vermediğim kimse kaldı mı?

vermediğim kimse kaldı mı?

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Ben 35 yaşında bir erkeğim. İlk maceram 7 yaşındayken bir simitçinin beni bir inşaatta sikmesiyle başladı. O kadar hoşuma gitti ki kuzenimi ayartıp onunla düzenli olarak sikişmeye başladım. Sonra abisi bizi gördü ve kardeşinden gizli olmak kaydıyla benimle o da sikişmek istediğini söyledi. Böylece iki kardeş kuzenle ayrı ayrı sikişmeye başladım. Bir süre sonra diğer kuzenin abisinden haberi olunca aklıma ikisini sikiştirmek geldi. Zorla da olsa ikna ettim ve muhteşem bir üçlü seks yaşadık. Abi kardeşi sikişirken görmek beni o kadar heyecanlandırdı ki ben de kardeşlerime ilgi duymaya başladım. Böylece 12 yaşıma geldiğimde zaten oynaşırken bana götünü sürttüren 8 iddaa yaşındaki kızkardeşimi sikmeye başladım. Aynı zamanda abime de götümü siktiriyordum. Ama asıl hayalim annem ve babamla birlikte olmaktı. Babamı da evde kimse yokken ayartıp götümü siktirdikten sonra sıra anneme gelmişti. Uzun süre uğraşıp bir yolunu bulamayınca babamla sikişirken anneme yakalanmaya karar verdim. Ya o da katılacak ya da herşey bitecekti. Beklentim babam beni sikerken annemin görmesi ve bana acıyıp beni tekrar erkek yapmak için bana kendini siktirmesiydi. Ama aksilik tam tersine annem odaya girdiğinde ben babamı domaltmış hızlı hızlı götüne pompalıyordum. Bu yüzden çok büyük kavgalar canlı iddaa oldu ve annem babamı evden kovdu. Oysa onun bilmediği bir şey vardı ki evde o hariç herkes birbirini sikiyordu. babam evden gidince ben kendimi tekrar abime siktirmeye devam ettim. Bir gün ona annemi sikmeyi hayal ettiğimi söyleyince hadi bu gece beraber sikelim istemezse zorla sikeriz dedi. Biz de kızkardeşimizi de alıp o gece anneme hepimiz birlikte yatmak istiyoruz dedik ve yatak odasına geçtik. En başta ben yanımda kızkardeşim onun yanında abim ve en sonda da annem yatıyorduk. Ben Kızkardeşime sokmuş hafiften pompalıyordum ki olaya abimde katıldı ve biz iki kardeş aynı anda kızkardeşimize sokmaya içinde gidip gelmeye başladık. Gidip gelmelerden ne olduğunu anlayan annemin ne oluyorsunuz ne yaptığınızı sanıyorsunuz siz demesiyle hepimiz onun üzerine çullandık ve seni sikmek istiyoruuuuuzz diye bağırıp her tarafını yalayıp öpmeye başladık. Annem önce biraz şaşkınlıkla çırpınmaya başladı ama ben can damarını yakalamış amını okşamaya başlamıştım. O nedenle direnmesi uzun sürmedi ve kendini bize bıraktı. Üç kardeş annemizle sevişiyorduk. Kızkardeşim annemin göğüslerini yalarken ya da onunla dudak dudağa öpüşürken biz abimle aynı anda hem amını hem götünü sikiyorduk. Tabii arada kızkardeşimiz de nasibini alıyordu. Sbaha kadar sikiştikten sonra uyuyakaldık. Uyanınca ilk yaptığımız iş babamızı arayıp eve çağırmak oldu. Babam abimle kızkardeşimi de sikince evdeki sex halkası tamamlanmış oldu.

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Hülyanın Evinde

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gay ilişkim

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İsim : Mehmet <a href="" türkiye bahis şirketleri rel=’dofollow’ title=”en iyi bahis şirketleri”>en iyi bahis şirketleri Mail : [email protected]
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güzel kaynanam

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Karımla cok guzel bi beraberligimiz vardı gecen seneye kadar maddi problemlerden dolayı tabi. Oncesine donelim kayın validem bosanmıs dul bir kadındı bizden ayrı baska bi adamla nikahsız yasıyodu bizde karısmıyoduk. Uc sene onceydi yaklasık bigun aksam bize cıkageldi ve bizde kalcagını soyledi. ne oldu diye sordugumuzda ayrıldıgını soyleyerek aglmaya basladı. Ve ustune gitmedik ogun odasını hazırlayıp yatırdık. Kayın validem 42 yasında 1.60 boylarında fizigi cok guzel bir bayandı. Aradan bir iki ay gecmisti. Bigun gece yarısı karımla deli gibi sevişiyordukki kayın validemin bizi izledigini farkettim. Kendimi sevişmeye verdim ve gormemezlige geldim. Ertesi gun kayın validem alısverişe cıktı karımla basbasaydık ve gene cılgınlar gibi sexs hazırlıgındaydıkkı kayın validem cıkageldi. Tabii sevişmemiz baslamadan bitti. Çok kızmıstım. Aksam oluca kayın validem odasından cıkıp yanımıza geldi ama ne gelis daracık kısa bi sort giymis ustunde daracık bi badi gogusleri nerdeyse dısarı fırlıcak acayıp tahrik oldum gozlerimi o puruzsuz bacaklarından ve o guzel goguslerinden gozlerimi alamıyordum. Derken karım uykum geldi diyerek yatmaya gitti. Aklımdan neler gectigini tahmin bile edemezsiniz ama gelin gorunki elim kolum baglıydı. Hemen karımın yanına giderek aksamdan yarım kalan zevkimizi tamamlamak pesindeydim. Ve istedigimi alırken gene gozum kapının onune takıldı ve gene onu bizi seyrederken gordum ve karımın gormemesi icin pozisyonumuzu degiştirdimki kayınvalidem kendisini gordugumu farketti. Uzaklasır diye beklerken seyretmeye basladı bizi ilk onceleri bi garip hissettim kendimi ve izlemesine izin verdim ama bi yandanda onu tahrik etmeye calısıyodum ve bunuda fazlasıyla basardıgıma ınanıyorum. neyse sabah oldu kayın validemin suratına baktım ve gulumseyerek aksam cok iyiydin dedi. Bendede hınzırlık varya bizi izlemezini fırsat bilip lafı yapıştırdım. NERDEN BİLCEKSİN O GUZELLİGİ ALTIMDA DEGİLDİNKİ. Dedim ve guldu, niye guluyosunki dedim cok guveniyosun kendine dedi konu sexs olunca haddinden fazla guvenirim kendime partnerim kim olursa olsun onu cıldırtırım ve paramparca ederim ve ikimizde zevkin doruklarına varırız dedim. sustu tamam dedi. Karım yanımıza geldi ne kaynatıyosuz bakıyım dedi bizde basımızdan savdık ve evden karımla ise gitmek uzere evden cıktık. İşe gittigimde turlu hayaller kuruyodumki ani bi kararla işyerimden izin alıp kosa kosa eve gittim. Kayın validem evde yanlızdı hic bişey olmamıs gibi eve girdim nasılsın diye sordum nasıl olsun yanlızım dedi saglık olsun dedim ama hayatımdan memnunum dedi iyi dedim ben bi dus alcam sen otur dedim tamam dedi cay icermisin dedi icerim dedim banyoya girdim aradan 10 dk. gecti kapıyı calmadan iceri girmis suyun sesinden farketmedim geldiğini ve beni izliyomus arkamı donup havluyu almak uzere hareket edince karsımda duruyordu ve bukadar cabuk olcagını tahmin edemiyordum. Hayırdır dedim cayını getırdim dedi tesekkur ederim dedim ama icerde icerdik beraber dedim olsun keyif yaparsın dedi olur dedim arkasını dondu tam cıkıyodu kendimi toplayarak kalıpizlemezmisin dedim herzaman yaptıgını gene yapmazmısın dedim ama cıkıyosun dedi biraz daha kalabilirim dedim yanlız kalmaman icin cabuk cıkcaktım banyodan dedim olur dedi. Tekrar dusa girdim ve soruyu patlattım madem ordasın katılmazmısın bana dememle hemen soyunup kuvete yanıma geldi tetemiz vucudu diri gogusleri tertemiz amıyla kucagıma oturup kuveti kopukle doldurdu birbirimizi yıkamaya basladık sıra bana geldiginde elime kocaman bi kopuk alarak goguslerinden baslayarak amına dogru oksayarak indim hafif inlemelerini duymaya basladım ve bu benide tahrik etmeyebasladı elimi amının uzerinde guzelce gezdiriydumki ayaga kalkarak ayaga kalk dedi ilk once korktum tabi ama dusundugum bahis siteleri canlı gibi olmadı ve egilerek yarragımı azına almaya basladı olye yalıyoduki tarifi mumkun degil hemen oracıkta geliyorum dedim ve cıkarmamı istemedi icine basolıverdim. Hadi cıkalım artık dedi vaktimiz fazla yok odamıza gecip kaldıgımız yerden devam ederiz dedi buyuk bi memnuniyetle hemen dustan cıktık odaya cıplak bi vaziyette girdik ve beni yataga fırlattı ve kucagıma atladı tekrar yarragımı buyuk bi iştahla yalamaya basladı biraz o zevki tattıktan sonra durmasını soyledim ve ne oldu dedi bişey olmadıgını sıranın bende oldugunu soyleyerek onu altıma aldım ve opusmuye basladık ve goguslerini emmeye basladım cıldırmaya baslamıstı ve bi sure sonra yalıya yalıya amına kadar indim muthiş gorunuyordu hic vakit kaybetmeden amınıda yalamaya basladım buyk zevk alıyordu altımda zevkten cıldırıyoru hadi sik beni hadi askım sok o yarragını icime gir artık diye yalvarıyordu ama dinleyen kim yalamaya devam ediyordum geliyorum askım bu ikinci oluyo hadi sok yarragını hadi askım diye ınliyordu altımda ve kendini toparlayarak altımdan ustume gecti ve kucagıma oturdu yarragımı icine alarak ustumde inleyerek ve yeni taylar gibi cılgınlar gibi zıplayarak ıkımızide tatmin ediyordu ve bi an uzerimden kalkarak atına bin askım kostur beni askım dedi ve en sevdigim pozisyon olan kopek durusu pozisyonuna getirip onume gel askım dedi ve tekrar buyuk bi iştahla yalamaya basladı yarragımı ve hadi askım kostur artık yarıslara hazırla beni artık hadi gir hadi gir sok yarragını diye bagırıyordu ve bende bu istegini seve seve yerine getirerek olanca kuvvetimle yarragımı amının derinliklerine kadar kokleyerek sokup cıkarmaya basladım o guzelligi ve o anki yasadıgım zevki tarif edemem size altımda zevten inlemeler gidip yerini zevk bagırmaları almıstı devam et askım iyi sok devam erkegim dedikce bende zevkten cıldırıyodum bahis bi an durdu ve askım cok guzel askım daracık gotumdende sikmeni istiyorum askım lutfen dedi ben dururmuyum tabi dedim ve fırsat vermeden yarragımı hemen agzına goturup yalatmaya basladım artık dayancak gucum kalmamıstı zevkten cıldırıyodum ve bikere daha bosaldım. askımsimdi bi sıgara icicez ve beni gotumden o daracık delikten iceri girip hic acımadan sokup cıkaracaksın simdiden hayali bile guzel diyerek devam etmeye basladık askım cok guzelsin muhtesemsin diyerek beni tahrik etmeye basladı ve takrar yarragımı buyuk bi iştahla yalamaya basldı ve bende bu arada hem amını hemde o daracık gotunu yalayıp yutuyodum ve hadi askım artık tekrar bin atına ve sok o daracık yarragını gotume ve ikimizide acıyla karısık zevkin doruklarına ulastır bizi diye yalvarıyordu ve hic vakit kaybetmeden arkasına gecip yarragımı hafif kıremleyip gotunun deligine dayadım ve birden icine soktum ve bi derin bi ah cektı sok askım iyi sok acıma yok sok erkegim hadi dahada dahada sok askım diye sesleniyodu ve hic acımadan yarragımı sonunakadar sokmaya basladım aglamaklı bi sesle evet askım bu zevki iyi tat karın veremez bu zevki sok askım sok erkegim dedikce zevk almam katlanıyordu cıldırmak uzereydim geliyorum askım diye seslenmeye basladım hayır askım hayır gelme gelme diyodu durdum ve yarragımı gotunden cıkardı ve beni yataga yatırıp uzerime tekrar cıkarak yarragımı amının icine alarak ustumde deliler gibi zıplamaya basladı zevkten olmek uzereydim ve tekrar geliyorum askım geliyo askım dıye bagırmaya basladım ve uzerimden kalkacagını zannettim ve gel askım bosal icime rahatlat kendini evet askım evet hadi derken artık dayanamayarak icine buyuk bi zevkle patlayarak bosaldım ve bir sure kucagımd durdu ve kalktı evet askım muhtesemdin dedi sende iyiydin diyerek sevismemizi bitirdik ve hemen evden cıkıp karımın işyerine gidip karımı alıp eve geldik ve karım annesine anne gunun nasıldı diye sordu ve guzeldi cok guzeldi diye yanıt verdi ve bu ilişki 1 yıl kadar surdu ve cok guzeldi. daha ne hatunlar geldi gectı hayatımdan işiden dolayı ve onlarda baska zamana artık……. ANKARADAN SEVGİLER herkeze.

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Bu anlatacağım olayı kocam dahil kimse bilmiyor ama artık dayanamıyorum anlatmak istiyorum.evde rahat ilişkiye giremiyorduk çünkü kocamın ailesi bizimle beraber oturmaya başladı o yaz kocam tatile çıkalımda rahat rahat yaparız dedi bi tatil köyüne gittik rahat rahat bol bol sikiştik 4 gün boyunca.bir gece arkadan yapmaya kalktı ben ilk önce kabul ettim ama sokmaya çalışınca vazgeçtim çünkü çok canım yanmıştı oda bana kızdı bağırdı çağırdı kavga ettik biz kavga ederken yan odadan duvara vurdular en güvenilir bahis sitesi rahatsız etmiştik yan taraftakileri senin yüzünden rezil olduk diye kapıyı çarpıp gitti kocam .yarım saat geçmemişti kapı çalındı ben pişman oldu geri geldi diye üstümde sütyen ve külot olduğu online bahis halde kapıyı açtım içeriye 25-26 yaşalrında 2 kişi aniden girdiler ve benim ağzımı kapatıp bizi kaç gündür seslerinizle tahrik ettiniz sesini çıkartırsan seni ve kocanı öldürürüz diyerek boğazıma bıçak dayadılar ben yalvardım ne isterseniz yaparım lütfen öldürmeyin diye ağzımı bi bezle bağlayıp yüzüstü yatağa fırlattılar ve beni sırayla siktiler 4 kere amıma boşaldılar siklerini görmedim ama çok kalın ve uzun olduklarını tahmin ediyorum amıma girerken canım çok yanmıştı ama götümü parçaladı [email protected]

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Big Tits

30 yaşında 1.80 boyundayım.terminalden otobüse binerek istanbula yola koyulduk.yan tarafımda çarşaflı bir kadın vardı ve tekti benim gbii.gece yolculuğunda ilgimi çekti bir ara uyudu o arada farkında olmadan çaraşafı açıldı iç çamaşırı göründü kocaman memesinin uçunu farkedince sikim acayip kalktı mutlaka tanışmalıyım dedim.bir yazı yazdım ve yanına koydum.yan koltukta oturuyorum sizden çok fazla etkilendim lütfen kızmayın ama kabul ederseniz sizinle yol boyunca konuşmak isityorum dedim.uyanınca okudu ama ben çok korktum neyse bana baktı gelebilirmiyim deyince sesini çıkarmadı neyse ben yanına oturdum tabi karanlık kimse kimsenin umurumda değil herkes uyuyor konuşturmak için çok zorladım.sikim kalkıktı arada bir sikimle farkettirmesen elliyordum canlı kaçak bahis göz ucuyla bakıyordu.neyse konuşmaya bşaldı anlatmaya başladı mola saati geldi indik.ben lavobaya gidicem dedi yani işemeye.gitti bende arkdasından daldım birden beni görünce ben galiba yanlış yere girdim dedim neyse şu tuvalete gireyim dedim.kimse yoktu sende gel dedim lütfen yalvardım zraki girdi soydum vaktimiz çok az dedim.hemen dömelttim bet siteleri koca uzun donu vardı indirdim dömelttim olmaz diyemedi çünkü korkuyordu biri içeri girer diye hemde araba kalkmak üzreydi hızlıca soktum ahhh diye inledi hızlıca girdim ellerimde memeleri oooohhh diye inliyordu 5 daikak boyunca siktim.çıkardım eğil dedim eğildi ağzına verdim öptü yaladı ağzına fışkırcam sakın ziyan etme dedim olmaz dedi zorla soktum elimle bastırdım ve fışkırdım kusacak gibi oldu yut çıkarma dedim yüzünü buruşturarak yuttu hızlıca çıktık arabaya bindik sohbet ederek vardık ama indiğimizde bir bey karşıladı numarasını alamadım.beni isteyen varsa [email protected]İsim : enginMail : [email protected]

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This is the forth true story I have submitted to Literotica. They are not in chronological order or even in order of my favorite memories. In the first one I took time to describe much of my upbringing and how it contributed to my naivety and sometimes shyness. Without that background knowledge, you might find some portions of my stories difficult to believe. For the benefit of those who will read all, or at least more than one of my true stories, I will not repeat myself with this description. However, if you have not read “My Neighbor Jessica,” I suggest you read at least the first 6 or 7 paragraphs before reading any of the others.


The specific background for this story would need to start during the fall of 1989. The company where I was working went through several changes over a long period of time. I tried to take the first few in stride and be supportive to my company. There really was a period of time I felt ownership in the company, although I owned no portion and was only a loyal employee. The last few changes were more than I could handle, so I wrote my very first resume and started searching of new employment. I interviewed with a large retail chain and received a job offer to work in their design and construction division. I would continue to travel as I had for the past 6 years and represent the owner dealing primarily with the general contractors across much of the US that would be building their retail stores. Well this is where my naivety comes into play. Although they checked my references thoroughly, I failed to check with anyone about the integrity, character or personality of the company or to be more specific, the division I was to work for, within the larger corporation.

I reported to this new job on October 31st, Halloween day. From the very beginning, I felt out of place. Even though I was 41 years old, I felt as if I was a part time employee/high school student, being trained, disciplined and watched all at the same time. That very evening, there was an “Employee Social” with free drinks and hor d’oeurves in an outside patio area. At that social, I learned a few things; one being that I was the 10th person to hold that position that year. That’s 9 people gone in 10 months. Another, I learned from a person holding the same position and title as mine, who had (according to him) learned how to survive in the world of this particular company. According to this guy, a person in our position had to manipulate, disguise and shuffle numbers (meaning dollars) to satisfy our department head. Somewhat tongue-in-cheek I sometimes say “My integrity is greatly driven by the fact that I lack the intelligence to be a good liar.” Needless to say, I did not last very long, however I almost doubled the average stay in that position for that year. I resigned on the last work day of ’89 effective immediately.

That put me unemployed at the wrong time of the year for construction work. I was willing and able to do almost anything within my chosen field, so I started calling around to the people I had met and worked with during the previous 5 years. I still lived in my home State, which I have described as a “Gulf Coast State.” In just a few days, I received a return phone call from someone I had worked with previously. He wanted to know if I would be interested in going to California, along with him and his brother-in-law to work, helping another contractor remodel a restaurant. The details he described were acceptable and the money offered was really good, so he and I agreed to try it. If nothing else, it would generate some cash while I continued to look. At that time, I had never worked in California or even seen the countryside there. I had, however changed planes at both LAX and the San Francisco Airport.

The restaurant was next door to a motel, so the general contractor arranged for the entire crew, consisting of 10 men to stay there during the remodel. We worked very long hours and straight through for 10 days while doing what was called a complete “color change” for this chain restaurant. During that time, I was somewhat impressed with the general contractor on the job and decided to leave him a resume, “just in case.” Just as we finished that project, the man who had brought me to California, secured a project converting a large, but empty retail store to a very “high end” furniture store. That project was just north of the “Bay Area,” also in California. He wanted me to supervise that project for him and since I had no other offers on the table, I agreed. Now this was just 3 months after the big earth quake that did so much damage in October of ’89. By the time I got to the area, the Bay Bridge was restored and was open for traffic, but the freeway that had collapsed in Oakland was still in ruins.

That project only lasted 5 weeks and just as I completed it and returned to my home state, I received a call from the general contractor from the restaurant remodel project, offering me a full time job. He needed me to start immediately on another “color change” for etiler escort the same brand restaurant, but this time in Napa Valley. I explained that I could not possibly drive my truck, bring my tool and get there when the project started. He said that did not matter, I didn’t need my truck as there would be plenty of transportation available, and for this first project, he would furnish all the tools I needed and he would pay my airfare to and from this first project. So, again since I had no better offer on the table, I accepted and headed off to Napa Valley.

He met me at the airport in Santa Rosa and although it was late at night, gave me the details of his job offer while setting in his truck. He wanted me to become his third project manager, which was the only position receiving a guaranteed weekly salary. While we were on a contracted project, like the color change remodels, we would work whatever hours and whatever days necessary to complete the project by the deadline. We would not receive any extra compensation for these 60 and 70 hour weeks, but when we were between projects, we would receive the same salary as if we were working. The compensation also included all temporary housing. That would be with the entire crew at the motel nearest the job site during these intense schedules. Also, since I and one of the other project managers were single, we could stay at his large, oversized home near Riverside, when we were between projects. He also offered to include one round trip airfare from California to my home each month. The salary alone was more money than I had ever made, so what did I have to lose?

I talked to Jeff, the other single project manager, who had quickly become a friend and received all the good points as well as the bad points about staying at this guy’s home between projects. It didn’t seem so bad, although he said HE felt more like an intruder than a welcome guest. It was actually several weeks before we were all back in the Riverside area, necessitating staying at this house. It was not really inconvenient, as there were two bedrooms and a full bath upstairs, where Jeff and I would stay as well as a huge balcony/loft area. The contractor’s family, consisting of him (Robert), his wife (Sandra) and one 3 year old daughter (Jaime) and a well manicured poodle stayed downstairs. Both of the guests (Employees) were given a key and a code to the alarm system. The staircase was just a few steps from the front door and the only areas in between were a seldom used, small living room and a door leading to the garage. Many times either Jeff or I would come in and go directly upstairs without as much as stopping to converse with the host family.

They would offer to share the living areas of the home, especially the wide screen TV, but I think they also appreciated our decision to not intrude upon their privacy. Robert was a football fan like me, but Sandra didn’t care at all to watch any games on television, so I did join him in watching Sunday afternoon football if it was a game that interested me.

Downstairs, the master bedroom had a private bath and dressing area and was adjacent the smaller bedroom where the daughter slept. That area was removed from the living area and kitchen, providing sufficient privacy for the different people staying there.

Most of the time, our projects were planned and scheduled a few weeks in advance, so we would know ahead of time when we would be away on projects and when we would have time off. My trips back home would be planned during the time between jobs, so usually I could buy airline tickets at least two weeks in advance.

First Introduction

In talking to the contractor’s wife, Sandra (everyone called her by that name and not Mrs./Ms. Brown or Sandy) I learned she traded at a gas station a few blocks away from their home and she was always touting the advantages of that business. I decided to try it one day and discovered it to be an older Mobil station with service bays, like you would see in the 1960s before self service gas became so prevalent. They had a wash bay and a grease bay as well as a detached covered area where they did wax, polish and detailing. There were signs posted at the gas island stating to “Honk for Full Service.” Although all the gas dispensers were priced the same, they offered full service for any customer who wanted it. While I was there, an older lady driving a late model Cadillac pulled up to one of the dispensers and honked her horn. A very pretty young lady, dressed in shorts, low top work boots and a blue striped “Mobil” work shirt, hurried out from the office to assist.

The girl looked almost exactly like one of those models on a tool calendar. You know the ones, where a scantily clad beautiful girl is holding some power tool as if she knew its purpose. The top few buttons of the blue shirt were undone showing quite a bit of cleavage and the edge of a lacy beige bra. The bottom of the shirt was tied in a knot, just below her very nice sized breast, nişantaşı escort leaving a bare midriff. I don’t think I had ever heard the term in 1990, but her appearance could be described as the “Daisy Duke” look. She had that typical “California Girl” appearance with medium length blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail and a golden tan on all of the skin she was showing, which was quite a lot.

She was just a few feet from me as we were servicing the different vehicles. Unlike the calendar girls, she knew exactly what she was doing at the gas pump. She lifted the hood and checked all the fluid levels before informing the lady driver that everything under the hood looked just fine. She washed the windshield and then topped off the tank before approaching the lady to collect for the gas. I am not exactly sure when “Pay-at-the-pump” started, but this older station did not offer that option. The girl took the credit card offered by the driver of the Cadillac and brought it to an imprint machine located on a stand close to where I was servicing my truck. Because my Ford truck had two gas tanks and they were both practically empty, it took me much longer to fill my tanks that it did this girl to fully service the Cadillac.

After getting the signature from the other driver, the girl returned to the stand close to me and for the first time greeted me and fully acknowledged my presents. She simply smiled and asked, “How are you today?”

I was completing topping off the second tank by that time, so I returned the nozzle to the dispenser and started to remove my wallet from my hip pocket as I replied, “I’m doing great! And how are YOU?”

She answered, “I couldn’t be better!” as she took my credit card to start the transaction while smiling like that calendar girl I mentioned. Neither of us introduced ourselves and she didn’t wear a name tag, so I didn’t know her name. I would have estimated her age to be about 20 to 23, but I sometimes miss these guesses by a few years. Assuming I was close to correct, she would have been about 20 years younger than me, creating the “old enough to be her father” syndrome. I considered her “eye candy” and figured she was placed in that position for marketing and customer relations reasons. Girls don’t dress like that for comfort alone; she wanted to be looked at and was providing the opportunity.

In the few minutes she was so close to me, I took advantage of the opportunity she was providing. As she moved in different directions and into different positions, her lace bra was more visible at times. I thought the mix of her clothing was strange, but being in the construction business while having a preference for outdoor and athletic type girls, it was one of the hottest outfits I have ever seen. Her shorts, “oh my, her shorts;” they looked like they were bought to fit her ass tightly, but because her waist was so small; the waist band of the denim shorts hardly touched any of her mid-section. The legs were similar; they were about 3 inches long below her crotch, with a cuff that took up half that distance. The legs looked loose enough to place a hand inside each one and touch your fingertips in the middle. My fantasies are running as wild now as they did as I watched this blonde babe in this hot outfit.

The next time I spoke with Sandra, I mentioned to her I had gone by the Mobil station to get gas.

Her one and only questions was, “Did you meet Alyssa?”

I said I didn’t meet anyone, but there was one girl there, working the gas island.

“About 21, blonde, really pretty?”

“I don’t know about her age; but yeah, blonde, really pretty and BUILT!”

She laughed, “Yeah, that’s Alyssa alright! She will be 21 in a couple of weeks. She is really nice and Jaime really likes her. I think she is going to start babysitting some. She says she really needs to make some extra money and I would like someone to keep Jaime while I do some things.” That was the end of the conversation and I really didn’t think much about how that might affect me in the near future.

Labor Day weekend was approaching and the restaurant chain did not close for remodels during any major holiday, so everyone was scheduled to scatter for most of that week. Both Jeff and I were scheduled to travel to our respective homes and my employer, Robert was taking Sandra and Jaime to Indiana to visit his family.

Just a few days before I was to fly home, my 16 year old daughter phoned me to ask if she could go to the beach on Labor Day weekend. A friend had invited her to vacation with her family and she really wanted to go to the beach before school started back. She and I had already been on a vacation together in June, so I agreed to let her go with this family I knew and trusted.

Without being able to see my daughter during this trip home, I decided to forgo that trip and just stay in Southern California for a relaxing weekend of riding my motorcycle. I contacted the travel agent and was able to convert my beşiktaş escort airline ticket to a travel voucher to be used at some later date. It was not necessary for anyone else to adjust their schedule and some of the crew didn’t even know I was staying in town.

I told Robert of my change in plans and he expressed his regret that I would not get to spend the weekend with my daughter, but showed no concern about me staying at their house while he and his family were gone to Indiana.

He told Sandra and she approached me quickly to explain the possible issue with me staying at their home because she had arranged for Alyssa to house set and care for their dog. She said that if she had known I was going to be there, they would have just let me feed the dog and let it out a couple of time a day, but she had already promised Alyssa and she was counting on the extra money she would make. She did say she would talk to Alyssa and see what she thought.

I asked Sandra to please let me know as soon as possible. I told her I would be out of the house most of the time and only sleep there, but if I needed to make other arrangements, I needed as much notice as possible.

Sandra called Alyssa, who evidently put her mind at ease, by saying her boyfriend would be with her most of the time she was at their home and she had no problem with me being there also. For the week preceding Labor Day weekend, this conversation was probably the only time I gave any thought to someone else being at the house during the weekend.

We were all pretty busy with different task; mine was gathering information and prices for the next project to start the Sunday after Labor Day. As an afterthought, and since I was available, Robert asked if I would take him and his family to the airport, so they would not need to leave their vehicle parked in Airport Parking for 5 days. That meant I would also need to get them on Wednesday of the next week. So everyone could ride and carry their luggage plus have a child’s seat for Jaime, I would need to use Sandra’s mini-van to take them.

On Friday morning, I went into the office/warehouse early and then back to the house to drive them to the Ontario Airport for an 11:30 flight. By this time I had flown out of Ontario four times and had learned the fastest route to get from I-15 to the airport. Since there were two adults traveling with one child and they already had their boarding pass, we chose to drop them off at curbside and check their luggage at that point.

Remember that flying in 1990 was much easier and check-in was much faster than it is now. Also in that era, Ontario was one of the easiest airports to get in and out of, if you were in a rush. As soon as all the luggage was out of the mini-van, the security guards were motioning me to move on and that was all the excuse I needed. I hurried back to their home to park the “soccer-mom mobile” until the next Wednesday.

By now I was ready for five days of zero responsibility. My ’89 Harley FXSTC was parked in their garage, so I parked and locked the mini-van in the driveway and mounted up. Southern California was a fun place to ride a motorcycle in 1990 if you exercised just a little bit of caution and common sense. On the freeways, you could either take the HOV/Carpool lane or you could ride the stripes. This is also referred to as “Lane Splitting.” I have ridden in several States along the Mississippi River and along the Gulf Coast. I can’t tell you how many times I have been caught in traffic and been tempted to just go between the cars. In California, this practice is (or was) legal.

Depending on what you are wanting, Southern California affords almost everything a motorcyclist could want; from gravel roads through the desert (which I do not like) to asphalt roads winding through the hills, to the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) to major freeways. If you are not familiar with PCH or California Hwy 1, it would be worth your time to just do a web search and see what this drive has to offer.

By this time, we had remodeled restaurants in Anaheim, El Toro, Dana Point, San Diego, Long Beach, Brea and Redondo Beach, though not necessarily in that order. With travels to each of these locations, I was getting a grasp of the area and planning some trips I wanted to make on the Harley. One trip was to leave Riverside and head south on IH-15 to Lake Elsinore. For the readers who have never spent time in California, they refer to highways differently than we do in the South. We precede the highway numbers with nouns and adjectives like; Interstate, Highway, Route, State Route, U.S. Route, Farm Road, County Road, etc.

In California, all those nouns and adjectives are replaced with one three letter word; “The.”

So in the local lingo, I wanted to take the 15 down to the 74 at Lake Elsinore, and then take the Ortega through Caspers Regional Park over to San Juan Capistrano. Then I would take the 5 down to Dana Point and pick up the 1 (or PCH) and head north. Then I wanted to follow as closely to the coast as possible and travel through the beach cities and along the beaches until I got to Manhattan Beach. That would have me riding about 130 miles, but leave me somewhere around 70 miles from Riverside following the 91. As I planned to make this trip, I wanted to have time to “stop and smell the roses” so to speak.

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Breakfast Anyone

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My cell phones rings, it is you. “Hey, Babe, I thought you would be on your way to work.”

“I should be, but they are keeping my car in the shop overnight. Hubby is being the usual ass and says he is going out for beer with the guys instead of coming home to drive me. He said to take a taxi. I know he is going to fuck his big titted skank. Lover, I am already late, a taxi may take an hour, will you drive me?”

“When you ask me like that, how can I refuse? One condition though, you must let me pick you up in the morning and take you to breakfast.”

“That can be arranged, breakfast sounds good, please hurry, I will be outside waiting.”

Ten minutes later, you climb into the passenger seat of my truck. We are in too much of a hurry for me to open the door for you. Even our kiss hello is a quick peck as the truck starts to roll. The twenty minute drive is consumed with details of our day, intertwined hands, fondling laps and hot stares at your delectable body.

As we pull up to the hotel, I stop on the side and we make time for a deep kiss. My hands wander over your sexy body. Moving my hand under your short uniform skirt, I feel the beginning of moisture fulya escort in your panty hose. “Damn, I wish we had time” you whisper.

“I know, I know, promise me you will take your stocking off before you leave work in the morning.”

“DEAL, babe, I have to go” I pull up to the front door and you are gone without even a look back.

The next morning at 7:05, I am holding open the passenger door for you to get in. So as not to arise any suspicions, we are discreet in front of the hotel. “I thought of you all night, it was so nice of you to help me out.”

“Who said I was nice? This is strictly a barter deal, a ride to work for a breakfast companion,” is my comeback.

“Ohhh, is that all you are looking for, Fuck Daddy. I have nothing on under my skirt. I thought you may want to take me back to your place and you could take it out in trade.”

We drive around the back of the hotel. My hand is between your solid thighs, kneading the flesh and pushing toward your pussy. At the back of the property is a large, maintenance shed. I pull the truck up on the grass behind it. As soon as the truck stops, we are in each other’s bebek escort arms and lips. The lover’s kiss gives us time to touch each other as my hand moves under your skirt and you begin roughly rubbing my hard cock through my pants. A minute later, the odor in the truck is a mixture of female nectar and male musk. We are both horny and ready to mate. “Let’s get in the backseat, we can make love there.” you say.

“Sorry, baby, no love making now, it is time for you to be fucked!!”

Going around to your side, I open the door and slide your seat all the way back. As you open my pants and release my throbbing cock, you ask “What are you doing” “SSHHH, bitch, it is time for you to get yours.” To make sure you are ready and in the same mood, I reach under your skirt and slide two fingers inside your folds to massage your g spot. My thumb moves around your slippery clit. Immediately, you begin to groan and grind your body on my hand. A minute later, your voice is throaty and low when you tell me, “fuck me, babe, somehow fuck me”.

Those were the words that I was waiting to hear. Reclining your seat, I move you across the front until cihangir escort you are laying face down on the passenger seat with your legs outside the truck. I position your feet up onto the running board on either side of me to raise your ass. Your skirt is barely covering your plump flesh and I finish pulling it out of the way. Stepping up on the running board, my cock is knocking on your pussy. I move forward to coat the head with your juice before entering you. You feel me at your lips and urgently order, “I told you to fuck me, fuck me now and FUCK ME HARD!”

Who am I to deny my sexy lover her request? Grabbing your ass, I spread the cheeks to expose your hot, wet cunt. Without hesitation, I slam my cock fully into you. You reward me with a deep groan. After a few strokes, I want to be deeper and pound you harder. Climbing higher on your ass, I can now put my weight behind my thrusts. You spread your legs wider, allowing another inch to enter. Like two dogs fucking in heat, our only need is to cum. Every thrust is met with a grunt from each as our bodies have taken over in reproductive mode to guarantee a simultaneous release. Our sex organs grow, move and shape themselves to each other until two minutes later my white seed is propelled into your sucking sheath. Our mutual orgasm is trumpeted by a howl from each of us as we celebrate our mutual conquest.

As I slide down to again stand on the running board, I ask to no one in particular,


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Church Goers

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Ruth Cavanaugh was heavenly. She had an hourglass figure crowned with long thick red hair that cascaded to just below her shoulder blades. Her clear white skin was soft and radiant. Her small Irish nose was dappled with just the right number of freckles and her brown eyes smiled and twinkled with mischief. Her narrow waist emphasized the roundness of her hips, heart-shaped ass and her large firm breasts. Every man looking at her thought, “God, what I wouldn’t give to be the child who would suckle those beautiful breasts!”

Ruth only dated boys who went to church, specifically her church, regularly. That was the price they would have to pay if they wanted her. They would have to endure hours of sermons and hymn singing and praying Sunday after Sunday, month after month. God had given the gift of great beauty to Ruth and she knew it. No way was she going to squander God’s gifts on some pimply-faced devil’s child without exacting due penance. She had dated many young men, but they turned out to all be weak in the end and couldn’t go the distance. Driven by their lust they begged her to let them off the hook, but she just spurned them.

“No church? No tits, no ass, no tongue,” she would admonish.

“But how long must we attend before we get our holy reward?” they’d plea.

“Until the Holy Spirit moves me,” was always her staunch reply.

Ruth was a good girl and she was going to be a virgin when she got married, but she vowed that when she did marry she would be the wife/whore every man dreamed of marrying. Nothing would be off limits then. She would strip naked for her husband and he could use her body in whatever way he required. She would openly and unabashedly cum as if possessed by the rapture for his pleasure. She would suck his cock and drink down his seed as if it were communion wine or let him anoint her with it like some sacred unction.

Ruth liked to sit in one of the large box pews, common to old late 18th century New England Protestant churches, at the very back of the sanctuary. She liked to watch people at worship and she could see them all from her vantagepoint in the rear. Usually, some hopeful suitor would be seated beside her, but this week Ruth was alone.

Jake McGrath entered the church nodding his head approvingly at the pristine Federalist architecture. He had been looking for a new church since he moved to Cape Cod last winter. He had tried some other churches in the area, but so far none had suited him. Jake didn’t like to sit down front and he didn’t particularly like to sit alone so when he saw Ruth alone in her pew he decided to ask if he could sit with her,

“May I join you in your pew?”

“Why, yes, certainly. Here. I’ll move my coat”

“My name is Jake, Jake McGrath.”

“How do you do.” “My name is Ruth Cavanaugh. Pleased to meet you.”


Sitting down next to her, Ruth sized him up. He wore a navy sports jacket, yellow oxford cloth button down shirt, plaid tie, gray slacks and black loafers. He was of average build with medium brown hair and soft gray eyes. His hands looked strong, but there were no workman’s calluses and his nails were clean and trimmed. His smile was pleasant, no… charming, she thought, but he wasn’t anything special, really.

For weeks they met every Sunday in their box pew. They had chatted before service started and at coffee hour afterwards and became quite well acquainted. Ruth wondered why he had never made a pass at her or asked her for a date.

“He must be gay,” she thought, “but he doesn’t seem gay.”

Others at church seeing Ruth in her pew with this man every Sunday began to speculate on his staying power and no other man came near her while he occupied the pew.

Jake and Ruth sat in that box for an entire year and amazingly enough, knock-dead gorgeous Ruth Cavanaugh had fallen in love with ordinary old Jake McGrath.

“Well,” she thought, “I can’t stand it any more. Perhaps he has heard of my reputation and is waiting for me to make the first move? He certainly has paid the price.”

And so she decided that on the following Sunday she would ask him out and after exchanging their usual pleasantries she popped the question.

“Jake, would you like to go out with me?”

“Perhaps,” he replied. “You seem very nice and we’ve gotten to be really quite friendly sitting here, but I’m not sure you’re right for me.”

“What do you mean, not right for you?” Ruth had never heard that response before.

“Well, I only date women whom I would consider for marriage şişli escort and I have rules about that.”

“There’s a switch,” she thought, “usually I’m the one making the rules!”

“Like what?” she asked aloud.

“First, before I will date them, they have to pass several tests and, actually, you have passed my first test by being in church every Sunday for a year.”

“Really? You’ll never believe this, but that’s my first test for a date, too!”

“The next part of the test has to do with obedience.”

“Obedience?” Ruth wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that.

“Yes, obedience. They’re simple requests, really.”

Skeptically, “How simple?”

“Will you come to church next Sunday with no bra on?”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

Next Sunday Ruth wore a lovely green shirtwaist dress to church. Her large breasts undulated beneath the jersey fabric and the satin slip she had on. He could see her nipples stood erect through the soft fabric.

“You didn’t want to touch them did you, Jake?”

“Not right now, but Ruth you look as beautiful as the Madonna. Your breasts are so full and round that any man would want to touch them. I’m sure many men have tried and honestly, Ruth, I am a man and so I think it would be great to touch them myself, but I’m not done with you yet. Next week I want you to come to church with no bra or panties or panty hose on under your dress. Will you do it?”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

The next Sunday Ruth wore a lovely robin’s egg blue dress. She couldn’t believe how erotic this was. She was wet from just the thoughts of sitting next to him with out her bra or panties in church. For the first time she was having a hard time containing herself. She though about all the young men she had teased unmercifully by the withholding of her sexuality, but this kind of titillating play was just her kind of fun. She always had liked church, and this game just made it better. There seemed to be something really spiritual in all this temptation and delayed gratification.

The dress she wore was such that he could see her magnificent breasts swing and her perky nipples, once again, were erect free from the restraints of a bra. She sat in the pew stretching out her shapely legs from under her full skirt, but she had put on stockings.

“Have you done as I ask?”


“What about those?” he said pointing to the hose.

” They’re thigh highs.”

“And what about your panties?”

“They’re off.”

“How do I know?”

“Well, you could check if you’d like.”

“You’d let me do that?”

“I think it will be okay. I have a full skirt and we’re sitting way back here in this box pew. I’m sure no one can see in and after the service has started everyone will be seated and facing forward anyway.”

In the first part of the liturgy there is a lot of movement. Everybody is up and down for announcements, opening words, first hymn, doxology, affirmation of faith, the Our Father, two readings and the offertory. Ruth expected him to check it out during one of the readings, but it wasn’t until after the offertory when the sermon began that he slipped his hand under her skirt and slid it all the way up resting his cupped hand on her mons and left it there.

Ruth was wild. Her pussy poured out her pre-coital juices like holy oil.

“You don’t mind if I keep my hand there do you for the sermon?” he whispered.

She squeaked out a “No,” as softly as she could, but it was a strain. She tried to listen to the sermon, but it was hopeless. She could not get her mind off the hand that rested on her mons and the fingers that occasionally played with her pubic hair and stroked just the top of her crease.

She looked over and saw that he was excited too. His penis had become engorged and pressed hard against the zipper of his fly. “Atta boy,” she thought.

At the end of the sermon he withdrew his hand. They sang the final hymn, joined in the unison benediction and went to coffee hour. Chatting for a bit and finishing their coffee they left together and headed for their cars

“That was lovely, Ruth. Thank you so much. I am so proud of your obedience. You are such a good girl and your wetness was so sexy. To feel you all through the sermon was just transcending. Next week I want you do the same thing only I want you to unzip my pants and free my cock. It was very uncomfortable today. You had me so hard it hurt.”

“How can I do that without taksim escort anybody seeing?”

“I’ll bring a topcoat and put it over my lap.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

He cupped her chin in his hand, she closed her eyes and he kissed her gently on the mouth. Their first kiss, sweet and tender, was perfect.

The following Sunday Ruth again obediently dressed as Jake had asked and as the sermon began Jake slid his hand up under her skirt to her already soaking pussy and under the cover of the topcoat he had laid across his lap, Ruth unzipped Jake’s pants and his cock broke free. He took his handkerchief out of his pocket and put it as a layer of protection in case he should cum. He had planned on keeping it under control, but he knew he might not be able to stop himself if he lost control because of her manipulations.

For the first few minutes Jake did as before playing with the hair of her bush and teasingly stroking the top of her crease. Then he slid his forefinger down her slit. He rested it on her clit and then started to make small circles. Ruth stifled her gasps and let the sensations ride as her clit swelled. She almost couldn’t stand it having to subdue all her natural vocalizations, but she didn’t want him to stop so she sucked it up and let him carry on.

She was so distracted by his deft diddling that she almost forgot that she was supposed to be stroking his cock at the same time. Uncircumcised, he had become erect enough that the head of his penis had pushed through his foreskin. His pre-cum had already oozed out and so she used the lubrication to finger the flange of his dick. Circling around the base of the head she came to the seam where she drove her thumb up and down and then over his cock’s velvet tip. “Jesus Christ,” he thought, “she’s good!”

They both managed to tune in to one another’s threshold and back off stimulation enough so neither one was brought to orgasm which was probably a good thing given they were in church. And they both agreed, during the final hymn, that they were so aroused that if they had cum during the sermon their moaning would have made an unforgivable scene.

After the service, instead of going to coffee, they decided to hang back and wait for the church to clear. Secreting themselves in the robing room behind the altar they waited until the last parishioner left and the door to the sanctuary was closed and Jake taking both of her hands in his, began.

“Darling, I have never known anyone like you. You are just terrific. No one has ever passed my tests before and you have been so incredibly responsive. You’re so in tune with my needs, Ruth, I know you are the right one for me.”

“O, Jake. I have waited so long for a man like you, too. No man has ever made it through a year of church going, never mind anything else. You are just the man I was looking for. I know that Providence has sent you my way. Jake, you know how I have done everything you’ve asked? Do you think you could do something for me?”

“I think so, Ruth. Like what?”

“Well, it has always been my fantasy to have sex on an altar of this church. Do you think that you could do that with me? You know I have fallen in love with you and you are so sweet and I think you are just a perfect match for me. God knows I’m even still wet from this morning’s devotions.

“O, Ruth, darling, you have answered my prayers.”

But Jake? I plan to be a virgin when I marry so if we have sex then it will have to be without you penetrating me. Is that okay for now?”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“Let’s take our time!”

Jake took Ruth by the hand and led her from the sacristy to the center of the altar. Starting with the top button he unbuttoned her dress and slipped it from her shoulders. It fell in soft folds at her feet leaving her standing in loveliness in her white satin and lace slip. He slid the spaghetti straps down and the slip went the way of her dress landing at her feet.

He stepped back to survey her beauty. Her hands were clasped in front of her abdomen and her head and eyes were modestly bowed.

“Put your arms out like butterfly wings and look up,” he gently commanded.

Her arms rose as gracefully as angel wings and she looked demurely up at him meeting his eyes.

He backed down the two steps of the altar in awe. Her alabaster body glowed in the light of the sanctuary. Breathlessly, he took in the length of her. Beginning with the red hair that framed her sweet face and mecidiyeköy escort caressed her shoulders, his eyes fell to her large round firm breasts with their magnificent dark alveoli punctuated by pert meaty nipples. Following the line of her torso he continued down to her narrow waist, round hips and flat tummy, to where her flame colored bush decorated her crotch at the top of her athletic legs that were well defined but not too muscular.

His cock ached in its confinement. He stepped forward and putting his arms around her, looked up. Their mouths met in an open-mouthed kiss and they eagerly explored each other’s embouchure. The altar was just high enough that after releasing their kiss his face naturally fell into her tits. She wrapped her arms around his head pressing him into her, smothering him in the soft fleshy mounds. His hands found their way and he began to knead her orbs. His mouth zeroed in on target and he suckled one then the other of the succulent melons reveling in the mouth full.

She looked down and watched him like a mother watching her babe.

“O, Jake. Suck me hard, Jake. Suck me like you were going to get a meal out of them. That’s it, darling. Yes, hard like that.”

She let him feed for several minutes lightly stroking his cheek and brow and running her fingers through his hair. Then gently raising his head from the teat she said, “Now it’s my turn, Jake.”

She stripped his clothes off and threw them in the front pew. His manhood was standing straight up extended to it’s fullest. She pushed him down so that he was kneeling at the altar, which brought his face to her crotch. Spreading her legs she drew his head into her mons and moaned, “Eat me Jake.”

Using both hands he parted her labia exposing her swollen clit to him. He plunged in licking and sucking with the same hungry mouth that had nursed her tits and she shoved his head deeper to her.

Groaning and sighing in heaving pleasure she urged him on and begged him. “Slip a finger in my ass, Jake. Put it up my ass.”

Using her own dripping juices he lubricated his forefinger and slipped it in her anus and began plunging it in and out.

The intense sucking and penetration of her ass increased her cries in enthrallment. Getting louder and louder, she climaxed humping his head and smearing her sex juices that poured out of her vagina all over his face.

“My Lord what a morning!” she laughed. “I’ve never felt the power like that before! O, Jake, that was divine. Hallelujah!”

“Is that so. Well now, my angel, it’s my turn to feel the rapture.”

They swapped places and Ruth knelt on the altar. Looking innocently up she opened her mouth like a supplicant at the rail and, Jake with one hand on her head and one hand on his tool he fed her his throbbing cock.

She circled her arms around his hips and held on to the cheeks of his ass, one in each hand.

Gently riding his cock in and out of her mouth she tongued the shaft and swirled and feathered its purple head. She helped him come and go rhythmically pulling and pulsing with her hands planted firmly on his butt.

He moved his hand to the back of her head and began to thrust his cock deeper. She closed her eyes trying to concentrate so that she could take in more of him.

“O, Ruth, you are such a good girl and your mouth is so sweet.”

She tried to open her throat more as he every few thrusts Jake would give her the whole thing. She gagged at first, but he gave her time to swallow and recover and she gradually improved being able to deep throat it with greater frequency.

“I love it when you take it all, Ruth. Your sucking is exquisite. Take it all, babe.”

As his drive became more urgent he became less patient. He took her head in both of his hands and fucked her mouth mercilessly. She closed eyes as she gagged, but she continued to suck, opening up and deep-throating as she could and encouraging him by moaning and pulling on his ass with her hands.

He came hard and she swallowed his sperm. Sucking hard caused his semen to rush from his balls and as he cried out in ecstasy, she sucked him dry.

“O, God, Ruth. That was magnificent. Thank you. Wow! Whew! That was extraordinary. Praise be! Thank you, Lord!” he shouted to the choir loft. “What an incredible blessing you have given me.”

Spent, the two reclaim their clothes and walk down the aisle out of the church both agreeing that having sex there was the most religious experience they had ever had.

“I think we missed coffee hour, Jake.”

“Yeah think?”

“Yeah, I think. Let’s go to the cafe across the street and get a coffee there.”

“That’s a good idea. And Ruth? I have one last request of you.”

“You do? What is it darling?”

“Will you marry me?”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”


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An Afternoon to Remember

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This is an adult sex story.

All the characters are of the age of consent or far over it!

Any children named or mentioned are not involved in anything sexual.

This is story number sixty three (63).

I suggest you read story 62 first so you know the background.

Enjoy and thanks for the views and votes.


Out by the adult pool, at the Las Vegas hotel I was staying at, it quickly became an afternoon to remember.

My air conditioned cabana was at the back end of the enclosed pool area, fairly secluded, and the canvas sides could be open or closed on all sides as needed.

In other words, the cabana could be quite private when the need arose.

I saw her coming as she entered the pool area: she was tall, maybe 5’10” tall, with long blonde, flowing hair, curled. She was slender, lithe if you will.

Even from a distance it was clear she was a stunner.

She had a nice golden tan.

I found out a little bit later it was an all over tan.

Her big beautiful blue eyes were hidden behind large sunglasses.

She was wearing a white sleeveless sundress.

The shoulder straps were spaghetti thin; the front of the dress had a deep v neck that was open almost to the bottom of her breasts.

As for her breasts; she had them strapped in well so they weren’t moving much but they were big.

And she was certainly showing them off to me (and everyone else that was looking).

Certainly far more than a handful; and I have big hands.


She greeted me with a huge smile, a firm handshake and then, leaning in so much that those tits brushed my chest, moved in close to me and she kissed me on the cheek.

I wasn’t expecting that move, but my hands quickly got around her and we hugged for more than a few seconds, Stacy whispering into my ear “I needed that!”

“How was your flight?” I asked her and she replied “It was fine but I am really happy to finally meet you in person!”

As she sat down to my right, she bent over and I could see all the way down the front of her dress to the front of her lacy white panties.

There were no tan lines – at all (!) – and looking at her left hand I saw that she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring and had no marks to indicate she’d had one on recently.

As she got settled in, I opened one of the two bottles of French champagne that were on ice and I asked her if she wanted some.

Looking up at me, she smiled at me and said “Why not, I’m on the pill!”

That took me by surprise and we both laughed; Stacy reached out to touch my arm, which was a very good start for what turned into one of the more fun afternoons I’ve ever had.

Some college professors are sticks in the mud, boring and it takes a pair of pliers to get anything out of them.

That wasn’t Stacy.

It was if she hadn’t spoken to anyone in weeks and she started talking, almost non-stop.

She was fun, and funny, loved to laugh, told me jokes at her own expense and was a charming, and gorgeous lunch guest.

My eyes devoured her. And she knew it.

Stacy never mentioned a husband, current or past, or a boyfriend and I had two thoughts run through my mind at the same time: How come she isn’t taken and why isn’t she taken?

Was there a ten pin under her dress? Any sign of an Adam’s apple?

Assuring myself she was all woman I let my brain run loose with all the fantasies a man could have while I was falling quickly in lust.

My balls, recently drained several times at the yoga studio, started to fill up again at the prospect of making an initial deposit into this beautiful creature and my sleeping penis was quickly growing beyond engorged, ready to go where nature intended it to.

Thank God for the table to hide my rock hard cock.


There was an attraction, both of us knew it.

Stacy was constantly touching my forearm, rubbing my upper arm.

When she wasn’t touching me she was pushing her hair flowing back, with both hands, which caused her already prominent breasts to jut out.

I tried really hard to keep my eyes on hers, but to be truthful she was so fucking gorgeous that my eyes were roving all over her.

Her hair was long, flowing, curled and sexy as hell. I just knew it would be heaven to bury my nose into those golden locks.

Her eyebrows were to die for … lush but trimmed … they were the same color as her hair which led me to believe that the drapes matched the carpet, assuming there was any carpet.

Her face was nothing short of beautiful; if she wore makeup I couldn’t see it.

There was an exception: her lips. She had some sort of light pink balm which only emphasized the sexiness of her mouth.

Oh and that mouth, Oh My God!

That tongue of hers darted out etiler escort from time to time and I imagined it wrapped around my cock and those perfect pearly whites showed every time she smiled.

My cock got hard as granite just thinking about her oral assets being put to excellent use on my member.

Stacy caught me gazing at her breasts more than a few times, and she smiled and then squeezed my right arm with her left hand … which made me wonder if she wasn’t signaling to me she wanted my hands squeezing those heavenly mounds.

She got up to use the ladies room and I saw her backside as she walked away.

My first thought was “I hate you have you leave but I love it seeing your ass when you do!”

Smiling, I confirmed that her ass was just perfect for her lithe frame.

No Kim K ass for this professor!


When she walked back to the cabana, I took in the whole picture again and decided it was one of the wonders of the world.

The question was: was I just going to be a sightseer of this natural beauty or was I going to be allowed to be an active participant?


I had stood up to stretch my legs and with my eyes all over her, Stacy returned to the cabana but didn’t sit down, allowing me to continue to enjoy the view.

She said “Jack, I’d like to get in the water but I didn’t bring a suit. What can we do about that?”

I replied, grinning “If I can get you a swimsuit, will you go for a swim with me?”

Now, at this point we’d damn near polished off two bottles of nicely bubbly, so she was getting giddy.

I was horny and had the hard on to prove it.

Which Stacy noticed.

“Did I cause that?” she giggled at me and I smiled and nodded.

She came over to where I was standing and put her hands up to my head; her breasts crushed into my chest and with a smile and a look of lust in her eyes, pulled me into her and kissed me.


It was a nice kiss, Stacy had soft lips and she immediately started grinding her crotch into my hardness as our tongues dueled.

My hands roved too, over her back, down to her backside, where I discretely rubbed her very fine, very taut ass.

I say discretely because even though we were in a secluded part of the pool area, the sides of the cabana were up and so people could see partially see us through the plants and shrubs between us and the water.

Stacy kissed me like she hadn’t been kissed in a very long time and the way she reacted to my hands she hungered for my touch.

When our lips separated we were nose to nose and she whispered to me “That was worth flying to see you!” and then she kissed me again.

If the sides of the cabana were down I would have pulled up the hem of her sundress and fondled her ass, panties on or not.

But I quickly realized I could get to my goal an easier way, and breaking our kiss, I grabbed my phone and then took Stacy’s hand to the daybed that was at the back of the cabana.

Laying her down on the bed, she got comfortable while I texted my closest CYNSUITS customer service gal, who I knew was not more than 10 minutes away. I sent her Stacy’s measurements and asked her to bring some suits for my lady friend to chose from.

Getting comfortable with Stacy on the daybed, I had her lay with her back against the cushions away from the opening to the cabana, essentially giving her cover while we made out.

We got back to sucking face and of course, my right hand wandered south to that ass, and after a brief surveillance over the dress, I started pulling up her sun dress so I could get to her butt unfettered.

Breaking our kiss Stacy whispered to me “Mister Colton are you trying to get fresh with me?”

To which I responded “Absolutely.”

And with that she pulled up her sundress up over her hips and smiling at me said “That should make it easier for you.”


I was surprised that she didn’t have a thong on and I was hoping that she had taken her panties off when she visited the restroom.

But despite her wanton behavior with me, I was betting that Stacy was really a “good girl” so dressing the part is her MO.

Full back or thong, the cut of her panties didn’t matter to me as long as I was able to separate them from her.

Her ass was beyond fine: smooth, hairless and soft where it should be. Stacy groaned as I massaged it, rubbed it; lightly spanked it a few times which got her laughing and it got interesting when I started to move my hands under her panties.

Using only my right hand I probed, gently and gentlemanly, her crack, her Grand Canyon, in search of her rosebud. I pushed my right middle finger until I found what I was looking for and as I gently pushed on her rosebud, she groaned into my mouth nişantaşı escort in approval.

The more intimate I became with her, the tighter she held me, the stronger she kissed me and the more she humped her pussy against my large hard on.

I’ll say one more thing: Stacy wasn’t shy. Was it the champagne? Or was it something my UNLV professor Natalie had told Stacy? Or was it the money? Or was it me? Or was she just a beautiful woman in heat?

What I discovered when I went to remove her damp panties was that Stacy wasn’t wearing a traditional cut of cloth.

Stacy’s panties were just like a bathing suit with ties on both sides.

So, instead of fighting to get them down, all I had to do was pull on one of the strings and presto (!) there I was, my hand on her cunt.

She laughed and asked “Wasn’t that the fastest pair of panties you every removed from a lady?” and I laughed in agreement.

Just another kiss to seal the deal and her panties were on the floor of the cabana and my hands were roving not just all over her now bare ass, but I was starting to tease her hairless pussy.

“My God you’re big Jack” she giggled as her bare pussy rubbed all over my crotch as our tongues dueled and her hands ran through my hair.

Still blocking her from any prying eyes, I pushed her onto her back and kept kissing her while she spread her legs so I could finger fuck her.


Now, if you’ve read my stories, you know I love to eat pussy. And all the ladies I know loved to have their pussies kissed, licked, teased and pleasurably tortured before I allow them to cum.

But I couldn’t do that given where we were. So I did the next best thing before promising myself that I would dine at her Y as soon as the circumstances changed that afternoon.

I love it when women submit to me and on her back Stacy couldn’t spread her legs wide enough for my probing fingers.

With a knowing smile she aided her cause by pulling her dress up over her waist, allowing me access to my objective.

I’ll say one more thing: Stacy wasn’t shy.

I think she was so worked up she would have taken the entire dress off if she could have and believe me, I would have loved to have had her naked just then so I could enjoy the entire package, including that set of world class tits that had been rubbing up against my chest for the last little while.

I made a second silent promise to get those tits free to play with before the sun went down.

My hands roved over her smooth womb as we kissed, and her passion grew the closer my fingers got to her wet pussy.

I cupped her bare pussy to start things out and her hips lifted in response to my touch.

She was beyond moist; she was wet with anticipation of an orgasm or two.

And her aroma, it was a heavenly to smell. Stacy smelled clean, and I knew that I would love drinking her juices when I had the opportunity to. I just hoped it wouldn’t be a long delay.

Our fooling around was almost interrupted by the young lady from CYNSUITS, who saw what was happening as she entered the cabana and she wisely backed out, waiting quietly at one of the pool bars until we finished.

Stacy was very worked up and she loved it when I touched her slit, and her clit, and if we’d had those side flaps of the cabana down and as I said I would have eaten her for lunch right then and there.

She responded to my touch and my probing digits well.

Her hips rose to insure that I would maintain constant contact with her pussy and her right hand found its way to my left hand and she held it firmly to make sure I did my task well.

She was tight but she was wet and warm, and after some gentle rubbing I was able to get the middle finger of my left hand between those now engorged lower lips of hers and when I got into the promised land, slowly, oh so slowly, she couldn’t kiss me hard enough as her tongue slid deep into my mouth.

My left thumb, meanwhile, found her love bump and as I teased it, running my digit all around the base, very slowly and deliberately, so as not to set her rocket off too fast, she pulled her face away from mine and we stared into each other’s eyes like lovers do and Stacy came for the first time.

Her face was filled with love and joy; ecstasy and fulfillment.

After that first blast, she came again, two more times, quite rapidly, on my fingers and I cupped her pussy as she came down from her sexual highs.

“That was lovely Jack, thank you” and she kissed me like a lover, with care, and tenderness and passion, something that I had been missing for awhile from my wife.


I still had my own rocket in my pants and thank God, even though there had been a few moments when I thought I would shoot my load, I beşiktaş escort had quickly reverted back to talking baseball statistics and my man fuel, my baby batter, stayed in the tanks.


Stacy knew of my condition and after we both calmed down a bit, meaning for me, my redwood tree got smaller so it wasn’t visible in my slacks, Stacy got up, got straightened up, and said that she was going to visit the young lady from CYNSUITS at the bar and that maybe I could get into my swim suit while she was gone.

We kissed, Stacy left and I discretely changed into my swim wear and got in the pool, paddling over to the bar and getting an ice cold Bud Light.

Stacy and the young lady headed into the cabana, and in a few seconds, the cabana sides came down, giving them privacy.

About five minutes later the CYNSUITS girl left, smiling and waving at me as she headed back to the hotel.

Less than a minute later a very topless, tanned all over Stacy emerged from the cabana and quickly found her way to me in the pool. Her flowing blonde locks were piled on her head and the bottoms she had on were tiny, barely covering her pussy. Every eye, male and female, had their eyes on Stacy. Mine were devouring her.


“The tops she had were all too small, so I decided to go topless Jack. I hope you don’t mind” she laughed as her hands went around my neck and for the first time my bare chest enjoyed her long hard pink nipples stabbing my hairy chest.

We each had a beer while we talked, kissed, laughed and had our hands all over each other. My wandering hands soon found out that Stacy’s suit was a very tiny thong and I shared with her that my preferred swim suit on any female was one that exposed as much skin below the belly without being illegal.

“Let’s get a beer for the road” she whispered to me and then hand in hand, we made our way to the other end of the shallow pool and up the steps to the love shack.


Back in the cabana, Stacy closed the front flap giving us privacy but at the same time signaling to everyone who was around the pool what we were going to be doing.

But we didn’t fuck in the cabana that day. Stacy got naked, and then got me naked, and proceeded to give me a blow job that I will always remember because she told me a story as she made love to my cock with her tongue, her lips, her mouth, her throat, her fingers, her hands, her tits, the crack of her ass and her toes.


“I know you were curious about my love life Jack” Stacy shared as she allowed me to peel off that thong she had on.

I nodded, it was all I could to was nod, her fucking body was mouth watering and I wanted my hands all over it.

If it were legal to buy someone, I would have bought her. I actually wanted to own that body and the woman that was in it.

I was beyond smitten. I was fucking in love with her.

Then she undressed me and when she was done she said to me “I’m going to take my time lover and tell you my story. I’m going to tease you and please you and it will be worth the wait. But we can’t fuck in here Jack, because, well, you’re better than that and so am I. People like us to don’t rut out by the pool just because we’re horny.”

I nodded as she reached for my now turgid cock and began to slowly stroke me.

“And I’ve heard you don’t like hand jobs Jack. But it’s all part of the package and if you want this (she kissed the tip of my cock and I moaned) then you just have to understand that I use my hands when I pleasure a man. Not all the time, only part of the time. As you will find out lover.”

“Can you handle a little bit of stroking Jack as I bring you to a mind blowing orgasm or two out in our cabana?”

Our eyes met and she smiled and I nodded.

“Cat got your tongue Jack?” and she laughed as my cock jumped in anticipation of the pleasure I was about to receive settled into my brain.

Stacy lowered her mouth over the tip of my cock and I closed my eyes and started silently reciting baseball statistics.

Stacy was right, it was worth waiting for. She gave me the best blow job I had ever received. Not a top ten. NUMBER ONE.


Later that afternoon we made love for the first time up in my suite.

It was a fuck fest, two energizer bunnies going at it for hours without a care in the world but to bring the other pleasure.

Stacy loved me to cum in her pussy; I ended up dropping three loads into her wet snatch and as you can imagine, we fucked in every position we could think of, in every room, on all the pieces of furniture and the carpet too.

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but when I came, Stacy wanted me to be taking her from behind, doggy style.

She claimed that she loved it that way, my sperm would be planted deep inside of her and that she’d remember our love making because I’d be dripping out of her for days to come.

But there was far more to the story than just those stained panties Stacy would be wearing, as you shall soon read in my next couple of stories.


Jack Colton will return shortly.

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