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It was ‘that’ time of the year again, annual inspection of our rented property, I had been through hundreds of these inspections, no, you’ve got me all wrong; I’ve not lived in the rented house for hundreds of years. My husband’s family own a shitload of properties, ours included, I had been out with James on holiday many times and had been around properties that James was doing the annual inspection on. We got seven or eight weeks free holiday each year and all James had to do was inspect two houses a day while we were away. James could easily have done the inspection on our own house but his mother insisted on another member of the family doing the inspection, this year, it was James’s father Ron’s turn to inspect the family houses.
James was out, he had driven the village priest, Father Patrick, to the interdenominational council meeting in London, something James did four times a year and he loved every minute he was there, chatting to the leaders of every faith under the sun. Ron turned up just as the kids ran out to catch their school bus. I didn’t have any plans for the morning, well, above slipping back into bed after the kids left for school. I hadn’t even watched them as I usually did, I saw the bus pull up early from Amy’s bedroom window, all three kids were up with me getting their book bags sorted out. I knew that the bus wouldn’t leave until it had all the kids it expected or the scheduled time came around, so there was no real panic. I made sure that all of the book bags were correct and they kissed me and ran for the door; I was in my bedroom by the time I realised that they hadn’t closed the front door. I guessed, wrongly, that they had expected me to follow them down and stand on the doorstep to see them off.
I had slipped out of my dressing gown and was about to climb back into bed but decided, even though we lived in such a quiet village, I couldn’t go to sleep with the front door open. As I stepped out onto the landing in just my nighty I bumped into Ron, he had just climbed the stairs and was heading for his son’s bedroom. “I see you’re still sleeping in separate bedrooms then, so how long has it been?”
I mumbled, “Six years!” and headed back into my bedroom for my dressing gown.
I picked up my dressing gown and started to slip my arm into the sleeve as I turned to return to the landing but Ron was right there, just a few inches from me, I realised that my nighty had provided little protection from Ron’s view, it was summer, so I guess I was actually lucky that I had put a nighty on at all as it got so hot at night, but I had no bra or panties on and I was sure that Ron had totally spotted that point through the ultra thin cotton of my white night dress.
“You don’t need to put that on for my benefit, you look a lot better in just your nighty!”
I finished pulling my dressing gown on while Ron flicked through the sheets of paper on his clipboard, “May as well start with your room!”
Ron started looking around; he had a moisture meter that told him if there was any damp in the fabric of the building. He checked the decoration on the walls, no problems were found, the window frames were all good and the paint still in good order. Then he opened my wardrobe, “Was this new when you moved in?”
“Well, I’ll put it down on the list; you could do with a new wardrobe, perhaps a little bigger than this one!”
Ron ran his hand along the hangers, he stopped at my white poly-cotton sun dress, one of my favourite dresses for the summer, well, around the house anyway, it was a little too revealing to wear out in the street if you know what I mean? Ron pulled it out, I love seeing you in this dress, I think you should wear it without a bra on though, that would look really great!”
I followed Ron around the house, once again, the kid’s bedrooms and their play room all needed repainting because they had been drawing on the walls again, any other tenant would have been charged for redecorating ‘vandalised’ rooms but these kids were the grandchildren of the owners. As Ron checked the kitchen I made us coffee, Ron checked his watch, “Don’t you have to see anyone in the Library this morning?” It was almost ten o’clock, normally I would have been leaving to help people with their computing problems but I had a free day for the first time in over a year.
“No, free day today for once, I was going to go back to bed when you came in!”
Ron went back up to the bathroom next to my bedroom, he checked my peddle bin, there were three plastic sanitary towel wrappers in the bottom of my bin, Ron worked out that I must have just finished my period as I wasn’t wearing panties under my nighty, not something a woman would do if she were still on her period. This diyarbakır escort time it was Ron’s turn to turn around and find me standing behind him, “So, James doesn’t sneak across the passageway in the middle of the night to see you in your bedroom?”
“You know he wouldn’t, he’s not into sin, and visiting me in the night while I’m on birth control would be a sin, wouldn’t it?”
“But you’re not on birth control are you?”
“James thinks I am!”
Ron and I went back down to the kitchen while Ron finished off his survey and his coffee he said nothing more to me, then, as he signed and dated the last page of the form, he turned to me, smiled, almost menacingly, then said, “If you don’t have anyone at the library today, is there any chance of helping Sid Patterson out with his retirement presents?”
I shrugged my shoulders, I had hoped that we could get the inspection over and I could still have a couple of hours sleep, not that I felt the least bit sleepy anymore.
Ron took out his mobile phone and called into his office, Sid Patterson had worked for Ron for over thirty years, he was sixty-four years old and he was winding down to his retirement, they had his pre retirement party recently and Ron had given Sid a new, state of the art, laptop, Sid’s workmates had brought him a new digital camera and, although Sid still had a year to go officially, Ron had put Sid on wind down leave, Sid was only going into work for a few hours each day, as the garage manager, Sid had actually stopped working on the plant some years before but his knowledge was still invaluable to the other mechanics, especially on some of the older farm machinery.
Ron told Sid to meet us in the library with his retirement gifts and that I would show him how to use both. Then Ron closed his phone and turned to me, “Why don’t you give old Sid and me a treat, put on that lovely white summery dress and leave the bra off for us!” Ron was smiling but I knew that he was serious about the dress and the bra; I knew very well that Ron seldom made jokes about things like that.
The library would open at ten o’clock, so I had ten minutes to get washed and dressed, Ron drove me over to the library, he actually complimented me on my dress, I didn’t feel at all comfortable, I had to keep pulling the top up, I usually wore the dress with a bra on, my thirty-six inch bust really did need the support from a bra and if I ever went outside the house in the dress, I always had a t-shirt on under it, as Ron drove me to the library, just a five minute walk, so thirty second drive, it felt like my ‘Thrupenny bits’ were slipping out about ten times and I had to pull the front of my dress up each time.
Sid turned up in his old Land Rover 110, he had a plastic carrier bag with his new laptop and his camera, Ron welcomed Sid with a handshake and as Sid kissed me on my left cheek, Ron asked if Sid had charged the batteries in his laptop and camera, “I lad, batteries I do understand, batteries and big lump diesel engines, easy, these electronic things, I’ll never get the hang of!”
Sid, Ron and I went into the library, Ron was looking through the various shelves while I showed Sid how to switch his laptop on, then what programmes he had on his laptop, Sid didn’t have the internet at home but he had ordered it. I loaded the software for his camera. Ron was behind us somewhere, actually behind one of the shelving units, as there were no backs on the shelves, I knew that Ron was probably watching Sid and I as I was going through the steps to connect his camera into his laptop, watching us over the top of the row of books.
Sid seemed to be paying as much attention to Ruth, the librarian as he was to me, and as soon as she seemed to become engrossed in one of her administration tasks, Sid checked the door, the only window out into the car park to ensure that no one was about to enter anytime soon, his left hand slipped onto my lap. Sid didn’t even look to see where Ron was, he didn’t seem to care if Ron noticed that as I was plugging the Nikon’s lead into the USB port on his laptop, Sid was rubbing my upper thigh through the thin material of my dress.
The laptop screen burst into a full colour picture of Sid and I sitting side by side, the software had switched itself onto webcam mode even though there was no internet connection. Sid reached out with his right hand and pressed the shutter control on his camera and the screen went momentarily black, there was the sound of a shutter clicking and an imitation motor wind as the laptop set itself up for the next shot, then Sid zoomed in on the square cut top of my dress and the overly generous expanse of décolletage as well as cleavage on show. I was looking at escort diyarbakır the laptops screen as it showed the frozen picture that was being loaded into memory on both the laptop and the camera’s internal memory, two half moons of areola were peeping over the stark, white cotton that was struggling to keep my breasts hidden from view.
By this time, Sid had pulled the bottom of my dress up far enough so that his hand was no longer rubbing my thigh through the soft cotton, his hand was now on bare flesh and instead of rubbing his hand up and down, he was now rubbing his hand so his fingers were going down between my thighs and when his fingers got as far as they could before the tightness that I was pressing my legs together stopped him and at that point, he began pulling my right leg towards him before repeating the rubbing action.
I, for my part was looking at Sid’s laptop screen, Sid had tilted his camera down and had zoomed in to show just enough of my dress so that, with the other pictures, anyone seeing the pictures would know the legs belonged to me, and as I saw the white cotton gusset of my knickers appear on the screen with wisps of ginger hair curling out through the leg holes, I finally relaxed the pressure on my legs and Sid pulled them wide apart. The artificial ‘click – whirr’ of Sid taking a picture of his little finger, stroking against the cotton covered opening to my body gave me a jolt but nothing like the jolt I got as I watched, in close up details, as Sid pulled the gusset of my knickers to one side to expose my cunt to his camera lens, I had expected another ‘click – whirr’ from the laptop but it didn’t come until Sid buried two fingers deep inside.
I jumped a little as Sid’s fingers invaded my body, a little more as he took the photograph of his finger fucking me and almost leaped out of my seat as Ron put a hand on my right shoulder, Ron was standing with one hand on each of mine and Sid’s shoulders, looking from the laptop screen to my exposed and finger-fucked pussy. Ron patted down on both my shoulder and Sid’s as he said, “Well, it’s show-time!”
I watched as Ron walked down to Ruth’s desk and then he and Ruth walked down the library away from where Sid and I were sitting, right down to the far end of the room. Ruth looked back and hesitated close to the back wall before Ron pulled her behind a shelving unit. As soon as Ron and Ruth disappeared from view, Sid unfastened his trousers and pulled his cock out, he was hard as iron, not huge, perhaps only five inches long but he was about six inches in circumference. Sid’s hand, with two fingers gleaming with my inner juice, reached out for the back of my head and pulled it down to his lap.
It had been six years since I had sex but it wasn’t that I wasn’t interested in sex, in fact, the more I had got into computing and helping strangers learn how to use the internet and the computer, the more interested in sex I had become, reading online porn stories veraciously. As soon as Sid put his hand on the back of my head I knew what he expected from me, it was all theory, my husband, the only man I had ever had sex with in my life to that point, wasn’t interested in any aspect of sex other than depositing his seed into my, overly fertile, belly. To James, anything else would be a sin!
I had read oral sex scenes in around a hundred different stories so I knew what to do in theory and at the age of thirty-three, I was about to get my first ‘taste’ of doing it for real. I put every single thing I had read into practice, licking, sucking and bouncing my head up and down. There was a shot of bitterness in my mouth and Sid’s hand was on my forehead, pushing my head away from his lap, “Fuck sake girl, you nearly got the beans there, and Ron said he thought you’d never given a blow job in your life before!”
“I haven’t!” Came out in a whisper from my mouth.
Sid pushed me until I was sitting upright, then he told me to stand up, I did as instructed and Sid’s hands disappeared up inside of my summer dress, I looked nervously down the library to where Ron and Ruth were. Hopefully, busy. There were faint sounds of giggling and heavy breathing emanating from behind the book shelves. I felt Sid’s hands rub up the outside of my knickers and then his fingertips touch my bare waist above the elastic holding my knickers up. Sid’s finger nails dug into my soft flesh as he hooked over the top of my panties and he pulled them down, letting them drop to the carpet, “Step out of them!” Sid instructed and I complied.
I watched as Sid stuffed my knickers into his jacket pocket, then he turned me to face him, he pulled me round in front of him and used his feet to force my legs open, in a flash I found diyarbakır escort bayan myself, standing, straddling Sid’s hips as he sat on his chair. Sid did an amazing job in lining himself up with me, or me with him and at the crucial point; he pulled me down and impaled me on his cock. The seriousness of the situation suddenly dawned on me, I was being fucked in the public library, I was almost naked too and I had never known the library be this quiet in the two years I had been helping out in there, someone could walk in at any moment and my back was to the only window in the place as well as my body blocking Sid’s view of the doorway too.
I was about to jump up off Sid’s cock but he was ready for me and his hands were on my shoulders, holding me down on his cock. Sid began rocking back and forth in the seat, his fat cock started to move in and out of my cunt, just a fraction of an inch but with speed and pressure I was beginning to climax and I stopped struggling against Sid’s hands. As soon as I stopped fighting, Sid’s hands slipped down to the bottom of my dress again. His hands worked their way up my body, rubbing over every inch of the front of my body, all the way up to my tits as he drove me on to higher and higher peaks of climactic pleasure.
Suddenly Sid flipped the front of my dress over my head, my arms were still in the arm holes so my dress looked like a bolero jacket but it worried me a lot to be totally naked now in the library, that was, until Sid began to suck and bite at my nipples and I relaxed again. Sid slipped his hands behind me, up and under the back of my dress and slipped his hands over my shoulders again, pulling me against him as he sped up his fucking even more, driving me higher still up the climactic scale.
Sid began to breathe raggedly and even though I was on a massive orgasmic high I realised that Sid was close to his own orgasm so once again I began to fight to get up off of Sid’s cock. Sid fought me valiantly and held me in place. I felt the warmth of Sid’s seed flowing into my body and knew that there was no further point to my fighting him anymore.
If Sid hadn’t been holding me in place I would have collapsed breathlessly against his chest, ‘click – whirr’ sounded but how could that be as I could still feel both of Sid’s hands holding me in place. I opened my eyes, Ron was standing there holding Sid’s camera, “Well Sid, I think this picture will win you the sweepstake at work!”
It turned out that everyone in Ron’s business had known about my moving out of the marital bedroom and for the past six years they had been running a sweepstake on who would be the first person to get into my knickers. All twenty people working in the garage had been putting a pound a month into a pot for the past six years so Sid would win over fourteen hundred pounds and I had given him the helping hand he needed to win the money.
I struggled to get off of Sid’s lap; my arms were encased in voluminous cotton so it was a struggle to get my dress back on properly. Ruth still hadn’t come out from behind the shelves that Ron had pulled her behind so I went down to see if she was all right. I found Ruth on the floor, her skirt flipped up over her belly, her bikini panties hooked over just her right ankle, I was surprised to see that her pussy mound was as bare as a baby girl’s and her labia was gaping wide open, a flood of white cream cascading out of her cunt. Ruth had obviously greyed out at the point of completion.
As soon as I spoke to find out if Ruth was okay she burst into life, pushing the front of her skirt down, kicking her panties off of her foot and struggling to her feet, “Oh God Isabella, don’t tell anyone please, June will have me sacked if she finds out that I let her husband do that to me!”
Ron was suddenly at my side, helping Ruth to finally find her feet and balance, “My wife won’t mind one little bit Ruth, she’ll just be happy to have a night off for once!” Ron said as he brushed bits of lint and paper off of the back of Ruth’s skirt and blouse. As I stood there, a huge globule of Sid’s spunk fell to the floor between my legs, the fall wasn’t lost on Ruth as, just at the moment of Sid’s splashdown on the carpet, Ron’s semen did the same out of Ruth’s cunt.
Sid and Ron took me out to lunch, I was still only dressed in my white summer dress and nothing else, I got funny looks from people in the restaurant, without my panties on, my ginger bush was clearly visible through the flimsy material of my dress. Ron didn’t have his usual heavy meal, he, like me, had a light salad while Sid ate a twenty-four ounce stake. As soon as I finished my food Ron leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I’ve recharged my batteries, I’m going to take you home and fuck you until the kids get home from school.”
I almost ran to the door, totally forgetting to kiss Sid and thank him for giving me his own kind of helping hand but after six years in the sexual wilderness, I was determined not to miss a single opportunity and perhaps I’d even go on birth control after all.
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