norman Manly International Airport in Kingston it was early evening and already dark, but when we stepped outside the air-conditioned airport we knew we had arrived somewhere deliciously warm compared to the city we had just come from. The sweet tropical scent of frangipani and jasmine was heavy in the air, along with the chirruping of crickets and cicadas.

Although security in the laid-back Caribbean was less obtrusive and paranoid than it has become in most places in the world, it had still taken us longer than we expected to get through customs, mainly because we were carrying so much less luggage than most tourists would for what was supposed to be a two-week vacation. They insisted on very carefully searching what few possessions we had, although neither of us could imagine that they were looking for drugs on the way in. Jamaica’s reputation for easy access to home-grown ‘erb made it unlikely that many people would bring their own recreational substances with them to these islands.

The customs officers were extremely polite and happy as customs officers go, and they were very amused by Amy’s explanation that we intended to spend most of our time in Jamaica stark naked, which is why we had so few clothes with us. Sometimes I was sure that Amy says things like that just to shock people, just to see their reaction as she jerks them out of their comfort zone. At other times, like on this occasion, it seems as if what she says is completely innocent, and that planning on being naked for the next two weeks is a perfectly ordinary reason for arriving in a country with next to no spare clothing.

I was pleased to see the ‘Fantasia’ stretched limo waiting outside the main entrance as Amy had been promised, with the door being held open by a very large and very black driver who introduced himself as Jimmy. He wore a truly enormous floral shirt and a big smile.

“You folks make yourselves comfortable. We’ll be at Fantasia in about half an hour,” said Jimmy, as he helped us into the limo and closed the door. He pronounced every part of the word ‘com-for-tab-le’ in that uniquely West Indian way, as if each syllable was a separate word that deserved the time to be appreciated on its own.

When he had stowed our bags in the trunk and settled into the driver’s seat, Amy tapped on the window behind him, and Jimmy lowered the glass barrier and twisted round towards her elazığ escort in his seat.

“Was that half an hour of our time, or half an hour of ‘island time’?”, asked Amy.

“Island time is all we got ’round here,” said Jimmy, still smiling. “But there’s re-fresh-ments in the cabinet. Help yourselves.”

We were not in desperate need of anything alcoholic, we had already had more than enough to drink while we were strapped into our six-mile high metal tube, so as Jimmy put his window back up and pulled away from the curb, we both settled back into the very comfortable seats with a mineral water, and stretched our legs out. The journey so far had left both of us crumpled and tired, not surprisingly, and we both wanted a shower more than anything else.

Amy knelt forward and tapped on Jimmy’s window , and it swished down again.

“Jimmy, we’re not stopping anywhere else before we get to the resort, are we?”

“No, ma’am. You’re the last to arrive tonight, and the next stop is Fan-tas-i-a.”

“Goody, then do you mind if I get naked now? I’m in holiday mood.”

Jimmy paused for a moment, then said, “That’s fine with me, but you’ll need to check in when we get there, and the re-cep-tion is not a clothing optional area.”

“What do you mean, not a ‘clothing optional area’? I thought the whole place was clothing optional.”

“No, ma’am. Just the beach and the pool bar. And in your own villa, of course.”

“That sucks! It didn’t say that on the website. It had all these pictures of naked people.”

“That’s right. But not in the restaurants and bars and the other com-mon areas.”

“I think that’s false advertising, Jimmy, but thanks for letting us know.”

Amy was peeved by this news and slumped back in to her seat.

“Sorry, Sam. Looks like I didn’t do my research as well as I’d thought.”

“It’s OK. I’m sure we’ll have a good time anyway.”

“Oh, to hell with it, I’ve been dying to get out of these things since they got wet this morning,” said Amy, peeling her top off and unknotting her sarongs. “Damn, that’s a relief. I can’t remember the last time I wore clothes for that long, and they were really starting to irritate my skin.”

I could see Jimmy’s eyes widen in the rear view mirror, and his cheeks told me his grin had widened still further, but he was a professional driver, and we stayed firmly and smoothly on the escort elazığ road. Once we were out of the city, we could see very little of the countryside except what was illuminated by the big headlights of the limo. The roads we were travelling on became narrower, and then the bitumen ran out, and we were cruising more slowly on winding dry dirt roads through thick trees.

Amy rested her head against my shoulder. Inside the limo was almost as dark as the countryside outside, so I slid my hand across her thigh and down towards her pussy. My searching fingers found that her own hand was already doing what mine had intended to do. It was gently massaging her clitoris. Amy softly giggled and moved her hand out of my way, using it to unzip the front of my pants instead, and opening her thighs a little to give me better access. If it hadn’t been such a long day already, we might have been tempted to both get naked and give Jimmy something to really tell the other resort staff about, but we were both tired. Without saying anything, we snuggled into each other and just enjoyed the closeness two people can get from being able to share the most intimate caresses just for their own sake rather than as foreplay. Amy’s hand was inside my fly, gently squeezing and stroking the head of my penis. My middle finger was slowly circling her clitoris, sliding down between her pussy lips from time to time to bring up a little more of her slippery aromatic wetness. If there is such a place as heavenly paradise, for that fifteen minutes or so I was sure that it would have to look just like the inside of a Jamaican limo.

The gates to the resort seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, but once we were through them, we were on a smoothly paved driveway leading to a large reception area, completely covered with a thatched timber roof but open on all sides, so that the limo drove right inside and pulled up in front of the check-in counter. Amy yawned and then kissed me as she zipped up the front of my pants.

Jimmy opened the door for her, and Amy stepped out, still naked, and stood at the counter with her clothes in her hand. Behind a computer terminal was a beautiful island girl with very long and very fine corn braids, and incredibly white teeth.

“I’m sorry, madam, but…”, she began to say, but Amy raised her hand to stop her.

“I know, I know. Jimmy told us already.”

She handed me her elazığ escort bayan shirt and one of the sarongs and tied the other one around her, knotting it in front just high enough to cover her nipples. While she was standing still, the material hung straight down, covering the rest of her body down to mid-thigh level, but I knew that as soon as she moved it would open up at the front and flow behind her, concealing very little.

“Will that do?”

“Yes, thank you, ma’am. Welcome to Fantasia. We have all your details already, so if you will just sign here, I can give you the security keys. I hope you enjoy your beachfront villa. The train is here to take you to it now.”

When we turned round, Jimmy’s limo was gone, and instead a small electric train looking like an old fashioned steam locomotive was pulling up inside the reception area. Behind it were half a dozen golf-buggy sized two-seater carriages. The train driver put our bags onto a tray behind the engine and motioned us into the first carriage.

As I suspected it would, as Amy stepped forward, her sarong stayed where it was at first, then followed behind her, billowing out as she climbed on board. As she sat down, she deliberately made no attempt to close it around her and it stayed where it was, behind her on the seat and wide open from her sternum down.

“This could be even more fun than you thought,” I said as I sat beside her.

“In what way?”

“Well, if there weren’t any rules, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy breaking them.”

The train slowly pulled us through a patch of thick rainforest. Through the trees, we could see lights coming from some of the other villas, and soon we could hear surf, and waves breaking on sand. Salty spray was now part of the heady scent of the place, and the treetops were alive with the sounds of the nocturnal fauna going about their nightly chores of finding food and finding a mate.

We couldn’t see the sea from the front door of our palm-leaf thatched villa, because of all the coconut trees on each side, but when we walked through what appeared to be a very large high-ceilinged one-room hut and out of the big sliding glass doors on the opposite side, we were suddenly looking out onto a 180 degree vista of moonlit bay, with the beach below us, standing on a deck that was cantilevered out and above the last sand dune before the edge of the water lapping gently on the shore. It was breathtaking, and we both took deep lung-fulls of the clean sweet tropical air.

“Not bad,” said Amy, untying and dropping her sarong. “And you’re right about me and rules. Tomorrow morning let’s find out how many they’ve got here and try to break them all.”

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A Day of Frustration

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It was a sleepy start to the morning; my eyes fluttered open, resisting the need to awaken as my arm reached out autopilot to silence my alarm. It was an unfortunate habit that I always forgot to switch the alarm off over the weekend. As you heard the first faint sound that had awoken me, you let out a groan and wrapped your arms tighter to me, pulling me closer to you. I snuggled against you, feeling you warm against my back, wiggling back against you and feeling your cock against my ass. Slow, sleepy mornings waking with you were my favourite, especially when I woke with you pressed against me like this.

“Good morning,” I softly murmured to you, apologising “sorry I forgot to switch the alarm off.”

“It’s ok”, you responded, your lips on my neck with a soft kiss. “I’m sure you can think of some way to make it up to me.”

I smiled at the teasing tone of your voice.

“Oh, is that so?” I laughed, turning to you slightly to meet your lips with mine as I pressed my ass back against your hardening cock. What I had intended as a brief kiss intensified as you tangled your hand in my hair, holding me to you. Your tongue prodded at mine, massaging gently as a moan escaped me. I rolled to face you, your leg forcing its way between mine as your hand slid up, raising my slip to expose my already wet slit.

I smiled as you continued kissing me; you knew how I loved morning sex. I relished how slow and sleepy it started, and the inevitable intensity that quickly developed.

This morning was no different. You pulled me to you, letting me kneel over you, my wet pussy hovering above your rock hard cock, ready to sink down onto you.

As I started to lower myself, feeling your tip gliding against my wetness, about to spear into my pussy, my phone starting buzzing with a phone call. You groaned in frustration as I flicked my eyes over to it.

“Don’t answer,” you begged as you held your hands on my hips and pulled me down swiftly, a gasp escaping me as I was suddenly full with your cock.

I looked back, apologetically rising from you. “Sorry, it’s Lisa – she wouldn’t call at this time if it wasn’t an emergency”.

I reached over to pick up the phone, answering “Hello?”

“Hey Jessica, just letting you know we’ll be there in ten” Lisa said.

I looked at you, my eyes wide with alarm, coolly answering “Great, see you soon!” as I hung up the phone. You looked back at me, concerned.

“So, there was a reason I forgot to turn the alarm off this morning,” I started, “did you remember that we were to be going out for breakfast with Jack and Lisa?”

I took the string of expletives that escaped you as evidence that you, like me, had forgotten. Our early morning romp was forgotten in the hurry to get dressed, barely ready as we heard a horn sound outside.

Scrambling to collect our keys as we ran out the door, you brushed a swift kiss over my lips with the soft words, “To be continued.”‘

Sliding into the car, Jack and Lisa were eager to tell us of their recent travels around New Zealand; aside from a brief reprieve as we ordered breakfast, it was difficult to get a word in edgeways. As breakfast was delivered, you reached your hand to my thigh, leaning over to press a kiss to my cheek. I smiled back at you.

Looking at the enticing spread in front of us, I suddenly realised how hungry I was, and dug into my bacon and eggs. We were predictable with our breakfast choices; bacon and eggs for me, pancakes with banana and maple syrup for you.

Hearing Jack launch into another story about their road trip of the South Island, I lifted another bite to my lips. As soon as my mouth was full, I felt your hand slid far enough down my leg to touch bare skin, before sliding back up my dress to mid-thigh height. I shot a warning look at you, which was missed entirely as you were focussed on Jack and Lisa, seemingly entranced by their stories.

As our meal and conversation continued, I became increasingly more distracted by the hand sliding slowly further up my thigh, closer to a dripping wet pussy that had been suddenly reminded of our interrupted quickie.

As our meal drew to a close and the stories continued, I dropped one hand to my lap as a gasp escaped me (thankfully unnoticed by everyone except you, a subtle smirk lifting the corners of your mouth) at the feeling of your fingers sliding under the elazığ escort edge of my panties and grazing against my clit. I moved a hand to your leg and murmured out the corner of my mouth “boundary,” hoping you wouldn’t push your teasing any further.

Returning to the car, I kept my distance from you, needing to maintain the boundary at least until we returned home. Thankfully, the travel stories continued long enough to keep our minds occupied as we neared our front door. I gulped nervously, knowing, if you were feeling the sexual tension and frustration I was, that it would be on as soon as our front door closed.

The car slowed as it approached our house, and we bid Jack and Lisa farewell, waving as the key slid into the front door lock.

You pushed the door open and pulled me after you, kicking the door shut as you pinned me to the wall, lifting my dress above my head to leave me standing in my lingerie before the door had closed completely. Your hands on my ass lifted me from the ground as I wrapped my legs around you, my hand holding your neck as you crushed your mouth to mine.

I sensed you fumbling with your zipper as you murmured “I can’t wait any longer”, suddenly feeling the smooth tip of your hard cock pressed against my panties.

You frustratedly growled, “fuck”, feeling the warm wetness of my eager pussy through my panties.

“Please,” I begged, desperate to feel you inside me again.

As you lowered one hand to my panties, sliding them to the side, I looked down and couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Our puppy, Cooper, was quietly peering around the corner of the wall, curiously watching our interaction.

You looked at me startled and, when you noticed the source of my amusement, chuckled and pulled back. As badly as I needed you, it was not an option with our puppy watching on.

“To be continued?” I suggested, unwinding my legs from your waist as you zipped your pants.

You nodded at me, frustration evident.

I turned away, leaning down to scratch Coop behind the ears as I made my way to the kitchen to start our meal prep for the week.

* * *

Some hours later, hip hop blaring from the speakers as I danced and sung my way around the kitchen, I smiled to myself, feeling so lucky for weekends spent with you like this.

As I stood at the kitchen bench, separating cooked meals into lunch containers for the week, I felt move up behind me, a kiss on my neck as you pressed me to the bench.

“Hey, you,” you started, watching over my shoulder, “how’re you doing?”

I smiled contentedly back at you, enjoying the feeling of you pressed against me.

“Hi yourself. I’m almost done,” I responded, filling the last of our containers, “how’re you doing?”

“Good”, you answered, drawing out your response. “Do we have plans this afternoon?”

I went to respond to you, hoping you were ready for a continuation following our interruptions as another was thrown our way. Pulling your mobile from your pocket, you frowned at the screen; you swiped the call and, holding the phone to your ear, answered “Hey Alex, what’s up?”

Unable to hear the conversation that had suddenly captivated your attention, a sudden cheeky idea struck me. I turned to face you, my arms wrapped around you as I caught your eye with a smirk. I manoeuvred you to lean back against the bench, as I stood in front of you, knowing you were watching me suspiciously. My hands dropped to your pants, readjusting the zipper to show me what I wanted.

This was fun for me, and I loved teasing you like this. I knew you would do your utmost to control yourself while on the phone to anyone, and you knew I would stroke your cock until you were done. Or, at least, that’s how the game was usually played.

Watching your face, I dropped to my knees, looking up at you with my big brown innocent eyes. You were apparently lost for words as you went silent, watching me with your mouth agape. I focused on your cock, reaching my talented tongue out to lick the tip of you. Momentarily forgetting that you were on a phone call, I acted as I usually would, taking your cock in my mouth, deep down my throat so that I gagged a little.

As I licked and swallowed your delicious cock, loving that I could finally focus on what I wanted (even if you were briefly distracted), your attention switched escort elazığ between watching me intensely, knowing how much I loved what I was doing, and staring out the window, desperate for something to distract you from the intense pleasure so that you could focus on your conversation.

My hand grasping your cock, gently stroking it, I moved my attention to your balls, gently licking and sucking them into my mouth, stroking them with my tongue. I looked up at you as I did so, feeling a powerful tension between us. I smiled sweetly, knowing very well just how much trouble I would be in once your call ended.

“Righto mate, we’ll see you then,” you said sternly, as what seemed to be a very abrupt end to the call.

I looked up at you startled, my mouth still full, as you ended your call.

“What was that about?” I murmured between mouthfuls.

You looked back at me tensely, answering “he’s on his way here, 2 minutes away” with a stern frown.

I looked back at you, startled, my mouth suddenly still. For the second time that day, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the interruption.

“I thought third time was supposed to be the charm?” I giggled, teasingly, “do you want me to stop?”

“Fuck no,” you growled at me, your hands tangling in my hair, guiding my head as my mouth moved up and down on your hard length. “You’ve got two minutes to finish the job properly, otherwise you’ll be in trouble later.”

I focused my attention completely on your cock, relishing the feeling of you filling my mouth. I could feel the swell of your orgasm building when the door opened and we heard Alex call out.

You looked at me sternly, growling “to be continued” as you slid your cock back into your pants, zipping up. I wiped the corners of my mouth and rose from my knees, greeting our guest.

Rounding the corner, Alex smiled at the sight of his friends. He stood back to look me up and down, cheekily asking, “Been keeping you busy, has he?” as he nodded down.

I followed his eyes and realised he had noticed my red knees, tell tale signs of the mischief we had been up to. I blushed fiercely; an innocent joker, Alex had no idea how accurate he was.

“Oh, just cleaning,” I answered, embarrassed to hear your soft chuckle behind me.

“Head on out to the deck, I’ll be out with drinks in the minute,” I directed them, rushing to the kitchen to hide my embarrassment.

Thankfully, Alex’s presence meant my punishment for not finishing the job might be forgotten. I could hope.

* * *

Sunday afternoon brought with it a lazy session at our local beach side bar; beers, sunset, music and friends – what more could I ask for?

My soft pink strapless summer dress showed off my shoulders and tanned legs; cut at mid thigh length, you could tell how well my return to running was going, my muscles evident and only enhanced by the sweet 2 inch heels I had chosen.

Looking out over the ocean, I rested my head on your shoulder, happy with the friends and laughter that surrounded us. I brushed a kiss against your lips, suddenly grateful for you. Darkness falling around us, dropping the temperature, I perched between your legs on the stool, nestling against you for warmth.

“Don’t think about starting anything you can’t finish,” you murmured sternly in my ear as your kiss swept at my neck.

I looked back at you, my brown eyes wide, asking “who, me?”

You laughed darkly at me, knowing that beneath the innocent exterior lived a very dirty tease.

“I’m serious, Jessica,” you responded. “If you start anything, you better be ready to finish it.”

I smiled back at you. We had played at this before, and I loved how stern you were; but, in the end, I knew the “finish” would happen at home.

Unable to resist temptation, I pressed back against you as we continued the conversation with our friends, frequently turning and readjusting my position in the seat. To the outside eye, it may have looked like I was just trying to get comfortable – to me, I could feel each move pressing my body against your cock in a different way.

Your hands suddenly grasped my hips, holding me still. “Jessica,” you growled at me, “stop it.”

I smiled at you innocently, asking “stop what?”

You looked at me darkly, apparently reaching the boundary of your frustration. elazığ escort bayan You pushed me from your lap, directing me, “outside, now.”

I gulped at the stern edge in your voice, not something I was used to hearing, and scurried outside. I waited at the doorway to the building, shivering for a few minutes before you eventually joined me.

Without a look at me, you grabbed my hand and pulled me after you, leading me into the alleyway beside the bar, into darkness. Turning me roughly, you pushed me against the wall, pinning my hands above my head.

“What did I tell you?” you asked me darkly, your mouth kissing and sucking at the tender flesh of my neck.

I gasped at the intensity, struggling to focus on my answer.

“Jessica. Tell me what I told you. Now,” you commanded, sternly.

Pulling my mind from the pleasure running through me at the feeling of your lips, I breathlessly answered, “you told me not to start anything I couldn’t finish.”

“That’s right,” you growled, your tone deepening so much I felt a shiver roll through my body. “And what did you do, Jessica?”

With this, your hands moved down my body, your mouth kissing the exposed flesh of my breasts as your fingers hooked beneath the waist band of my panties, pulling them to my ankles. I went to drop my hand to run through your hair as you sternly told me to stay still.

“Answer me, Jessica” you commanded.

I moaned under your ministrations, responding guiltily “I started something.”

“Good girl. See, answering isn’t that hard, is it?”

Your attention to my body had left me speechless; a day’s teasing built to this moment where I couldn’t focus on anything but the sensations running through my body.

You turned me to face the wall, my hands still in place, now with my palms flat against the wall to brace myself.

“Do you know what that means, Jessica?” you asked, darkly, as I heard your zipper.

“No,” I whimpered, a fresh wave of juices flooding my pussy as it desperately anticipated your hard length.

Holding my hips, you thrust into my deeply, answering, “it means we finally finish it”.

Grateful to be able to brace myself against the wall, I struggled to balance on my heels as you pounded my pussy with your thick hard cock, feeling my tightness around you, delighting in the feel of the good, hard fuck we had both desperately needed all day.

I focussed solely on the sensations coursing through my body, nearing orgasm as you plundered my pussy, when my eyes suddenly flew open, realising what we were doing.

“James,” I exclaimed, with a moan, “anyone could see us!”

I could hear your soft, dark chuckle from behind me as you continued fucking me. “I know,” you answered softly, “you should’ve thought of that before you started teasing me again.”

With that, your hands reached around and cupped my breasts, seeking out my hard nipples under the thin fabric of my dress, rolling them between your fingers. A short sharp pinch caused a soft squeal from me, wetting my pussy once again.

“Do you like the idea of it?” you murmured softly, pulling me to you. “Do you like the idea that someone might walk out of that bar and see such an innocent girl being bent over and fucked, see me giving you what you really want?”

A deep, guttural moan escaped me with your description; you knew I would never admit to it, and didn’t actually want to ever be caught, but you had just tapped into one of my deepest fantasies.

Instinctively knowing what would happen, your hand wrapped around my mouth, muffling the loud cry that escaped me as orgasm overtook my body and my pussy gushed.

You continued to roughly thrust into me, my increasing wetness and the muscles constricting around your cock finally pushing you over the edge, your cock exploding and filling me.

We stayed braced against the wall for a few short moments to catch our breath, before, sliding out of me, you turned me to face you.

I bent to pull my panties back into place before you stopped me, making me step out of them before you pocketed them. I looked back at you, shocked.

“I told you earlier, if you didn’t finish the job before Alex arrived, you’d be in trouble. Consider this punishment,” you explained with a grin as you grabbed my hand and turned back toward the street.

“Excuse me!” I spluttered in astonishment, “if that’s punishment, then what did I do to deserve what just happened?”

As the door to the bar opened, you turned to me, with a cheeky grin, simply answering “you started it” before pulling me forward, the chaos of the bar engulfing us again.

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A Little Fantasy

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Before I start, just a few words.

This is my first erotic story, so please excuse me for any grammatical errors (English is not my native language).

So I welcome any criticism, or advice, to the text so that I can correct myself in the future for any new story.

This is just a little fantasy of mine that I had for quite some time and I never tried to write it down, so it’s the time.

Hope you will enjoy it.

————- ————- —

I imagine myself in a large bright room. Sitting in a heavy leather chair. In front of me a white curtain. Suddenly a nice girl enters the room. I’ve known this girl and we’ve known each other for years, since school. Well, this girl is the one I’ve always dreamed of fucking intensely, unfortunately she has always enjoyed just teasing me, sometimes with photos and rarely just telling me about her sexual adventures about her, so ruthless. Oh how many times I have come like an animal thinking of her naked body.

Let’s call her K.

So, K. starts talking and walks around me, slowly, in a painfully sensual way. She teases me for endless minutes. At that point my erection is destroying my pants. With a smiling face She tells me to take off all my clothes and get comfortable for the show … In a few seconds I am completely naked, in front of that beautiful girl with my perfectly erect penis, hard as marble and already dripping with precum, my excitement is over the roof.

I’m dying.

K. begins to walk slowly towards the white curtain and with diyarbakır escort a last smile and a wink she disappears telling me: “Enjoy the show, let’s see how long you last”.

One click. A light comes on showing me the beautiful dark shape of her skinny body. She begins to slowly undress and throw her clothes over the curtain in my direction. In the meantime, I am teasing my rock hard member, swollen and purple as I try to resist the strong urge to cum. Luckily I love having long edging sessions so I can handle the situation. The point is, the show has yet to begin.

After about half an hour of her sensually dancing with lots of dirty talk as I slowly masturbate and try to imagine what her naked body is like behind that damn curtain, suddenly someone walks into the room, behind me.

A boy, an old friend of mine. He is her current boyfriend. Let’s call him A.

He walks in front of me, I notice that he is holding ropes in his hands. He says to me, “I see you’re enjoying the show … So, you don’t mind if I tie you to the chair? You know, just to make sure you have your full attention for the second part of the show.” I agree.

After tying his hands and feet to the chair, he goes behind the curtain. I see their silhouettes approaching and starting to kiss passionately as he begins to undress and from there my torture begins …

For over an hour I enjoy the spectacle of their silhouettes fucking passionately a few steps away from me, behind that thick and white curtain, hiding escort diyarbakır to me all their fun. The sounds of their sex. His grunts. Her moans. Sometimes they both talk dirty and describe their actions just to tease me ruthlessly. The sound of their sweaty bodies when they meet. The tantalizing image of her head, with her hairs tied in a pony tail, going back and forth on his cock. Or his hands and his tongue taking care of her wet pussy. What a fantastic scene, what a tension and what beautiful sounds.

All this, for more than an hour, with me there, tied up with my big cock ready to explode, sore, at the limit, unable to do anything.

At some point, after quite some time fucking with a lot of good positions, she decides to go back to focusing on her boyfriend’s cock. The silhouettes show me their naked bodies facing each other. A. is standing, with his member perfectly erect and clearly dripping precum and her vaginal fluid. She kneeled in front of him, with her gorgeous slim naked body.

At that point K. tells me: “I can only imagine how much you are enjoying this particular show. How much you are suffering from the urge to explode. How much you want to feel my little, light and velvety hand on your hard cock, all while teasing slowly your most sensitive spots for endless minutes. Am I right? I know that you love this, isn’t you? Oh well, so sad that you will just have to watch me doing this to your friend, incapacitated to touch your pulsing cock, so powerless.”

So she starts a diyarbakır escort bayan nice edging session, all for him. I can see she taking care of his cock, slowly caressing his shaft only with her hands. From time to time she use the tip of her tongue just to teasing his frenulum.

I can tell just from his nice and quiet guttural grunts that he must feel himself in paradise. This take quite some time before the final act.

After all this, when he is nearing the climax, I see her silhouette stand up, spread her arms and tell me: “Get ready now to listen carefully to the grand finale.” Suddenly he turns off the light. In front of me only a wall of white fabric, too thick to see through. Their silhouettes completely disappeared. My heart is in my throat. So I can only yell a “NO!” that was quite a bad denial. So I decide to beg them to show me what happens behind, I want to see so bad.

In seconds, just from the sound, I hear him beating his pussy harder, faster and faster.

Again i really beg to let me see her naked bodies, her pussy destroyed… No response, again.

His orgasm comes closer, blow by blow. From their loud voice sounds I can tell that he is close to explode. And suddenly, obviously near to the orgasm, she just yell: “Oh my I’m so close to erupt like a geyser!”

And so she orgasmed in a cathartic moist sound, like a little fountain, by the sound all against the curtain. Their loud orgasms fill the whole room and my mind.

My cock explodes in a slow but huge cumshot eruption.

Under the curtain, a clear stain of liquid begins to approach my feet, her orgasm continue as he keep to make her squirt non-stop, this time with his hands, I think. What I would not give to see further.

So sadly the show is over and all that’s left is the sound of our three breathless bodies…

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A Helping Hand

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It was ‘that’ time of the year again, annual inspection of our rented property, I had been through hundreds of these inspections, no, you’ve got me all wrong; I’ve not lived in the rented house for hundreds of years. My husband’s family own a shitload of properties, ours included, I had been out with James on holiday many times and had been around properties that James was doing the annual inspection on. We got seven or eight weeks free holiday each year and all James had to do was inspect two houses a day while we were away. James could easily have done the inspection on our own house but his mother insisted on another member of the family doing the inspection, this year, it was James’s father Ron’s turn to inspect the family houses.

James was out, he had driven the village priest, Father Patrick, to the interdenominational council meeting in London, something James did four times a year and he loved every minute he was there, chatting to the leaders of every faith under the sun. Ron turned up just as the kids ran out to catch their school bus. I didn’t have any plans for the morning, well, above slipping back into bed after the kids left for school. I hadn’t even watched them as I usually did, I saw the bus pull up early from Amy’s bedroom window, all three kids were up with me getting their book bags sorted out. I knew that the bus wouldn’t leave until it had all the kids it expected or the scheduled time came around, so there was no real panic. I made sure that all of the book bags were correct and they kissed me and ran for the door; I was in my bedroom by the time I realised that they hadn’t closed the front door. I guessed, wrongly, that they had expected me to follow them down and stand on the doorstep to see them off.

I had slipped out of my dressing gown and was about to climb back into bed but decided, even though we lived in such a quiet village, I couldn’t go to sleep with the front door open. As I stepped out onto the landing in just my nighty I bumped into Ron, he had just climbed the stairs and was heading for his son’s bedroom. “I see you’re still sleeping in separate bedrooms then, so how long has it been?”

I mumbled, “Six years!” and headed back into my bedroom for my dressing gown.

I picked up my dressing gown and started to slip my arm into the sleeve as I turned to return to the landing but Ron was right there, just a few inches from me, I realised that my nighty had provided little protection from Ron’s view, it was summer, so I guess I was actually lucky that I had put a nighty on at all as it got so hot at night, but I had no bra or panties on and I was sure that Ron had totally spotted that point through the ultra thin cotton of my white night dress.

“You don’t need to put that on for my benefit, you look a lot better in just your nighty!”

I finished pulling my dressing gown on while Ron flicked through the sheets of paper on his clipboard, “May as well start with your room!”

Ron started looking around; he had a moisture meter that told him if there was any damp in the fabric of the building. He checked the decoration on the walls, no problems were found, the window frames were all good and the paint still in good order. Then he opened my wardrobe, “Was this new when you moved in?”


“Well, I’ll put it down on the list; you could do with a new wardrobe, perhaps a little bigger than this one!”

Ron ran his hand along the hangers, he stopped at my white poly-cotton sun dress, one of my favourite dresses for the summer, well, around the house anyway, it was a little too revealing to wear out in the street if you know what I mean? Ron pulled it out, I love seeing you in this dress, I think you should wear it without a bra on though, that would look really great!”

I followed Ron around the house, once again, the kid’s bedrooms and their play room all needed repainting because they had been drawing on the walls again, any other tenant would have been charged for redecorating ‘vandalised’ rooms but these kids were the grandchildren of the owners. As Ron checked the kitchen I made us coffee, Ron checked his watch, “Don’t you have to see anyone in the Library this morning?” It was almost ten o’clock, normally I would have been leaving to help people with their computing problems but I had a free day for the first time in over a year.

“No, free day today for once, I was going to go back to bed when you came in!”

Ron went back up to the bathroom next to my bedroom, he checked my peddle bin, there were three plastic sanitary towel wrappers in the bottom of my bin, Ron worked out that I must have just finished my period as I wasn’t wearing panties under my nighty, not something a woman would do if she were still on her period. This diyarbakır escort time it was Ron’s turn to turn around and find me standing behind him, “So, James doesn’t sneak across the passageway in the middle of the night to see you in your bedroom?”

“You know he wouldn’t, he’s not into sin, and visiting me in the night while I’m on birth control would be a sin, wouldn’t it?”

“But you’re not on birth control are you?”

“James thinks I am!”

Ron and I went back down to the kitchen while Ron finished off his survey and his coffee he said nothing more to me, then, as he signed and dated the last page of the form, he turned to me, smiled, almost menacingly, then said, “If you don’t have anyone at the library today, is there any chance of helping Sid Patterson out with his retirement presents?”

I shrugged my shoulders, I had hoped that we could get the inspection over and I could still have a couple of hours sleep, not that I felt the least bit sleepy anymore.

Ron took out his mobile phone and called into his office, Sid Patterson had worked for Ron for over thirty years, he was sixty-four years old and he was winding down to his retirement, they had his pre retirement party recently and Ron had given Sid a new, state of the art, laptop, Sid’s workmates had brought him a new digital camera and, although Sid still had a year to go officially, Ron had put Sid on wind down leave, Sid was only going into work for a few hours each day, as the garage manager, Sid had actually stopped working on the plant some years before but his knowledge was still invaluable to the other mechanics, especially on some of the older farm machinery.

Ron told Sid to meet us in the library with his retirement gifts and that I would show him how to use both. Then Ron closed his phone and turned to me, “Why don’t you give old Sid and me a treat, put on that lovely white summery dress and leave the bra off for us!” Ron was smiling but I knew that he was serious about the dress and the bra; I knew very well that Ron seldom made jokes about things like that.

The library would open at ten o’clock, so I had ten minutes to get washed and dressed, Ron drove me over to the library, he actually complimented me on my dress, I didn’t feel at all comfortable, I had to keep pulling the top up, I usually wore the dress with a bra on, my thirty-six inch bust really did need the support from a bra and if I ever went outside the house in the dress, I always had a t-shirt on under it, as Ron drove me to the library, just a five minute walk, so thirty second drive, it felt like my ‘Thrupenny bits’ were slipping out about ten times and I had to pull the front of my dress up each time.

Sid turned up in his old Land Rover 110, he had a plastic carrier bag with his new laptop and his camera, Ron welcomed Sid with a handshake and as Sid kissed me on my left cheek, Ron asked if Sid had charged the batteries in his laptop and camera, “I lad, batteries I do understand, batteries and big lump diesel engines, easy, these electronic things, I’ll never get the hang of!”

Sid, Ron and I went into the library, Ron was looking through the various shelves while I showed Sid how to switch his laptop on, then what programmes he had on his laptop, Sid didn’t have the internet at home but he had ordered it. I loaded the software for his camera. Ron was behind us somewhere, actually behind one of the shelving units, as there were no backs on the shelves, I knew that Ron was probably watching Sid and I as I was going through the steps to connect his camera into his laptop, watching us over the top of the row of books.

Sid seemed to be paying as much attention to Ruth, the librarian as he was to me, and as soon as she seemed to become engrossed in one of her administration tasks, Sid checked the door, the only window out into the car park to ensure that no one was about to enter anytime soon, his left hand slipped onto my lap. Sid didn’t even look to see where Ron was, he didn’t seem to care if Ron noticed that as I was plugging the Nikon’s lead into the USB port on his laptop, Sid was rubbing my upper thigh through the thin material of my dress.

The laptop screen burst into a full colour picture of Sid and I sitting side by side, the software had switched itself onto webcam mode even though there was no internet connection. Sid reached out with his right hand and pressed the shutter control on his camera and the screen went momentarily black, there was the sound of a shutter clicking and an imitation motor wind as the laptop set itself up for the next shot, then Sid zoomed in on the square cut top of my dress and the overly generous expanse of décolletage as well as cleavage on show. I was looking at escort diyarbakır the laptops screen as it showed the frozen picture that was being loaded into memory on both the laptop and the camera’s internal memory, two half moons of areola were peeping over the stark, white cotton that was struggling to keep my breasts hidden from view.

By this time, Sid had pulled the bottom of my dress up far enough so that his hand was no longer rubbing my thigh through the soft cotton, his hand was now on bare flesh and instead of rubbing his hand up and down, he was now rubbing his hand so his fingers were going down between my thighs and when his fingers got as far as they could before the tightness that I was pressing my legs together stopped him and at that point, he began pulling my right leg towards him before repeating the rubbing action.

I, for my part was looking at Sid’s laptop screen, Sid had tilted his camera down and had zoomed in to show just enough of my dress so that, with the other pictures, anyone seeing the pictures would know the legs belonged to me, and as I saw the white cotton gusset of my knickers appear on the screen with wisps of ginger hair curling out through the leg holes, I finally relaxed the pressure on my legs and Sid pulled them wide apart. The artificial ‘click – whirr’ of Sid taking a picture of his little finger, stroking against the cotton covered opening to my body gave me a jolt but nothing like the jolt I got as I watched, in close up details, as Sid pulled the gusset of my knickers to one side to expose my cunt to his camera lens, I had expected another ‘click – whirr’ from the laptop but it didn’t come until Sid buried two fingers deep inside.

I jumped a little as Sid’s fingers invaded my body, a little more as he took the photograph of his finger fucking me and almost leaped out of my seat as Ron put a hand on my right shoulder, Ron was standing with one hand on each of mine and Sid’s shoulders, looking from the laptop screen to my exposed and finger-fucked pussy. Ron patted down on both my shoulder and Sid’s as he said, “Well, it’s show-time!”

I watched as Ron walked down to Ruth’s desk and then he and Ruth walked down the library away from where Sid and I were sitting, right down to the far end of the room. Ruth looked back and hesitated close to the back wall before Ron pulled her behind a shelving unit. As soon as Ron and Ruth disappeared from view, Sid unfastened his trousers and pulled his cock out, he was hard as iron, not huge, perhaps only five inches long but he was about six inches in circumference. Sid’s hand, with two fingers gleaming with my inner juice, reached out for the back of my head and pulled it down to his lap.

It had been six years since I had sex but it wasn’t that I wasn’t interested in sex, in fact, the more I had got into computing and helping strangers learn how to use the internet and the computer, the more interested in sex I had become, reading online porn stories veraciously. As soon as Sid put his hand on the back of my head I knew what he expected from me, it was all theory, my husband, the only man I had ever had sex with in my life to that point, wasn’t interested in any aspect of sex other than depositing his seed into my, overly fertile, belly. To James, anything else would be a sin!

I had read oral sex scenes in around a hundred different stories so I knew what to do in theory and at the age of thirty-three, I was about to get my first ‘taste’ of doing it for real. I put every single thing I had read into practice, licking, sucking and bouncing my head up and down. There was a shot of bitterness in my mouth and Sid’s hand was on my forehead, pushing my head away from his lap, “Fuck sake girl, you nearly got the beans there, and Ron said he thought you’d never given a blow job in your life before!”

“I haven’t!” Came out in a whisper from my mouth.

Sid pushed me until I was sitting upright, then he told me to stand up, I did as instructed and Sid’s hands disappeared up inside of my summer dress, I looked nervously down the library to where Ron and Ruth were. Hopefully, busy. There were faint sounds of giggling and heavy breathing emanating from behind the book shelves. I felt Sid’s hands rub up the outside of my knickers and then his fingertips touch my bare waist above the elastic holding my knickers up. Sid’s finger nails dug into my soft flesh as he hooked over the top of my panties and he pulled them down, letting them drop to the carpet, “Step out of them!” Sid instructed and I complied.

I watched as Sid stuffed my knickers into his jacket pocket, then he turned me to face him, he pulled me round in front of him and used his feet to force my legs open, in a flash I found diyarbakır escort bayan myself, standing, straddling Sid’s hips as he sat on his chair. Sid did an amazing job in lining himself up with me, or me with him and at the crucial point; he pulled me down and impaled me on his cock. The seriousness of the situation suddenly dawned on me, I was being fucked in the public library, I was almost naked too and I had never known the library be this quiet in the two years I had been helping out in there, someone could walk in at any moment and my back was to the only window in the place as well as my body blocking Sid’s view of the doorway too.

I was about to jump up off Sid’s cock but he was ready for me and his hands were on my shoulders, holding me down on his cock. Sid began rocking back and forth in the seat, his fat cock started to move in and out of my cunt, just a fraction of an inch but with speed and pressure I was beginning to climax and I stopped struggling against Sid’s hands. As soon as I stopped fighting, Sid’s hands slipped down to the bottom of my dress again. His hands worked their way up my body, rubbing over every inch of the front of my body, all the way up to my tits as he drove me on to higher and higher peaks of climactic pleasure.

Suddenly Sid flipped the front of my dress over my head, my arms were still in the arm holes so my dress looked like a bolero jacket but it worried me a lot to be totally naked now in the library, that was, until Sid began to suck and bite at my nipples and I relaxed again. Sid slipped his hands behind me, up and under the back of my dress and slipped his hands over my shoulders again, pulling me against him as he sped up his fucking even more, driving me higher still up the climactic scale.

Sid began to breathe raggedly and even though I was on a massive orgasmic high I realised that Sid was close to his own orgasm so once again I began to fight to get up off of Sid’s cock. Sid fought me valiantly and held me in place. I felt the warmth of Sid’s seed flowing into my body and knew that there was no further point to my fighting him anymore.

If Sid hadn’t been holding me in place I would have collapsed breathlessly against his chest, ‘click – whirr’ sounded but how could that be as I could still feel both of Sid’s hands holding me in place. I opened my eyes, Ron was standing there holding Sid’s camera, “Well Sid, I think this picture will win you the sweepstake at work!”

It turned out that everyone in Ron’s business had known about my moving out of the marital bedroom and for the past six years they had been running a sweepstake on who would be the first person to get into my knickers. All twenty people working in the garage had been putting a pound a month into a pot for the past six years so Sid would win over fourteen hundred pounds and I had given him the helping hand he needed to win the money.

I struggled to get off of Sid’s lap; my arms were encased in voluminous cotton so it was a struggle to get my dress back on properly. Ruth still hadn’t come out from behind the shelves that Ron had pulled her behind so I went down to see if she was all right. I found Ruth on the floor, her skirt flipped up over her belly, her bikini panties hooked over just her right ankle, I was surprised to see that her pussy mound was as bare as a baby girl’s and her labia was gaping wide open, a flood of white cream cascading out of her cunt. Ruth had obviously greyed out at the point of completion.

As soon as I spoke to find out if Ruth was okay she burst into life, pushing the front of her skirt down, kicking her panties off of her foot and struggling to her feet, “Oh God Isabella, don’t tell anyone please, June will have me sacked if she finds out that I let her husband do that to me!”

Ron was suddenly at my side, helping Ruth to finally find her feet and balance, “My wife won’t mind one little bit Ruth, she’ll just be happy to have a night off for once!” Ron said as he brushed bits of lint and paper off of the back of Ruth’s skirt and blouse. As I stood there, a huge globule of Sid’s spunk fell to the floor between my legs, the fall wasn’t lost on Ruth as, just at the moment of Sid’s splashdown on the carpet, Ron’s semen did the same out of Ruth’s cunt.

Sid and Ron took me out to lunch, I was still only dressed in my white summer dress and nothing else, I got funny looks from people in the restaurant, without my panties on, my ginger bush was clearly visible through the flimsy material of my dress. Ron didn’t have his usual heavy meal, he, like me, had a light salad while Sid ate a twenty-four ounce stake. As soon as I finished my food Ron leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I’ve recharged my batteries, I’m going to take you home and fuck you until the kids get home from school.”

I almost ran to the door, totally forgetting to kiss Sid and thank him for giving me his own kind of helping hand but after six years in the sexual wilderness, I was determined not to miss a single opportunity and perhaps I’d even go on birth control after all.

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“Santa’s Elves Will Do WHAT?”

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“Santa’s Elves Will Do WHAT?” She Demanded

It’s too bad none of the guys were there to see Lana’s face. When she looked up from the “report”—well, the sorry little list of “donations”—those green eyes flashed like a stalking tiger’s. She tossed her shining chestnut hair as though to shake off the whole weary world.

“You’re telling me that 465 bucks is the TOTAL that this whole town of 6,500 people and 234 businesses gave to our Christmas Fund for Hospitalized and Institutionalized Children”?

None of the five of us at the table, all seniors at Iron Mountain Regional High School, dared meet her eyes. I pretended to study the report and said, “I thought sure we would get more, when Henry Anderson at the hardware store started us with 200 bucks.”

“Ellen,” said Lana, her voice saintly with patience. “He gave that because he has inappropriate fantasies about you. You have the biggest boobs in the class and the blondest hair.”

“WHAT?” I demanded.

“All right, sorry,” said Lana, not sounding sorry, “but I think it’s true.”

Geraldine Fitzgerald, the intellectual of our group—her father was an English teacher–said, earnestly: “That gives me an idea, Lana.”

“What?” asked Lana, and the word fell with the sound of a snowball hitting a wall.

“Well, what if we produce a nude calendar and sell it?” Gerry’s pixie face, with short-cut black hair, bangs, and an adorable delicacy, looked proudly defiant. “Yes,” she said. “If they don’t want to give, then we sacrifice ourselves…like…like Vestal Virgins… We are all 18 years old, right? Let’s act like it?”

“Yeah,” I said, “but no.” And I saw Georgia and Marcia nod their heads. Hey, the five of us at the table, with a few other sexy classmates, could have created the Cum Calendar of Iron Mountain–but you don’t DO that in high school.

Lana was nodding her head, Lana, the untouchable Swedish princess, with the face, skin, dimples, hair, and…well, tits–beyond everyone’s wildest fantasy. Lana was slowly nodding assent, her sex hikayeleri face down, examining the pathetic report of giving.

She said, “No, I don’t think so, not a calendar. It’s a great idea, Gerry, but we don’t have time. Less than a month. We want the money for the kids THIS Christmas, right?”

“Oh, yeah,” conceded Gerry, “we couldn’t…”

Lana interrupted, “But we could sort of…auction off our bods…to raise more money.” She lifted her face and looked at us, one by one. “We’re all pretty girls,” she said. “I’ve seen you all in the shower at gym.” She was nodding to herself. “I think we have a product.”

No one could have gotten away with this but Lana Erickson, the virgin of Iron Mountain, untouchable. If SHE were willing…

“What, then?” asked Georgia, our import from Charlston, South Carolina. She rose from her chair to stretch. The guys called it her “hard-on move” but not to her face. Georgia asked, “What do you have in mind, beautiful?” And she added, “I’m for sale. Just a piece of ass on the shelf.”

“It isn’t like that,” said Lana severely.

“Then what, hon?” Georgia drawled.

“Santa’s elves,” announced Lana, as though revealing a long-hidden secret. “Santa’s elves in your own home giving you and your guests their presents from under your tree, serving the eggnog, keeping the fire burning merrily…”

“Go down on your guests,” said the always dirty-mouthed Marcia.

“No,” said Lana, dismissing it. “No one is going to rape you, baby. If you turn out to WANT to give some, that’s fine. Just turn the tips over to the Children’s fund. ALL the tips.”

“Tips for tits,” said Gerry. “Good.”

“You have any?” asked Georgia, and it was supposed to be joke, but, as my grandmother said, “It isn’t a joke unless everyone is laughing.”

Gerry said, primly, “Many guys actually prefer my tits to those things that swing and bang with nipples as big as chocolate chip cookies.”

“All right, everyone, shut up,” said Lana. “First, we need costumes. seks hikayeleri Second, we need to make an announcement that reaches mostly men. Third, we need to know what to charge.” She added, looking up at us: “Assuming there are no shrinking violets, here? Assuming we are all woman enough?”

“Talk, talk, talk, talk…forever,” drawled Georgia.

“Oh?” asked Lana quietly, getting to her feet, her eyes hurling darts. Her fingers went to the buttons of her blouse. Her gaze never wavered from Georgia, whose own gaze found the floor irresistibly fascinating, so that, at the end, Lana had to announce, “Ready or not, Georgia…”

She stood stark naked. A big girl, with the rosy complexion of the Swedish maiden, a waist still narrow, and flaring hips with the light brown pussy right at the center. Legs, face, generous boobs with ample nipples, the whole works—Lana had them.

“Want to join me, Georgia?”

“No, please,” Georgia muttered. “I’m with you all the way. But not now, okay?”

“Sure,” said Lana, and calmly took her seat. Her breasts were big enough to rest on the table…

“Okay, Gerry is in charge of costumes. Skimpy panties–not a real thong-=and a skimpy push-up bra, okay? All the guys want tits most, right? And then little hats. But listen, we have string ties on top and bottom, and the two ends of the strings hang way down, right? We’re sending the message: pay and tug the strings, right?”

“Are we FUCKING for the money?” asked Marcia.

“Nope, that’s entirely our choice, Marcia. But if you get a tip, it goes to the kids, right?”

She waited a moment for protests. “Okay, then. I will send out the ad over the internet to specific groups. No general advertising. The ad will warn that if this becomes public, it may have to be called off.”

“Yeah? Who’s going to go for this?” I asked.

“Well, we’ve got the seven fraternities of Mountain View College, right?”

“Oh, shit,” I said, ashamed at how slow I was. I was nodding, now. “Yeah, jeez, erotik hikayeler they’ll do it…”

“Men’s clubs like the Lions,” Lana was saying. “Businesses having Christmas parties for mostly male employees. But I think mostly individual guys with some real dough, don’t you? You KNOW Iron Mountain has them. Nice, discreet Christmas Eve with the guys–at home and us scantily clad serving the drinks…”

Georgia was nodding her head, sagely, brown eyes thoughtful. “We’re going to need more gals.”

“I think you’re right,” said Lana judiciously. “Georgia, you do some discreet recruiting, all right?” She paused and then, with a smile, asked: “What ARE your boobies like, Georgia?”

There was a very long silence, but Georgia McIlany was a sport. She said, “Okay, in the spirit of the enterprise,” and already had tossed aside her sweater. Behind her back, she was undoing her bra. And then it dropped. Georgia smiled and looked around at us.

Lana breathed, reverently, “Old Saint Nick, Georgia. Those are stunning.”

“Yours too, baby,” said Georgia generously. “Let’s get back to business. I’m getting excited as hell.”

“I think we’re going to need some guys,” said Lana.

“GUYS?” asked Marcia. “For heaven’s sake…”

“Marcia,” said Lana calmly. “There has been a revolution. Have you heard of it? It’s called “feminism.” And women want sex, openly, now. Do you know how many girls go to male strip shows?”

Marcia’s pretty face was wrinkled into a frown. “Yeah, I guess, right. My girlfriend had a male stripper at her birthday.”

“We need to audition them, though,” said Lana.

“You mean, handsome?” I asked.

Lana shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, but a lot of weight in their pants, too. Girls like bulge in the BVDs just like guys like—what did Millay write? ‘The high sweet breast of spring…’?”

And that ended the planning meeting, except, well, Lana stood up and took a breath, incidentally asserting her chest with a big smile, and said: “Show me, girls. I know you’re all sensational.”

And we did, peeling and then standing around the table, quite naked, breasts on display, assertive, and, just above the height of the top of the table, some distinctly unshaven triangles…

“Now, go do it,” Lana commanded.

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A Quickie with the Boss!

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I had an unreciprocated attraction with a coworker called Jo that I had only recently met. We worked in the same office and were often at loggerheads over the details of certain projects. She outranked me and often over ruled me in any idea I was passionate about, which led to some almightily, heated showdowns. Despite this there was a sexual tension from every touch and look. After very heated row we’d look into each others eyes and connect, our heavy breathing in sync. Something was there but what?

One hot sunny afternoon I had to pick up a very important parcel from her flat and take it to the station for a train. She invited me in and gave me the parcel and offered me a drink.

It was hot and so we sat on the sofa back so we could be nearer the open windows letting in the slightly cool draft. We only had five minutes and our small talk had dried up. There was not enough time for a deep conversation and so we just kept looking at each other in an awkward silence. She put her hands up to her head and pulled her hair back. As she did this she arched her back an thrust her ample boobs forward. Her ultra white blouse stretched under the strain, the buttons looking like they were about to pop because of her heavy, protruding tits.

Her head turned and I looked down at her healthy tanned legs, sexily trapped in her pencil skirt.

I looked at the clock, five minutes to go. I looked at Jo who had provocatively kept her hands above her head.

“I can’t wait to get out of these office clothes.” Her eye’s glazing over slightly.

“You can in five minutes time,” I reassured, “What are you going to do then, shower?”

“Oh yes!” she sighed.

“I wish I could join you.”

“So do I,” she teased.

I sighed, “God what can you do in five minutes?”

We looked at each other in silence our eyes interlocking as she sexily let her hair down.

‘Fuck it,’ I thought, I’m going for it. “Do you fancy a quickie?”

“Yes! Thought you’d never ask!”

We both jumped off the sofa in time and started to rip our clothes off.

Jo’s blouse ripped open scattering buttons everywhere letting her boobs burst forward in fatih escort their sexy push up bra.

I pulled my shirt over my head in one go and then immediately hobbled on on foot as I removed my shoes and socks watching Jo reach behind to unhinged her bra and release her beauties.

I hopped around in danger of losing my balance with my eyes glued to her

tightly bound boobs.

Her white bra went loose and slid down her arms revealing her solid boobs with their pert hard little nipples. I lunged forward and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her onto my hungry mouth. I slathered quickly over her tits before I felt her hands push me away by the shoulders.

“No time, get your cock out!” She coldly instructed.

I obeyed and yanked my trousers down in one swoop, my cock standing up hard for attention.

Jo smiled and as she sized me up her hands on her upturned hips ripping down the zip of her skirt.

I fell to my knees and helped her pull down her skirt revealing her dainty white cotton panties.

I buried my face in her divine triangle, breathing in her pantie soaked scent while my hands kneaded her buttocks.

“No time!” she urgently reiterated, pulled her moisture sodden undies, revealing her neatly trimmed black bush. I quickly stuck out my tongue to taste her nectar as she passed for a second before slumping to the floor..

She lay on her back and I quickly got between her legs and took hold of her panties at the waistband. I yanked them down to her knees as she lifted her legs high and placed an ankle on each of my shoulders. I rapidly pulled her surrendered panties up over her dainty feet and pushed them into my face. I breathed in her scent and sighed as she spread her legs wide, the pink of her pussy glistening in the sunlight.

She laughed as I held her panties high over my head and twirled them triumphantly on my forefinger before flinging them across the floor.

“One for the workers!” I joked.

Fuck they were wet! “They would have stuck to the wall if I’d hit it!” I joked.

“Hey!” she admonished playfully, slapping my ass.

“I’m ready to fuck you boss!” sarıyer escort As I rubbed my cock head in her already gaping pussy.

“Come on! There’s no time for jokes!”

She urgently reached down and grabbed my cock and guided me in. I slipped in with ease taking her immediately to my balls.

“Fuck, you’re sopping wet!”

“Just fuck me!” She scolded impatiently.

I went straight to the short strokes, her sodden pussy squelching with my accelerated penetration.

She sighed gratefully as I directed my cock quickly to stimulate all her inner parts, our thighs already slapping together.

I watched her boobs roll with my accelerated pounding, beads of sweat already running down my back into my ass crack.

I opened my mouth and captured a passing nipple and sucked hungrily.

Her tits were amazing and I wanted to make a meal of them but as I glanced at the clock with her teat still in my teeth I could see there was only minutes to go.

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” She pleaded and once again I took up the pace drilling harder into her sodden pussy.

We started to breath hard as I pushed on my carpet burn’t knees. Holding her wrists high above her head watching her tits roll to my pounding.

Unsurprisingly, as her pussy was so waterlogged and I was pumping her so fast, she fanny farted!

“Boss?” I laughed.

“How embarrassing!” She cried ripping her hand free to cover her eyes.

“Oh Cum, please cum!” She pleaded between her gasps.

I tried to push on fearing I was going to lose my breath.

“Cum!” She admonished, slapping my ass urgently in time to my accelerated fucking.

“Yes boss,” I let out through my strained strangled throat as I felt my cock inflame and my balls draw up!

“I’m going to cum!”

“Yes, at last!”


I gave my all down the final straight! Our thighs slapping, our bodies sweating, my hard balls swinging, her pussy squelching, my cock swelling.

We both screamed out as my cock exploded and I deposited my first shot of hot spunk deep into her!

I slowed my fucking in time to my spurts and cries while osmanbey escort looking at the clock.

It was time to go and so I hastily withdrew my cock from its haven and shot a long pearl of spunk over her face and down her sweat soaked body. I pulled my weary torso up onto my knees and hit her again from her pussy to her tits with my hot semen.

“Thank you!”

“Sorry boss, must rush!” I laughed as I got to my feet leaving her spread and leaking body on the floor.

I quickly got into my trousers still shooting my seed.

“Watch the carpet!” She scolded lightly, gulping in deep breathes while licking my semen off her face and fingers.

“Sorry Boss, must dash!”

I picked up my shirt and the package, slipped into my shoes and ran.

I glanced at her heaving fucked body, still spread on the floor and ran out.

I felt my spunk still dribbling down my leg as I ran down the stairs.

I was quickly out the door and into my car, the fresh air cooly igniting my sweat.

I turned the car around and started by her flat. I looked up to her window and there she was, waving her white panties above her head while her other arm covered her nipples. I laughed and blew her a kiss before speeding off.

The next day we were at work arguing across the table. She looked magnificent in a long black patterned dress with a deep cleavage.

“Oh those gorgeous tits,” I sighed within.

Suddenly she passed me a note. I opened it up. it read “I’ve got carpet burns on my ass you bastard!” I laughed and sent one back declaring the carpet burns on my knees. She sent me another note. “I’ve no panties on!”

I lost my ability to argue as all my hot blood went to my cock. She was looking hotter and hotter as I gave into point after point. I got another note.

“Fancy a quickie?”

Later in the toilets I had her up again the wall, her dress pulled up and her tits popped out, as I rammed home my cock! I covered her mouth to deaden her squeals as I unload into her!

I zipped up and made to leave.

“Where are you going?” She asked.

“Back to work,” I answered innocently.

She pushed me downwards by my shoulders and I obediently went to my knees.

“Your not finished here,” she declared pulling me onto her spunk filled pussy by my ears. “Now eat!”

I worshipped her pussy on my knees. “Just where I’ve always wanted you!” she laughed.

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A Pleasant Surprise for Hubby

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After work Lee walks into his house which he shares with his wife Tracy. Tracy is normally somewhat shy and reserved. Today as Lee walks in the door Tracy saunters over to him and before he can say anything she gives him a full on passionate kiss.

Tracy had been thinking of Lee all day and had it in her mind to surprise him as he walked through the door. Tracy had never been much of an initiator preferring instead to for Lee to initiate most of their sexual experiences. Lee has expressed an interest in having Tracy be in control at some point in time and has left the when up to her. She has decided that today is the day.

Today she is spurred on by a yen to try something different and unconventional. The thought of being in control of a sexual exchange between she and Lee has Tracy all wet and aroused

Lee notices that Tracy is dressed somewhat provocatively in a black short skirt a red shirt that fits properly but exposes all of her best assets. He wonders at her appearance and şişli escort demeanor even at the same time he is appreciating how she looks and her way. She asks Lee how his day was. Lee says, “It was surprisingly slow and uneventful”. Tracy smiles at him as she offers him something to drink. He declines and looks at her puzzled still trying to figure out what is going on.

No sooner has he declined the drink than Tracy is standing in front of him again lavishing him with kiss after kiss. Hungry and wanting kisses. She takes him by the hand and leads him upstairs. When they reach the top of the steps Tracy again steps to the front of him and backs him into their bedroom, undressing him the whole time between kisses.

When they reach the bedroom Tracy lays him out spread eagle on the bed and stands back to appreciate the look of the beautiful and yet completely masculine naked man laying on the bed in front of her.

She steps back and turns on some music before proceeding taksim escort to do a strip tease for her man. Taking everything off slowly and painstakingly. Knowing it is teasing Lee by the grin on his face and the reaction of his cock which has expanded and thickened.

When she is completely naked Tracy walks over to the bed and kneels on the mattress. She looks down at Lee and smiles before sliding down to lick the tip of his cock savoring the precum.

She moves down further and hooks her arms around his knees to duck her head down and tease his asshole with her tongue producing a groan of pleasure. Tracy smiles to herself as she continues to tease. Then she moves to the skin between his ass and balls. She licks the whole piece knowing what a tease and turn on it is for Lee and wanting to thoroughly pleasure him.

When she reaches his balls she takes each one gently in her mouth and rolls it around with her tongue. She can see that his cock is jumping and quivering çapa escort and precum is all over the head.

Loving the effect she has already had Tracy slowly licks up lees entire shaft. As she does she switches positions so that her ass and pussy are at Lee’s total access. Lee knows how hot pleasuring him orally makes Tracy. He wastes no time dipping his finger into her wetness teasing her clit and pussy bending his finger inside to reach her G spot. A terrific orgasm takes over her whole body. She quivers as Lee slides her torso over his face so he has access to her pussy with his tongue. He laps up all of her sweet juices before taking her clit between his lips and licking and sucking as it comes out from its hood.

Both Tracy and Lee enjoy giving each other pleasure orally. At the same moment they each notice anew the pleasure they are getting from the other. Tracy grinds her cunt hard into Lee’s face riding wave after wave of pleasure and Lee fucks Tracy’s face hard. Each time his cock reaches into her throat. Soon the pleasure and sensation is too much for both of them and they go off together. Lee shoots his load all down Tracy’s throat and Tracy’s juices cover Lee’s face as she cums for the last and most exquisite time.

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A Nun’s Story Pt. 05

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“I hope you enjoyed your trip,” said Mother Mary with a wicked grin.

Teresa returned the grin. She’d spent a week visiting some of the far outposts where the Order of the Mount provided extra help. Naturally that had meant spending a few nights with an old friend of the Order.

“Father Francis took good care of me,” she replied to her boss. “That man sure knows about giving the gift of God.”

Since Mother Mary seemed interested, Teresa related a few details. The older woman understood perfectly what it meant to share the gift of God. It was she who had seduced Teresa, tempting her charge and finally luring her to bed. Teresa had been astonished and ashamed to discover such carnal pleasures with another person – and a woman. But Mother Mary had gradually convinced her to see a healthy sex life as another, wonderful way to serve their god. Her boss was more interested in sex with other women but understood well the pleasures that a man could give.

“With Francis, its so natural to go to my knees. He has a lovely cock,” said Teresa. “And he’s got amazing stamina. He fucked me for hours every night. In every position. Though he prefers me on my back,” she said with another grin. “He regards my boobs as a special part of the gift of God.”

Both women laughed. Mary had never given herself to Father Francis. But she understood how men could lust after Teresa’s body as much as she did.

“Last night,” Teresa went on, “he took me to the river outside of town. He wanted me to undress and I sucked him for a while. Then he went down on me. I was watching the stars – until he gave me some other stars. I didn’t think he was that good with his mouth. And then he fucked me so beautifully.”

“Perhaps next visit you should take one of the newer members with you,” ventured Mother Mary. “It seems we could give him an extra reward for being posted so far away.”

The two lusty women exchanged a knowing smile. They were relaxing in Mother Mary’s spacious apartment. It was one of the perks of being head of the Order of the Mount.

“But for now,” said Mary, “we should discuss Claire.”

Sister Claire was the newest member of the secret inner circle of the Order of the Mount. Like others before her, she’d found her way to this amazing world after experiencing uncontrollable “unclean thoughts”. She was proving to be an ideal recruit and now the Order had need of her sexual talents.

“Father Filippo has experienced Claire for himself,” noted Teresa. “And he made the request for her.”

“Yes, but its not Filippo that she will need to attend to. According to Filippo, its the local police chief who is the problem. But I understand its his wife who is the power behind the throne. And Filippo is aware she has special tastes.”

“Sister Claire is up to that,” said Teresa with confidence.

“Yes. Claire should perform well. She likes to please and we know she has talents as a sexual submissive.”

“Maybe I could give her a little more teaching,” grinned Teresa who’d already given the young nun her first lesbian experience.

“The final decision is up to the Monsignor,” said Mary, ignoring the suggestion. “I’ve made an appointment for Sister Claire next week.”

Teresa knew what that meant. In her case, it had been the previous Monsignor who had initiated her. He had been eager to maul her double-Ds before shoving his average sized-cock into her mouth. A virgin before being seduced by Mother Mary, Teresa had found it easy to love men and their cocks. It had felt special to be bent over the Monsignor’s desk and fucked from behind until he emptied his balls inside her. It was for the good of her Order.

But the newer man, Monsignor Davis, claimed he did not agree with contraception. That was his explanation for lusting constantly for the bottoms of lovely nuns. That suited Mother Mary who loved being penetrated anally. She found it suitable to have regular meetings with the Monsignor.

Teresa knew that the Monsignor was well-equipped and she was grateful to have avoided such encounters. But Sister Claire was ready for her initiation and her submissive nature would make her more willing to take that thick prick up her arse.

“Now that’s done,” said Mother Mary, “I think you should come to my bed.”

The lust in her voice was obvious. Teresa could only smile. She owed so much to the older woman. And since Mary was her boss there was no need for questions.

“Yes, mother. Its been so long since you gave me that honour.”

The two were soon naked and lying together. Teresa admired the older woman’s body, lean and flexible despite being in her late forties. Mary kept herself in good shape and her active sex life was part of that. Her nipples were extremely sensitive, Teresa knew, and she always kept her cunt bare so that her neat labia were displayed.

For her part, Mary had always desired the younger nun. Those big double-Ds were hard to ignore. Mary lusted after them – even members of the clergy lusted after them. And Mary knew she was not the only woman who’d wanted to take advantage of the younger nun. Teresa had taken so well to pleasuring women. Her cunt mecidiyeköy escort always got so wet. The long lips always swelled and flared to show her lust.

They shared a soft kiss before Mary lowered her head to nuzzle against the other’s breasts. A gentle moan of anticipation brought a smile to Mary’s face as she began to flick her tongue over the hard, dark nipples. She suckled briefly on those big juicy tits, listening to Teresa’s arousal growing relentlessly – feeling the hunger in her own body.

“I can’t wait any more,” Mary groaned. “I need your fingers.”

Teresa felt exactly the same. Her road trip had been very successful but there still was nothing like pleasure Mother Mary. Quickly she slipped a finger into the other woman’s hole, being attentive to the sighs and the body language of her boss. Teresa knew the older woman well and just exactly how and where to touch and stroke. Her boss had taught her how to pleasure a woman. It excited Teresa to show her skills to Mary. And her boss, being so horny, reached her first climax as soon as Teresa began to nip on her long, pointy nipples. The younger woman responded by inserting a second finger into that steaming cunt as her boss pulled her head firmly to her chest.

“More,” gasped Mary as her third orgasm ploughed through her body. “I need more today.”

Teresa was thrilled to hear that. The older woman had powerful needs and she dared to share. Biting harder on the turgid nipples, she triggered two more orgasms in quick succession before fetching bottle of lube from the bedside table. Teresa already had a third finger in her boss’ cunt while the older woman writhed beneath her.

“I’d never believed a woman could do this if you hadn’t taught me,” she said with a grin.

“I need it. Fill me up,” urged her boss, breathlessly, and Teresa quickly smeared the gel over her fingers and knuckles.

Mother Mary spread her slender legs even wider, as if to ensure Teresa understood. In her frenzied state she easily took a fourth finger into her cunt. Teresa rubbed the other woman’s clit at the same time, knowing there’d be some discomfort as she pressed harder into the sopping wet cunt.

Teresa got strangely aroused by fisting the wonderful Mother Mary. She’d done it many times and still got excited from inserting her entire hand into the older woman’s cunt. The labored breathing of her lover was proof that she’d learned this skill well. She already had four fingers and a thumb inside Mary’s hot cunt. The clit rubbing was helping and Mary was groaning loudly, her slender body tight with anticipation.

“Please, Sister. Don’t stop.”

Teresa increased her pressure, slowly forcing her small hand through Mary’s opening. Her knuckles were always the challenge but Teresa knew the older lesbian could take it. The groans became louder as her cunt hole stretched as wide as it had ever gone. Then she fell silent as she felt her hole filled completely, her cunt muscles closing around the hand of her lover.

Seeing that, Teresa knew what to do next – slowly rocking her hand back and forth while running a finger around the outside of Mary’s swollen clit. With a hand buried in her cunt, only a little extra stimulation was required. Teresa saw her eyes roll back and knew that Mary had stopped breathing momentarily. In this state the orgasms were almost overwhelming for Mary.

They stayed like that, locked together for several minutes. Mary was cumming in one long, continuous flow. The most exquisite sensations coursed through her body as her cunt spasmed around the hand of her fellow nun. Mary could never really describe the feeling. She’d been surprised to learn how silent she went. But Mary knew she’d be ready to die that way.

Mary always reacted this way when being fisted. She had taught Teresa well and the pumping of the fist inside her cunt seemed to touch every nerve ending throughout her body. The gentle rubbing of her clit focused those sensations in exactly the right place. Soon that penetrated her lust-crazed brain and she gave up a long, low moan as the unending orgasm consumed her. Teresa’s hand was the perfect size for a tight cunt and the movement of those petite fingers inside her, along with the constant pressure against her nerve endings, was the most intense sexual experience.

Happily, Teresa had enough experience with fisting her boss to know when the time came to slowly bring her down. More than ten minutes might be dangerous no matter how enjoyable. She ceased playing with Mary’s clit, trying to gradually bring her back to Earth. Teresa knew she could not attempt to withdraw her hand without the older woman relaxing her cunt muscles.

Breath returned to Mary, though she seemed unconscious. Teresa lay beside her silently for a long time until the exhausted Mary finally regained her senses and opened her eyes. Neither of them spoke for several more minutes.

“Sister Teresa, you are so perfect for me.”

“I had a wonderful teacher. And I know how special that part of the gift is for you.”

“You make it so amazing. So sacred. Now its your turn. Lie back for me so I can fındıkzade escort return the gift.”

Teresa didn’t need to be asked twice. She gladly let Mother Mary suckle on her double-Ds and lick her nipples till her own slit was sopping wet. Teresa enjoyed the lusting of others for her body. But her boss was extra special and it was incredibly arousing to have the older woman take advantage of her big tits. Mary was moaning herself as she slipped a hand down to her charge’s cunt. Teresa parted her thighs with a soft sigh, signally to her superior that she, too, was hungry for carnal pleasures.

Soon Mary pulled herself away from those luscious tits and trailed kisses down the belly of the younger nun. Teresa was nicely bare down there. Her neat cunt lips were swollen and flared. Mary gave one long lick from bottom to top of the steaming slit, reveling in the cry of pleasure she produced. Then she plunged her tongue fully into the other nun’s hole.

“Oh, fuck,” cried out Teresa. “Oh, Mother.”

Mary was a wonderful cunt licker and she very much enjoyed her craft. It was especially enjoyable to pleasure the younger woman who she’d first seduced and then led to sin. Mary knew exactly how to eat Teresa – alternating between tonguing the gushing hole and then swirling her tongue around the rock-hard clit. With her longer arms she easily reached to grab those big tits, squeezing them and pinching the nipples to send Teresa into a paroxysm of delight. Teresa was so naturally multi-orgasmic that the older woman could really enjoy licking and sucking and enjoying the juices that flowed from the other’s cunt.

Mother Mary moved away from the younger woman’s cunt only when she knew Teresa was spent. She cradled her charge in her arms till the heaving of her chest slowed and Teresa had returned to a semblance of normality.

“I’ve missed you,” sighed Teresa. They both new the rules. That was as much affection as they were permitted to display.

“But you had Francis to take care of you. The waiting couldn’t have been so bad.”

“He’d never be as good as you.”

“Hmmm… well a woman knows. Doesn’t she?”

Mary was stroking Teresa’s long blonde hair. In spite of what they both knew, the two women had a special bond.

“I’ve told you before,” said Mary gently, “how wrong it was of me to seduce you.”

“I have never regretted it for a second. It made me a better woman. And I have become a nun who can truly serve.”

“I’m really expecting to be transferred by the end of the year. I don’t want you to miss me too much.”

Sister Teresa knew she would miss terribly her friend and leader. But she didn’t care to talk about it right then.

“Can I stay a little while?”

“I hope you will. I have a new toy I’ve been waiting to share with you.”

Hearing the cry of delight, Mary quickly fetched the object from under her bed – a strap-on harness with a fresh, new dong attached. They’d used these before. Teresa’s first experience of being fucked by a cock had resulted from Mary letting her find one in her toybox. The new dong was not too long but nicely thick. It was flesh coloured and made with lovely fake veins that would feel perfect in her cunt. Teresa stroked it with a feeling of anticipation.

“Let’s get ready for it,” she urged her elder.

In a few moments they embraced in a loving 69 – Teresa on the bottom as was usual. She felt more comfortable being underneath her boss and it kept her long, blonde hair out of the way.

Pressing their mouths to the others cunt, the two beautiful women made love with their lips and tongues. Each enjoyed giving oral pleasure but they had a special connection that made the giving and receiving even better. As they’d practiced many times, they took turns to make the other cum, feeling the hot breath on their wet slits as the other woman writhed and exploded in their tight embrace. Teresa took extra care to lap at Mary’s arsehole. Both women were aroused by the intimacy of the act but Teresa wanted to prepare that tight place for what was to follow.

“You first,” said Mother Mary as she reached for the soft leather harness.

Teresa turned onto her back as she watched Mary don the harness, the thick dong protruding wickedly from other’s lean body. She loved cocks but never denied Mother Mary a chance to ream her throbbing cunt. Teresa spread her legs and drew her knees up – her cunt was open and inviting.

Carefully, Mary began to penetrate her lover with the rubber cock. There was no need to rush. She teased the opening, gently stretching. The dong was a good size – a little wider than the average man. And Teresa’s juices were already coating it as she moaned in anticipation.

“Please fuck me, Mother,” she groaned. “Like the very first time.”

“Play with your boobs. I want to watch you play with them.”

Teresa obeyed, squeezing her double-Ds and pinching her own nipples. She cried out as Mary thrust the first half of the rubber cock into her wet hole. It felt as good as the real thing when it was her beloved Mary fucking her. Teresa’s cunt muscles spasmed and she knew her next nişantaşı escort orgasm was already building.

Gripping the younger nun’s waist, Mary gradually had the entire dong buried in the steaming cunt. Since she couldn’t feel her cock, her focus was on fucking the other woman. With the harness fitting tightly, she began to pump into Teresa – increasing the depth and the pace of her thrusting. When Teresa, on the verge if climax, dropped her hands, the boss nun was rewarded with the sight of those luscious tits bouncing lewdly. The view almost made May cum herself since the dong was stimulating her own clitoris.

Wielding a strap-on dick, Mary had maximum stamina and could fuck her apprentice without end. Sometimes that brought out a mean streak in the boss nun. Allowing Teresa several gentle orgasms, Mary couldn’t wait to really give it to the younger nun.

“Roll over, my eager pupil,” she growled. “So you can really experience this new cock.”

It was exquisite to be in doggy position while the older woman rammed her cunt with the new toy. Teresa loved men and their cocks. Francis was an expert fucker. But Mary had chosen the perfect size and it was extra special to have the debauched older nun ramming into her sopping hole.

Mary appreciated the effort it too for a man to really fuck a woman hard. With Teresa on hands and knees, and a firm grip on her hips, she could slam the toy phallus into the soaking wet cunt. She feasted on the sight of those heavy tits as they swung and bounced. Mother Mary thrilled at reaming Teresa’s hole, the feeling of dominance as she fucked the other woman hard and deep. The muffled cries of sexual release drove her on.

But by then Mary was feeling her own needs. Fumbling with the harness, begged for what she wanted.

“Now you. I need this in my bottom.”

Teresa was still gasping with her own receding climax. But she was never one to disappoint her boss. She reached for the lube as Mary got into position.

“We don’t need that. Your cunt juice is enough.”

Mary was on hands and knees, with her bottom wriggling to entice her lover. Teresa soon had the harness fitting nice and tight. The fake phallus looked imposing as it jutted out from her body. She hoped her licking had been enough to prep Mary’s backdoor. But she knew that Mary wasn’t afraid of a little pain to go with butt sex. Without waiting, she pressed the end of the dong against the light brown opening.

“Give it to me,” groaned Mary. “Fill me up good.”

Mary pushed back as Teresa began to thrust forward. The first third of the dong disappeared inside her arse. With a firm grip of her hips, Teresa took up a rhythm in Mary’s hole. With each thrust she drew back before forcing more of the toy into that intimate opening. She was trying to be gentle although she knew from experience that a little pain would help to precipitate Mary’s first orgasm. Teresa had long since accepted that her teacher and boss delighted in rough anal penetration.

The dong was two-thirds of the way into Mary’s bum when her first orgasm hit. It was a smallish one but that was enough. As always, her sphincters opened up as her body craved more intense pleasure.

“Please. Give it to me,” begged Mary.

With a firm thrust Teresa buried the cock, making Mary cry out with joy. Ready to really fuck the other woman’s arse, she withdrew till only the tip was nestled in the hole. That made Mary moan even louder with hunger. Teresa knew the sphincters were relaxed now, open. She drove the length of the toy into her bosses’ rectum. Mary’s cry was perfect and Teresa gripped her hips tighter as she began to piston the rubber cock in and out of her boss’ arsehole. Mary shoved her face into the pillows, muffling her sounds of release. But Teresa had plenty of experiencing at giving anal pleasure and easily took control, reaming the other woman’s backdoor until she knew she was on the verge of leaving Mother Mary too sore to sit down.

After, the two women cuddled each other. It was true that they could not afford to let emotions like love get in the way of their work as nuns of the Order of the Mount. But Teresa, at least, felt something like love for her mentor. Soon they both fell into a light slumber, Teresa surrendering with the thought she might be allowed to stay the night.


Sister Claire knew all about her appointment with the Monsignor. The date and time were marked carefully in her diary. Only three days more. And she knew exactly what the meeting would entail. The truth was that she was looking forward to it. Letting a stranger use her like that, humping her bottom, was no longer frightening now that she was entering the secret inner world of the Order of the Mount.

At first, her sinful and unclean thoughts had caused deep shame. It was the same as she’d experienced years earlier after sex with boyfriends. She’d thought herself a slut and turned to the Order as a way to atone. But those thoughts had refused to stay away. Confused, needing help, her sister nuns had helped Claire to discover a new and more intense way to serve as a nun. They had reassured her that the Gift was special and cherished by the members of the secret core. With their encouragement, she had found herself thinking of sex all the time and wishing for more chances to experience the most intense pleasure. Of course, it was all in the service of the Order.

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