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Standard disclaimers.

This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time reading this. . Also, this story takes place in a world where STDs don’t exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


The restaurant was nice enough, neither too boisterous or too elegant. The bottle of wine Gwen had chosen helped prolong the glow of contentment the Nelsons had started in their hotel room and they sat quietly, just enjoying each other’s company.

Tim finally broke the silence. “I guess this is as good a time as any for a Nelson Plumbing partners meeting,” he announced, gently smiling across the table at Gwen.

She smiled back at him, confused. “Partners meeting? What are you talking about?”

“Well, uhh…I’ve been thinking…”

Her smile faded at the thoughtful tone of his voice. “Thinking about what?”

“About retirement…”

“Retirement? I thought we still had a ways to go before that?”

“Yeah, yeah I guess we do,” he hurriedly agreed, “but what happens when we’re at that point? To the business, I mean? It’s pretty clear the girls won’t be taking over.”

The uncertainty made Gwen stop and consider the fact for the first time. “I just thought we’d sell it, I guess?”

“We both worked our asses off to make it what it is now, Gwen, and we still do,” Tim said with a shake of his head. “I’d hate like hell for someone else to screw up all that hard work.”

“So we make sure we’re very careful about who we sell to,” Gwen said slowly. “Is there something I don’t know about that makes this important right now?”

“Just been thinking, that’s all.”

“So, if you’ve been thinking, I’m going to guess you’ve been thinking of a solution?”

Tim smiled. “Uhh, maybe, yeah.” He paused, then looked up and smiled. “I think we should expand.”

“Expand? How does that—”

Tim already had his hand up to interrupt the expected rapid-fire questioning. “I was talking to Bob about it that night at their house, when we were on the deck at the grill? He suggested we sell a third of the business to a partner now and we keep the other two-thirds and the controlling interest. We use the partner’s buy-in money to expand so we can keep it profitable for all of us, and then when we get ready to retire, sell our shares to him. If the new guy doesn’t cut it, we’ll probably know pretty quick so we buy him out and we’re no worse off than before.”

Gwen desperately tried to sort the flood of questions running through her brain. “But we’d have to do a lot more business than what we do now—”

“Uh-huh, and I think the business is there–you know how busy we are already. We just don’t have the manpower to handle it all. So we add more crews and equipment, and we’d probably need to expand the shop to handle that, but we’ve got plenty of room for a bigger building…”

“How many more crews?”

“Another three-four, maybe, get more serious about our HVAC work…”

“And how do we go about finding a partner?” Tim smiled again. “I think we already did. Eric.”

“Eric? Our Eric?”

“Him. I know he’s happy workin’ for us, but he still wants his own shop, and he’s still putting all his money away for that. He’s good, real good, and I don’t want to lose him.”

“I don’t either, but he’s so young…and besides, shouldn’t we offer it to Cliff first? He’s been with us for so long…”

“We were young when we started, and we did it without any help. We’d be giving Eric a head-start. As for Cliff, I already kinda talked to him—he’s thinking about retiring too, right after the boys get done college, and then he and Cheryl are going to go somewhere along the coast. He’s not looking for new adventures at this point in his life. I thought we’d give him a fancy title—Director of Operations, something like that, and let him keep hammering the apprentices into shape. So, what do you think?”

Gwen thought, trying to make sense of it all. “But like you said, we’re already so busy and I’m barely keeping up with everything in the office right now…”

Tim nodded. “I know. So we get you an admin, someone who can answer the phone, do the billing and ordering, maybe run the homeshow booths.”

“I don’t know…I’m going to have to think about this, Tim. It’s a huge leap.”

He smiled and nodded. It was exactly what he had hoped and expected to hear and was better than a flat out no; Gwen Nelson did not jump into any decision of importance. She would definitely take her time with something this big. “I know you do. Take some time and think about it. We’re not retiring tomorrow.”

They sat in silence, both lost in their thoughts. Gwen finally looked gaziantep escort up. “Let’s do it.”

“Do…this?” Tim replied cautiously, what he was hearing not on his mental timetable.

“Yes. We make an offer to Eric and expand. It sounds really scary, but I know you must have thought this through, and I trust you. The business means a lot to me, too, and now that you’ve brought it up, I want to see that it gets taken care of. So, what do we do next?”

Dinner flew by, the Nelsons eating distractedly while they listed out all the things that had to be done, and Gwen found herself being infected by Tim’s obvious enthusiasm for the venture. Eric’s acceptance of their offer was their highest priority, and plans were made for a dinner at the house to discuss it with him.

They left the restaurant hand in hand, Tim graciously opening the truck door for her. He made a right into a liquor store parking lot two blocks from the hotel . “I think we should get some champagne to celebrate,” he said with a mischievous grin.

“I’ve already had two glasses of wine,” Gwen protested as he hopped out, returning moments later with a brown bag. The celebration started in the hotel elevator, Tim kissing her deeply as they rode up to the sixth floor, daring to slide his hand up beneath her dress and playfully squeeze her ass.

He only took his hand away to open the door to their room, then hurried to uncork the bottle and pour the contents into little plastic cups. Gwen took her drink from him and lifted it as he toasted. “To our retirement plan.”

She sipped and smiled. “I shouldn’t be drinking this. Champagne always hits me so hard.”

“Huh. Whaddya know.” Tim gently took the cup from her hands and set it down, then took her in his arms. “Guess I’ll have to cut you off when you’ve had too much.” They kissed, savoring their growing arousal, letting it build with long slow kisses, touches and caresses. Still, Gwen was happy to feel strong fingers looking for the zipper on the back of her dress. They found it and pulled, the long, slow buzz loud in the quiet room until it could go no further down into the small of her back. She smiled and broke their embrace to step back and shrug the garment off her shoulders, letting it fall past her hips before again wrapping her arms around her husband’s neck. Strong hands again firmly cupped her rear, at first over her sensible panties, then pushing down beneath the waistband to rasp against bare skin.

The fingers had more difficulty with the clasp of her bra but persistence paid off and the erect nipples topping pert breasts were his reward. Her panties were next, and she stood naked, feeling very safe and secure in her man’s embrace. He released her and retrieved her champagne.

“Aren’t you going to get undressed, too?” she asked, taking the cup from him.

“Yup,” he answered distractedly, taking a sip of his drink. “Champagne’s getting warm…we should probably get a bucket of ice to put it in.”

“We’ve got a refrigerator, we can put it in there,” Gwen suggested as she reached for the bottle.

“Takes too long to get cold again,” Tim said with a smile. “I think I saw an ice machine across from the elevator.” He reached for the bucket and handed it to Gwen. “Maybe you can go get it?”

She took the bucket and gave him a suspicious half-smile. “You just got me out of my clothes. You sure you want me to put them back on?”

“Nope. I like you the way you are. Maybe you could just go like that…”

Gwen laughed, sure he was joking. “And while I’m at it I could go down to the lobby and leave a wake-up call!”

“I was thinking we could sleep in tomorrow, so we don’t need a wake up call. We do need ice, though, and there’s some right there by the elevator…why waste time getting dressed? You could be there and back in the time it’ll take you to put your clothes on.”

“You’re not kidding, are you? You really want me to go like this?”

“Yeah, I do…you look so good naked.”

“You’re crazy! What if someone sees me?”

“Sounds pretty quiet out there. And even if someone does see you, they’re going to think you look good naked, too.” Tim smiled. “Do it. I dare you.”

The alcohol had effectively muted the Lady’s protests while giving the Slut a loud and persuasive voice. Gwen looked back at her husband. “If you want me to…you’ll leave the door open, right? You’re not going to shut it when I go out?”

“I’ll leave the door open, I promise. Do it.”

Gwen continued to look at him, waiting for him to call a halt to the prank, getting a commanding stare in return. “You really want me to?”

“Uh huh.”

She gulped the remainder of her champagne. Crazy, she grumbled to herself. This is just crazy. Bucket in one hand, Gwen cautiously opened the door just enough to keep her nakedness behind it while checking for an excuse to step away from this foolishness.

The hallway was empty. Gwen glanced back at Tim, getting an expectant escort gaziantep smile in return, and she again looked out, this time to plot the most direct route to her destination. There was a wide opening in the wall about halfway down the corridor; she had been more concerned with the back her dress riding up over Tim’s hand when they had stepped off the elevator than taking note of her surroundings, and hoped the ice machine really was there. She shook her head in disbelief at what she was about to do, took a deep breath, then flung the door open and hurried into the hall at a quick trot. Gwen was halfway to her target before suddenly remembering that hotel doors shut themselves and pulled up short, decision-making made difficult by panic as she debated the value of going back to prop it open and whether she could make it in time. Her heart sank as she saw her refuge disappear behind the swinging door with an ominous thud and click. Only one way to go now, the Slut advised, and the sound of another door opening spurred her into a run.

Gwen reached the relative safety of the vending area and frantically looked about for someplace, anyplace to hide. The machines were to her right against the wall, the opposite wall bare, but there was a space between the ice machine and back wall that might offer just a little more protection than nothing…she tried to control both her breathing and pounding heart, afraid both might be heard, and began to formulate an excuse for when they found her trapped in here even as she castigated herself for taking such a stupid chance. She listened intently for the sound of whoever had opened their door coming to investigate why a naked woman had been running down the hall.

A couple moments passed, hours to the trapped woman, and no one came. Gwen cautiously crept out and peeked around the corner, quickly recoiling when she glimpsed someone standing in an open doorway, a fresh surge of adrenaline coursing through her before realizing it was the door to her room and the onlooker was Tim. She peeked again to confirm, feeling foolish, and he smiled, waving with one hand while the other held his phone, apparently taking pictures. She felt some small amount of relief that it was him, mixed with annoyance that he was filming her discomfort, but common sense told her that she was far from out of the woods and that being discovered was still likely, if not inevitable. Gwen shoved the bucket under the machine’s spout, silently cursing the thunder of the cubes rattling through the funnel and into the plastic as well as the time it was taking.

It was almost full when she heard the hum of the elevator rumbling to a stop across the hallway. Gwen froze, again calculating her chances of a frantic sprint getting her back to the room before the door opened, the ding of the bell signaling it was too late. She again retreated into her cubbyhole and crouched down to both hide from the elevator’s passengers and at least cover her most private parts from their view.

Gwen fervently hoped whoever was on the elevator would look across the hall as they exited. That they might stop for something out of the machines was too horrifying to contemplate. She heard the doors slide open and held her breath as an elderly couple shuffled off. Don’t look here, don’t look here, she begged, knowing that if she could see them they would see her. To her relief, their focus was on their footing and a moment later there came the sound of what she hoped was the door to their room opening, then closing with an echoing thud.

For the second time Gwen felt the thrill of escape and grabbed for the full bucket, almost rushing out into the hall before reminding herself to stop and check if the way was clear. It was, and she raced down to where Tim was still standing half in and half out of the room, still taking pictures. He moved to the side to allow her to dash through the open door and triumphantly slam the bucket on the desk.

Tim closed the door behind her and grinned. “Goddamn! I can’t believe you really did it!”

“You wanted me to,” Gwen replied smoothly, trying to appear nonchalant while controlling her adrenaline-fueled exhilaration. There was arousal too, even more pronounced than before she had stepped into the hallway…”I thought you were going to get undressed while I went to get the ice?”

“Oh yeah–kinda forgot in all the excitement.” He hurried to strip, quickly revealing a potent erection that needed no more encouragement. She lay on the bed and smiled in invitation as her breathing gradually slowed, Tim quick to join her and take her in his arms. He was moving faster than usual, his hand already between her legs, but Gwen’s impatience matched his and opened herself to give him access while she reached for his length.

Tim slid his finger between slick lips and pushed into her opening, pleased to find her very wet. “I guess your ice run wasn’t so bad?”

“No, it wasn’t,” she admitted, firmly stroking his staff, correctly guessing gaziantep escort bayan it to be the result of her dash. “It was a little exciting knowing you wanted me to. Were you taking pictures of me?”

“A video. I’m gonna watch it over and over. I thought that was sexy as hell.” Tim nuzzled the exposed skin of her neck and thrust himself through her fist to emphasize his appreciation for the show. She allowed his cock to slide from her grasp a moment later as he rose and hovered over her, kissing his way down her body and teasing her nipples with his tongue while he stroked her clit with a callused finger. She would have been ready for him right then, but he had other ideas, and eventually kissed his way lower, down over her stomach and mound before settling between her legs to taste her wetness.

Gwen shivered at the first touch of his tongue against her lips, feeling it push between them and slowly drag up her slit and across her button. She sighed as it withdrew, missing the contact, and firm hands gripped the back of Tim’s head to hold him fast when he returned, determined not to let his tongue leave again while her sex rocked against his face. The soft moan announcing the start of her orgasm was cut short when it hit full-force, and he dutifully held his position while Gwen purposefully ground her pussy against anything solid she could find. Her body stiffened in time to a final high-pitched squeak, then went limp.

She twitched spasmodically for a moment more before releasing her hold on his head, idly stroking his hair, the feel of her husband’s breath hot against her wet skin reminding her of his patience while he allowed her to enjoy the afterglow of her climax.

Gwen abruptly moved away and rolled over, getting up on all fours and presenting herself to him. “Do you want me?” she asked over her shoulder, further walking her knees apart in expectation of him accepting her invitation.

“If you mean do I want to fuck you,” Tim replied slowly, getting to his knees and shuffling towards the offered target, “yeah, I do. Hard.”

“As hard as you want. I can take it,” she confidently assured him before turning back to look at the headboard, resolutely waiting for him to make good on his desire. Gwen felt the tip of his cock press against her lips as he lined himself up with one hand while steadying himself on her hip with the other. She braced for the impact but was instead surprised to be split with a single smooth thrust that stopped well short of its limit. “I thought you wanted it hard?” she challenged, looking back.

Tim chuckled and shrugged. “Habit, I guess. Wanted to make sure you were ready for me. How’s this?” He didn’t wait for an answer as he pulled back then slammed forward.

Gwen exhaled sharply as her head swiveled back to stare at the headboard in surprise. “That’s good,” she gasped, “but you can go harder, if you want.”

“Oh yeah?” Tim withdrew again, and she was more prepared this time for the thrust that ended with an audible slap of his midsection against her ass. “Too hard?”

“No, I like that…” Gwen looked back at him and smiled. “Is this what you wanted to do to me in front of everybody on the beach?”

Tim didn’t return the smile, is expression stern as he looked down at the body impaled on his cock. “Uh-huh,” he grunted before withdrawing and slamming into her again.

Gwen did her best to absorb the shock of the impact. “Maybe you can next time—uh!—maybe you should—uh!—make me show them.”

“Oh, yeah,” Tim groaned, imagining what the show they might have put on if they hadn’t gone up into the woods. “Maybe I’d let them see what a great fuck you are…how hard you make me come.” The force of his thrusts decreased as his pace increased, the rapidity of his strokes becoming more important than how hard he delivered them. “Coming—” he announced as he arched his back to get that last fraction of an inch of penetration, pulling Gwen’s body tight to him as he filled her. Spent, Tim collapsed backwards, breathing heavily. No longer encumbered by the body on top of her or the cock inside, Gwen gently lowered herself to lie on a hip and look back at her husband lying spread-eagle at the end of the bed. She crawled towards the recovering man, up between his legs, kissing her way up his softening cock and over his stomach until she was able to lie next to him.

“That was fun,” Tim chuckled, bringing her to him with a strong arm about her shoulder.

“Uh huh.”

“Think we need some more ice?”

“I think we both need some sleep,” Gwen said with a gentle laugh, and Tim was happy to agree.

Old habits do die hard, and their customary wake-up times did not work well with their plan to sleep in. Gwen was up first, feeling the need for a shower before they made their way downstairs for breakfast. Tim arose with the idea of joining her, but the hotel room’s combination bathtub and shower was not really built for two people with ideas of anything other than a quick wash, and he mumbled something about “going downstairs to get some coffee and bring back to the room,” then left Gwen to soak under the hot spray.

Tim was already back by the time she emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped about her head and another about her body. Gwen looked about expectantly. “Coffee?”

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